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Have your opinion of awakeing changed?


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Nope. Called it before I'd even played it. Awakening is the game that sold the series' its soul for popularity.

Edited by Arch
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Way better than Chrom x Female Avatar, I can give it that much.

Not that I care much for this support in anyway beyond making the game incredibly easier than it already was, what I had inserted these words here:

Way better than Frederick x Female Avatar

Tbh, don't really care for Chrom in any capacity in any of his support lines, but that's just me. Don't know if i would ever think of Sumia being in any support with him other than getting Chrom!Cynthia. Not that any of this has anything to do with this thread.

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Okay, I hope you didn't just post that to annoy me. :/ This isn't a shipping war thread.

Edited by Anacybele
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Nope. Called it before I'd even played it. Awakening is the game that sold the series' its soul for popularity.

Yes, you called it Sir Overtroll.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Okay, I hope you didn't just post that to annoy me. :/ This isn't a shipping war thread.

No offense, but you, or anyone else here I don't know, are hardly worth the effort of annoying. My point is, we can go back in forth exchanging opinions all day. What does it really mean my insulting arbitrary video game pairings.(I for one agree, but that hardly has anything to do with the topic.)

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that hardly has anything to do with the topic

Oh, actually I disagree.

The topic is on "opinion of Awakening" and how it has changed or not changed.

For some people pairings are super duper serious and affect their opinion of the game.

...to a ridiculous amount I might add.

Discussions of how people see pairings as detrimental or adding to the game's value is perfectly valid.

It's also a chance to ridicule certain members here from taking said pairings so damn seriously.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It's an FE13 forum. All threads are shipping wars threads.

Didn't you see the announcement? It's FE14 now.

Granted, I admittedly hate this particular forum. In regards to the shipping, the western fanbase seems to have taken the initial shipping explosion from Japan because of MaMU and FeMU being able to marry anyone (besides each other) and turned it up 10x over.

I'd honestly say that joke strikethrough statement of yours is accurate enough to a scary degree.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Okay, okay... Geez. You don't need to be so harsh.

Obviously i do, otherwise you wouldnt get the message. *folds arms*


Yeah actually nah. I think im going to stick with the English supports and think of them as what they are. I dont see any issue with the pie and i think Chrom would be a total dumbass to pass up that much pie. Deal with it. :B):You wanna canonize the Japanese S Support, fucking go for it. I dont see how its superior. Yes, im liking something you dont like. :P:

Nope. Called it before I'd even played it. Awakening is the game that sold the series' its soul for popularity.

Oh you devil!


Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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No offense, but you, or anyone else here I don't know, are hardly worth the effort of annoying. My point is, we can go back in forth exchanging opinions all day. What does it really mean my insulting arbitrary video game pairings.(I for one agree, but that hardly has anything to do with the topic.)

Oh, now I see. My mistake for misunderstanding, I apologize.

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Yeah my opinion has changed.

I used to like it, and now I think it's okay. But that come naturally once you play the other, superior games in the series. [spoiler=Very minor but I'm not risking it, related to FE4]Now I see it as kind of a failed attempt at FE4's gen system without any death or sadness.

Edited by Duck the Brave
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The second generation lacks any meaningfulness behind it. In FE4, legacy, inheritance, bloodlines, mistakes of the past, revenge by proxy and feuding bloodlines played a huge role in not just the main story but also the backstory. In FE13, the second generation has no purpose. None of the kids aside from Lucina are important in any way and this is evident since you can only recruit them in sidestories that are not critical to the main story.

It's like I've been saying about Awakening for a while. Sure, it brings together many of the iconic features from each game but it fails to understand why those features became iconic in the first place. They just lack any soul, you could say.

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No, my verdict is final and it shall stay final.

Opinions can and should change, but not this quickly and drastically.

I really have trouble trusting people who keep changing their opinions on a whim like that.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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No, my verdict is final and it shall stay final.

Opinions can and should change, but not this quickly and drastically.

I really have trouble trusting people who keep changing their opinions on a whim like that.

While I agree that a decent percentage of it is probably hype backlash, there are plenty of people whose opinions can change as they get more experience with something. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that once the initial excitement died down and they played Awakening again, there were plenty of veterans (and even non-veterans) who realized the game was, in their opinion, not as good as they'd first thought it was.

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It took me 10 years to actually like MGS2, I think it's unreasonable to switch opinions after just under one year.

Unless they can make a several paragraph-long essay about why such an opinion change is warranted.

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It took me 10 years to actually like MGS2, I think it's unreasonable to switch opinions after just under one year.

Unless they can make a several paragraph-long essay about why such an opinion change is warranted.

