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Big NOCers - Game Over


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eclipse couldn't have targeted me, because then my announcement would've gotten blocked instead of delayed. If she targeted SB, my announcement would've been posted yesterday instead of today.

Here's the annoying bit about my role - if I hook someone, I can't hook again the following night. I "successfully" hooked Refa on N3. I put that in quotation marks because SB used his role on Refa on N3. Since SB's role empowers, my hook was useless.

I'll wait for everyone else to make a comment.

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Man, why didn't I think of this earlier?


Dammit Lord Helix.


Well, our Lord and savior hasn't led me astray yet!



Now, who's right? :V

I really don't have anything else to say at this point.

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That makes a lot of sense, actually. One more question: Who did you hook on N1?

I managed to fulfill the conditions of my hook, ONCE, on the exact same phase that SB used his role on Refa. I think I can pull it off again come N5, assuming that things work out.

guess she only hooked once, and when she claimed she did say her role was nerfed

I don't see anything else happening this phase

##Vote: Scarlet

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~ NIGHT 5 ~

Refa (3): Refa, Refa, Refa (REFA!)

Refa (1): Refa

Refa: Refa, Refa

In the end, Raymond just wasn't...


DRESSED for success.


Scarlet - Rui Ninomiya - Mafia Neighborizer / Godfather - lynched Day 5

"Yeah.", agreed some remaining villager guy. Scum had fought long and hard, but even their combined efforts could not blindside the town, which consisted of two magical girls, a dinosaur and some weird star doll thing.


BigBangMeteor - Mononobe no Futo - Town Mayor - won Day 5


eclipse - Witch - Town Roleblocker / Ninja - won Day 5


j00 - Yumetarō - Town Trump Card - won Day 5


Refa - T-Rex - Town Announcer - won Day 5

Congratulations to the Town faction for winning Big NOCers!

Edited by Prims
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IO Quicktopic - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/HcxsAuXTTcP

Mafia Quicktopic - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/xJnVCrLnDUFv (I meant to save logs from the scum skypechat, but then I didn't. Sorry about that!)

Neighborhood Quicktopic - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/YMB8VDWUGTLQ4

Graveyard Quicktopic - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/UTqbNvAKEztDQ

So, the set-up concept for this game was... actually no I didn't really have one. Yep. I really enjoyed Shadoweh's (hi Shadoweh I know you kept up with this game) Mirai Nikki Mafia on MotK which was a pretty balanced 14p role madness set-up that actually managed to be fun to play in and read, so having not made a small role madness game in ages myself, I was inspired by it to make my own. Originally the game was 12p, there was no Blacksmith and town had a very modified Interceptor instead of the Vigilante, but I decided to go 13p to give town a more reasonable amount of mislynches and fit more people I wanted to invite into the game. I think overall the set-up ended up being too townsided, but not drastically enough that it made the game unfun to play.

The Good

Like in CYOR and Spellcard, I attempted to give town an array of fun, interesting and usable roles without making the overall faction too powerful. Refa, j00 and eclipse sort of got the short end of the stick but no matter how hard you try, it's very hard to design a fair role madness set-up without a few functional vanillas here and there.

You are Billy Mays. Wait, no, that doesn't do this role PM justice. HI, YOU'RE BILLY MAYS HERE FOR MAFIA! ARE YOU TIRED OF PEOPLE LISTENING TO YOU ON THE INTERNET? EVER FELT LIKE FRUSTRATING YOURSELF BY ARGUING FOR HOURS ON END OVER ABSOLUTELY NOTHING? Well, you signed up for this game, so apparently so! You're the greatest pitchman there ever was and ever will be, and not even death itself can stop you from tearing scum a new one, Absolutely Free. At least, assuming they're willing to CALL RIGHT NOW for it at 6 in the morning.

Your abilities are as follows:

BILLY MAYS HERE (Night, Active): You're so loud and charismatic, you can ##Sell anything you want to people and they won't even think twice about buying it. Luckily for them, a lot of your items have their own unique application in mafia as well...

  • Impact Gel (Night, Active): The World's Greatest Energy Absorbing Closed Cell Hyperlink Material. Why are you smashing your hand with this hammer? Because thanks to Impact Gel you don't even give a FUCK. A player given this will receive a 1-Shot Doctor item to protect another player with at night.
  • Zorbees (Night, Active): This hyper-absorbant material is MVP when it comes to catching anything, whether it be cola, coffee, red wine or Scum Sho. A player given this will receive a 1-Shot Safeguard item that stops all non-killing action on another player at night.
  • OxiClean (Night, Active): Unbeknownst to its target audience, OxiClean is such powerful detergent that it can clean all the grime off a corpse to leave it shiny as new. A player given this will receive a 1-Shot Coroner item that shows them the role, alignment and abilities of a single dead player.
  • ESPN360 (Night, Active): It turns out ESPN's service covers a lot more "sports" than you'd think, one of them being forum mafia, which is excellent if you want to stalk somebody. Unfortunately, nobody ever realized this until now because mafia sucks. A player given this will receive a 1-Shot Tracker item that tells them who another player targeted at night.
  • Handy Switch (Night, Active): The most ingenious invention you have to offer can turn off another player's role PM with just the flip of a finger. Good thing Yume Nikki Mafia is a different Prims set-up. A player given this will receive a 1-Shot Vanillizer item that makes the target's role unusable for the rest of the game.
You may not give away a single item more than once.

