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it's possible if you play around with units.json (or whatever it's called) but i don't like it because i haven't optimized it to do so yet

Edited by CT075
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Also, just a little question I have. Is it possible to randomize all of the enemies in FE7 yet? :D

Risindevil compiled a list of all enemies in FE7 and their offsets. As soon as I have time (After chaos mode release) I'll be making a randomizer friendly version of chaos mode, and at that time I'll be compiling all those enemy units into the main folder. (Ideally with cam adding randomizer options to randomize bosses, player units, and regular enemies, amirite cammy boi?)

It'll be about a week though.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys im coming back to dis topic. I've started putting custom classes into the randomizer cause I was bored. Classes like sword pirate axe cav and trainees ect. Also I was wondering for all of the monster classes I added in a while back, how could I get them to start with monster weapons? Right now i have free claws and stuff in the first shop u go into lol

Oh god what have i done Seth stop


Edited by Kobazco
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you may as well just throw them into the json file

with some tinkering you could probably add a parameter in the itemdata struct that designated monster or not, then match that with a corresponding parameter in the classdata struct to ensure that they actually get matched properly

primefusion is apparently working on a version that'll obselete this one anyway

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've figured out how to randomize FE8, but every time I do it, I get the same classes! Am I doing something wrong?

Same classes as in, original classes, or the same randomized classes everytime you try to re randomize. Ex: seth is a swordmaster everytime you randomize ect

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Hi! I found this through Google and have been trying to get it to work for the past few days, but it keeps spitting different errors at me:




I'm using Python 3.4.1 and (to my knowledge) the most recent release of the randomizer. I'm on OS X, but other people on OS X have gotten it to work just fine. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

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the first is most definitely my fault, i'll look into it

the second and third errors look as if you're somehow running python 2.x instead (as python 3 does not have that error)

i haven't developed extensively on python 3.x; i just ran 2to3 on it and called it a day. my motivation to work on this project was largely sapped by school, and then more life developments, and then school came back just after i finished sorting those

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I thought that might be it, since other people had troubles along those lines. I'm definitely running 3.4, but I had installed (and then uninstalled) 2.7 prior to that, so there might be some clingy files for 2.7 that are messing up 3.4. I'll see what I can do to scour those out.

I'm just thrilled this exists, because I'd been hoping for one ever since the old Pokemon randomizer came out, so thanks a ton for making it a reality. All else failing, I'll just bribe my friend to randomize it for me, lol.

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I thought that might be it, since other people had troubles along those lines. I'm definitely running 3.4, but I had installed (and then uninstalled) 2.7 prior to that, so there might be some clingy files for 2.7 that are messing up 3.4. I'll see what I can do to scour those out.

I'm just thrilled this exists, because I'd been hoping for one ever since the old Pokemon randomizer came out, so thanks a ton for making it a reality. All else failing, I'll just bribe my friend to randomize it for me, lol.

I can randomize it for you with monster classes included :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue Rankaloid was having... keep getting a syntax error whenever i try to open the rom file. I'm using python 3.4 and recently uninstalled 2.7 that i had from earlier and I don't know if there's anything left over from that that's messing me up or how to fix it. can anybody help me out? I'd really love to be able to do a randomized fe8 playthrough but i just can't make this work for me

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can you take a screen of the exact error? You may have to explicitly go open it with python 3.4, because the error with "<string>" doesn't exist past python 2.x

I'm also going to hijack this post with an announcement that I'm halting work on this project and considering it functionally complete. I will maybe release some extra bugfixes, etc in the future, maybe tidy up the last few hiccups with FE8 support (namely the whole "always 4 items" thing), but I won't bother going through for FE6 class randomization or anything.

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