While I admire your tenacity, I have to disagree. The majority of people are able to form educated opinions, and change them, over the course of a year. In the case of Awakening, I feel that many people dived right into the game, and didn't stop to really analyze the details of it. Upon actually reading into the game and thinking about it seriously, it falls apart. That's probably what happened to quite a few of us here, myself included. Thus, opinions change. Maybe not from a distinct change in attitude or mindset in relation to the game, but it is still a change in opinion nonetheless. Also, MGS2 has a good (or, depending on who you ask, mediocre) narrative, hampered by iffy storytelling and writing, compared to Awakening's lukewarm narrative all around. The Metal Gear series, especially the Metal Gear Solid series, takes a while to get into, in terms of narrative, much longer than a Fire Emblem narrative (and a weaker FE narrative, at that). Edited by Rollertoaster
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It took me 10 years to actually like MGS2, I think it's unreasonable to switch opinions after just under one year.

Unless they can make a several paragraph-long essay about why such an opinion change is warranted.

I feel the exact opposite. All it takes is a second or third closer look at anything to for an opinion to either change or settle. Taking 10 years is unreasonable.

And no, you don't have to write paragraphs (which I and pretty much every vocal person who disliked Awakening did) to justify a change in opinion.

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Once again, I really hate when people change opinions all of a sudden.

I should change my opinion tomorrow. No, I'm changing it back a few hours later! No, actually, I've changed my opinion about changing opinions on a whim, maybe they're great after all.

Changing your opinion on short notice without giving an elaborate justification makes you look silly and non-serious.

Also I wrote several hundred paragraphs about why I like Awakening. Where is my feedback on that?

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Once again, I really hate when people change opinions all of a sudden.

I should change my opinion tomorrow. No, I'm changing it back a few hours later! No, actually, I've changed my opinion about changing opinions on a whim, maybe they're great after all.

Changing your opinion on short notice without giving an elaborate justification makes you look silly and non-serious.

Also I wrote several hundred paragraphs about why I like Awakening. Where is my feedback on that?

"I should change my opinion next decade. No, I'm changing it back a few years later! No, actually, I've changed my opinion about changing opinions on a whim, maybe they're great after all."

It's the same thing

Your problem seems to be not with people changing opinions but people who go back and forth on their opinions which has not happened with Awakening. As far as opinion changes go it's either dislike->like or like->dislike on the game as a whole.

There is nothing wrong with changing an opinion, be it in a day or a year or 10 years. Especially since 1 year is a pretty damn long time. So stop complaining about people changing their opinions. Where are you seeing these people who keep changing their opinions on Awakening? I sure don't. It's pretty much one change be it gradual or sudden and again, I don't see what's so horrible about that.

You're basically complaining about something that isn't even happening.

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I should change my opinion tomorrow. No, I'm changing it back a few hours later! No, actually, I've changed my opinion about changing opinions on a whim, maybe they're great after all.

I should change my opinion next decade. No, I'm changing it back a few years later! No, actually, I've changed my opinion about changing opinions on a whim, maybe they're great after all.

Now which one sounds more like that the person actually means it?

I have a grudge with people quickly changing opinions exactly because it has the seriousness of someone flip-flopping, and gives off the impression it's going to change as quickly as it was the first time around.

You are right though that I value consistency above all.

I even have some seriousness towards assholes if they're consistently an asshole.

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Now which one sounds more like that the person actually means it?

I have a grudge with people quickly changing opinions exactly because it has the seriousness of someone flip-flopping, and gives off the impression it's going to change as quickly as it was the first time around.

You are right though that I value consistency above all.

I even have some seriousness towards assholes if they're consistently an asshole.

Neither sounds like they actually mean it.

Your problem is not with people changing opinions quickly. Your problem is with people changing opinions constantly. Which isn't what's happening here. At all. So stop.

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The second generation lacks any meaningfulness behind it. In FE4, legacy, inheritance, bloodlines, mistakes of the past, revenge by proxy and feuding bloodlines played a huge role in not just the main story but also the backstory. In FE13, the second generation has no purpose. None of the kids aside from Lucina are important in any way and this is evident since you can only recruit them in sidestories that are not critical to the main story.

It's like I've been saying about Awakening for a while. Sure, it brings together many of the iconic features from each game but it fails to understand why those features became iconic in the first place. They just lack any soul, you could say.

Well, while the Gen2 Awakening kids had no relevance to the plot, at least the side-story stuff we got from them lived up to some of the promise of apocalyptic horror we got from the game's opening sequence. I found the appeal of the Gen1 characters to be emotionally blunted in that basically a lot of terrible stuff happens to their offscreen clones with whom we never interact while they carry along having a relative joyride compared to their alternate-universe counterparts.

It teases us with death and loss and failure and then jumps up and goes 'Psych! Didn't mean any of that!' whereas FE4 absolutely did mean it. And FE6 meant it, and FE8 meant it, and FE3 meant it...

But that was one reason I got disillusioned with the game I while I played it (to stay on-topic). I expect this kind of Diet Coke Angst in fanfiction, but not in an actual Fire Emblem game I paid money for...

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