You are the Town Inventor. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I like inventors, they're essentially a weaker JoAT since their actions are all delayed and they have to count on their target to use the action properly. Very fun concept to toy with. This role was mostly a way of sneaking in various roles I didn't have room for in the set-up as 1-shot abilities, plus a Vanillize to go with Manix's role. The protect and track were specifically intended to make up for limited investigation and protection on town's side. Before I added a vig to the set-up, he had that instead of the tracker. Coroner was because my set-ups don't give full flips, so I thought town might get some use out of that if they wanted to set-up spec (probably not a good idea, but information is fun anyway). Safeguard sucks outside of OC as usual, but it was there as filler, so yeah. Also RIP Billy Mays. ;_;7

You are John McClane, a wise-cracking cop from the New York City Police Department who, surprisingly, was not a role in Badass Mafia. Thanks a lot, Rein. In any case, you're very resourceful (part of being a protagonist in an action movie, I suppose) and have experience taking down terrorists under pressure, and taking care of the scum should be no different.

Your abilities are as follows:

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time (Day, Active): You have a chargeable daytime ##Kill with 0 shots. For every four end-of-day votes you accrue (cumulative across the game), you gain an additional shot. You may alternately obtain a shot if a phase goes by with no deaths, although this resets the amount of votes you need until your next shot. Your kill itself must be publicly declared and does not work in a LYLO situation (MYLO is still viable).

You are the Town Vigilante. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Again, this role was originally something very different. I specifically made this a day shot so that the vig couldn't shoot N1; I thought that was more fair on scum. Some trivia: the votal restriction was taken straight from the anonymous account John McClane's doctor role in Kilgamayan's Moriya Shrine Revolution Mafia, the first anonymafia I ever played in and also the first time I ever got lynched D1 as scum RIP. Also this is the second time Conq has been activist vigilante (the first time he's been one as town!) and the second time I've put an activist vigilante in my game only for town to NO LYNCH ON DAY 1 :salt:. At least it makes the best of a bad situation.

You are Linus van Pelt, a precocious young boy and one of the few kids in Charlie Brown's life who isn't a total jerk. You are almost always seen with your light blue blanket, which is so versatile you'd want to keep it around even if losing it didn't devolve you into an insecure wreck. However, Luke 6:38 says "Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.", so maybe in a mafia game the blanket see more use with others, just this once. Or something. Merry Christmas.

Your abilities are as follows:

Maybe I'll Make It Into A Bulletproof Vest (Night, Active): If nobody has your blanket, you may ##Protect another player at night, giving it to them and saving them from kills that night. If somebody other than you has your blanket, they may ##Self-Protect to protect their sorry behind once more. Since you're much too finicky to leave it totally unsupervised, you will get your blanket back should the player holding it die.

You are the Town Blacksmith. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Hey it's the most questionable role in the game! I liked the mechanics behind this role (1-shot doc where the target can sacrifice night actions to save themself, invoking WIFOM if scum knows about it) but it also meant town could have a BP MULTISHOT DAYVIG which would just be terrible with the Strongman dead. Even worse, since it was a last minute addition to the set-up, I didn't consider how it would interact with Bal's role until after the game had already started, at which point I realized town could theoretically have two infinite BPVs floating around which is just ridiculous. Blacksmith just isn't meant to be balanced in serious games, I guess.

You are Mononobe no Futo, a Taoist who sets other poorly drawn girls on fire and wears a funny hat. If scum have their way, the town will be as much of a hideous, disorderly wreck as the FftF Touhou thread, and as somebody who manipulates feng shui you will not stand for that.

Your abilities are as follows:

Dishing Out Votes (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Restrict another player to smack them over the head with a dish and give them a mod-decided posting, well, restriction. In the process, you will draw power from the dish and gain an anonymous vote for the day, which you may move at any time in your Role PM. Unfortunately, if the player breaks their posting restriction, they will also break the dish, and your anonyvote will be stuck to them for the rest of the phase. This ability will fail in *YLO situations.

You are the Town Mayor. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

- You have received a posting restriction for Day 2. Actually, since you already have like 6 of these, this one doesn't really do anything and is impossible to break. Sorry!

