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[LoL] Ultra Rapid Fire game mode


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MANA AND ENERGY COST - All ability costs reduced to 0
COOLDOWN REDUCTION - 80% on abilities, activated items and summoner spells
MOVEMENT SPEED - +60 for all champions
TENACITY - +25% for all champions
ATTACK SPEED BONUSES - Bonuses given by items/abilities increased by 100% on ranged champions
CRITICAL STRIKE DAMAGE - Increased by 25% of base damage on ranged champions
GOLD GAIN - +500% of the amount normally granted on Summoner's Rift
Champion changes:
Irelia: Base Health 546 545.6 (this will be rounded off to the closest whole number)

Kassadin: Deleted

Master Yi: Q - Alpha Strike: Cooldown now starts at the end of the ability, instead of the beginning.

Ryze: Deleted

Shaco: W - Jack In The Box: Limited to 6 at a time.

Teemo: R - Noxious Trap: Limited to 20 at a time.

Zilean: W - Rewind: Cooldown is 60% instead of 80%, and the active now reduces the cooldown of his other abilities by 5 seconds, instead of 10.

Item changes:

Mejai's Soulstealer: Deleted

Sword of the Occult: Deleted

Summoner Spell changes:

Smite: Cooldown reduction is 60% as opposed to 80%.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm interested in trying Riven out, for one. That 0.75 second stun on a level 5 cooldown of 1.4 seconds, coupled with the knockup from her third Q, she'll be deadly in 1v1 situations. Not to mention the shield and ultimate, of course.

Edited by Raven
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This is so fun. This should be kept live with the removed champs and the nerfs reverted (unless those were jokes in the joke).

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Fun game mode though I've only done bots since I don't like dying :P. Leblanc is really cool with all that button mashing and accuracy. Ezreal flashing everywhere with his Q quickly refreshing everything. Also Soraka is Soraka.

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ryze being removed is a joke

also this is the best idea rito's had forever

To be fair it's in response to all those "give us WTF mode" posts and stuff. Also Soraka is hilarious.

Also bots are so hard in URF mode. Try it.

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All hail the mighty orbs

(No seriously I had that Dcap at 4 minutes. Those triforces used to be Sorc Boots, a void staff, and an OHMWRECKER, I just... I had a problem)

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This was my first URF vs AI result:


That Ryze though.

Later I played URF in PvP as Tristana and got literally shat on by an Ashe and Quinn. Then I played Riven and shat on literally everything, making impossible level 3 dives, 1v2 double kills, and all sorts of shit. I felt like fucking BoxBox. Also nothing better than warding deep into their jungle, TPing to it, and surprising someone from behind. I want this mode to stay.

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To be fair it's in response to all those "give us WTF mode" posts and stuff. Also Soraka is hilarious.

Also bots are so hard in URF mode. Try it.


Soraka - 16/3/21

Leblanc - 29/4/10

Ezreal - 26/1/12

Varus - 7/0/10

Syndra - 15/2/7

Bots are really easy as long as you pick champions that abuse how the game mode works.

Also Zed is pretty ridiculous on the map.

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i played udyr on urf mode

why the fuck did i think that would be a good idea

Did you spam shield and tiger?

I hear skarner is pretty op. That level 1 shield

Edited by SlayerX
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As it turns out the only thing needed to make Sion viable is to make him borderline unkillable.

And I thought Lux was some bullshit in this mode.

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Urgot is pretty much terrifying in this mode.

It was nice to flash back to that period of time two years ago.

I'm sad this won't stick around. After more or less giving up on League, this was the first game I played in months.

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If I had Hecarim, I'd abuse him for giggles in this mode. Hold down Q and don't look back!

As a note, this was a great idea and thank you for it

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