- You have received a posting restriction for Day 3. You must incorporate scripture into at least half of your posts made that day. You don't know what will happen if you break this, but it can't be good.

Also I'm realizing I handled your PR horribly since you'd only be able to receive punishment at the end of the day. You will receive punishment if, at any time, more than 3/4ths of your posts have no scripture.

- You have received a posting restriction! You must post a fancy dress or pretty outfit (can be on a person or character, I don't care, just make sure it's foofy) and post a paragraph reviewing it. You must do this once in every group of 5 posts you make today (eg once in your first post, then again in your tenth, then again in your thirteenth would be acceptable). You don't know what will happen if you break this, but it probably isn't good.

This was a filler role because LYLO-unusable mayor is decent but not a particularly strong claim, and because I think posting restrictions are funny. I made the PRs mod-given because I felt like otherwise we would just have MAX SIZE RED TEXT every day which isn't really that entertaining at this point and makes the game very irritating for the player. All PRs were made up on the spot but were always meant to be tied to the target's role and character, and I generally wanted them to be silly enough that the player could have fun with them. Originally, getting targeted multiple times was supposed to worsen the restriction (Raymond's D5 PR would've upped the frequency to one in four posts but given him an option to "cure" himself by posting a selfie of him wearing a pretty dress), but when D5 came around I initially forgot to give Raymond his restriction and then went "well he's kinda fucked anyway so nah".

You are a Pale Tussock, a fuzzy ol' moth common in England and Wales. Nothing has a greater sense of justice than a cute little bug (they beat Dark Types for a reason), so you've flown all the way here to fuck up some scum.

Your abilities are as follows:

Cop Critter (Night, Active): Each night you may ##Scan another player, fluttering around the light emanating from the color of the alignment in their role PM and determining whether they're Guilty or Not Guilty. Unfortunately, the color red is just a little too bright, so the light emanating off of a Guilty result will mess up your flight patterns and remove your role for the rest of the game.

You are the Town Cop. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Moths are basically the cutest bugs. I wanted to see if I could balance a Cop without having it suck to the point of being nearly negligible (1-shot cop, Satori from spellcard, being mafia-aligned, etc) and this + the Miller and Godfather is what I came up with. Overall I think it was pretty fair, it also probably warranted a different playstyle than a usual cop since you'd benefit more from racking up town clears for lategame. Otherwise, there's not much you can say about a cop...

You are the Pitcher, some girl from Rhythm Heaven Fever who makes a living throwing balls at a fat guy in front of a live audience. The main draw of your pitches is that they supposedly stop in place mid-flight, but actually you're just a huge fraud who trained a monkey to catch and throw balls then shoved it behind a curtain. Did you think this was Backyard Baseball?

Your abilities are as follows:

Exhibition Match (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Empower another player, catching their night action then tossing it at their intended target with guaranteed success. Unfortunately, since you still have that "magic curtain" set up, the player will have to wait for the monkey to complete the toss, delaying their action's completion until the following night. Your target will just be told their action has not yet resolved. If this seems too slow for you, you may alternately ##Empower 2 somebody to throw super hard and skip the delay, but this will tire you out, forcing you to idle this ability on the following night.

You are the Town Empowerer. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I really underestimated this role while balancing the set-up. In hindsight it should not have been able to affect kills, and eclipse's role probably should've been given a buff in exchange. Also the actual empower was a last minute edition because I went "wait this is really shitty if you try to use it as an actual empowerer" but didn't want to change the name.

You are Rche, a blonde "angel" of indeterminate gender who represents Pride. Life was fine and dandy in the Lincle Kingdom, until a strange man with a funny face came down from the heavens one day to request "Seven Deadly Sins postgame". Since you're clearly the best, cutest and smarterest sin there is, you were sent to finish a mafia game on behalf of everyone and put a stop to this turmoil. You know, since Prims writes postgames a lot and everything. Maybe you should talk to Bulluvegola about that.

Your abilities are as follows:

JUST a Little Bit Arrogant (Night, Active): People say pride comes before the fall, but that never applies in mafia, where being a stuck-up douchebag is how people like Life win games. Each night, you may ##Motivate X to Y. That night, Player X will feel smug enough to carry out another set of night actions, and use any non-factional abilities they were carrying out on Player Y as well.

Being Classified As A "Mafia Member": Being a demon doesn't really lend well to one's popularity. Cops will take one look at you and assume you are a Mafia Motivator instead. Additionally, should you claim anything about your role other than alignment or the fact that you lose your role if you claim it (this includes character, miller status and your motivator ability), nobody will trust you and your ##Motivate will become unusable. This is a "spirit of the rule" type condition, so saying stuff like "Guys I'm definitely not a dude wearing thighhighs who motivates people and scans as scum, honest" will still incur the penalty.

You are the Town Miller / Motivator. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


This was entirely an asshole role. The concept was as follows: Miller is (theoretically) strong negative utility. Motivator is (theoretically) a fun town role. However, in practice, miller just gets claimed D1 and makes the player obvtown, and motivator is just really really townie to claim. Since I despise modkilling people for claiming their role, I came up with a role that gave the player incentive not to claim without being lame. The way the motivate itself functioned was also modified to make it less obvtown and more difficult to use properly. I like the motivate half but I'm not sure I'd re-use the miller variant; Bal asked me if it was OK to breadcrumb and I wasn't really certain how to handle that because I could only vanillize him over it if I actually noticed the crumb. Anyway I'd link to the gachimuchi version of Rche's song but eclipse would probably ban me or something. Also, I actually did write postgame this time!

You are T-Rex, a clipart dinosaur who consistently appears in all 6 panels of each of the aptly named Dinosaur Comics (explained better than I possibly could here). For a house-stomping piece of history you are PRETTY DANG PUMPED about everything and it seems mafia is no exception!!

Your abilities are as follows:

Prehistoric Copy-Pasting (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Announce a message to be posted at the start of the following day phase, the sole restriction being that this message must be in the format of a Dinosaur Comic. You may not modify the basic template to fit in more words or attempt any similiar exploits.

You are the Town Announcer. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

This was another role I added in just to amuse myself. Refa did make some good comics at least! Originally he was also a Loudmouth unless he died on the same night but I changed that last minute as town didn't really need the buff. Plus I couldn't think of good flavor for it. Town Announcer + buffed Mafia Insomniac was kind of questionable from a rolespec PoV but I did sort of have those roles together as town in CYOR, so I guess it wasn't that horrible.

You are Witch, a blonde magician girl with an incredibly self-validating name. All your spells are themed after stars and other cosmic entities, which would be pretty intimidating if they did more than make puyo rain down from the sky. Still, you'll see to it you're the meanest magic student scum's ever met!

Your abilities are as follows:

Let's Play Puyo Puyo (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Prime another player. Once at least one living player is primed, you may use the command ##Chain to crush all primed players under a row of garbage puyo, stopping their action that night and clearing your list of primed players. You may not do this and prime somebody in the same night.

Oops, Nevermind (Day, Active): If you decide one of your previous targets was a bad idea, you may ##Spare them publicly in-thread. Doing so will remove them from your list of primed players, but you will be unable to prime somebody the following night.

Darkness of Mafia (Night, Passive): Turns out it's not easy to track down magic users, since it's not like they need to actually leave their house to fry a motherfucker with a spell if they really want to. Your night actions are invisible to investigative roles.

You are the Town Roleblocker / Ninja. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

This role was not very strong but I think eclipse vastly underrated it. I imagined it would be used to stock up on blocks, then attempt to force a no-kill and narrow down the suspects late in the game, which is reasonably strong all things considered. The main problem was that it was totally overshadowed in context by the empowerer's ability to stop kills. If I nerfed the empowerer I would probably buff this by making it able to prime and block in the same night in exchange for a forced idle on the following night. Ninja was another last-minute thing I did to give the Rolecop fakeclaim some legitimacy and make it so people wouldn't find it weird that the Insomniac / Jailkeeper would be the only town player with a two-part role name if town. There was at least a 1-shot tracker! Maybe two if Bal got lucky.

You are Yumetarō, the heroic star-wielding doll protagonist of Gimmick!, an obscure NES platformer with a rad-as-hell soundtrack. In your travels, you've discovered six magic items, and perhaps if you can collect all of them, you can enter the mysterious secret stage and destroy the scum once and for all...

Your abilities are as follows:

A Gimmicky Role (Day, Active): Once in the game, you may post the command ##Ascend to gain the accumulative powers of all dead town players, including any that might die after you use this command. HOWEVER! This command will fail unless you have all six magic items, each "obtainable" by achieving or keeping up a set goal:

  • 1. You must be one of the thread's top 3 posters (click on the replies from the Mafia forum if you need to check), not counting dead people or non-players.
  • 2. Your first post of each day past D2 must contain a picture summarizing the previous day and night's events. Artistic talent is not required, but try to chip in some level of effort.
  • 3. At least four town-aligned players must have died.
  • 4. At least two of Haze, Helios, Obviam, Psych, and Rocker64 must have posted in the game thread (you are allowed to contact them and tell them it's for your role without penalty).
  • 5. Once per day, you must post and justify a tier list of all the flipped roles and unflipped claims in the game (I will be lenient about missing claims). Refer to SFMM1 for an example of how to handle this. Note that daily goals such as this and your picture must be completed BEFORE you attempt to use your day command.
  • 6. You must have hammered at least one lynch wagon.
Should you claim any of these conditions before using your power, the effects of your role will be delayed a phase - eg, if you successfully ascend on Day 3, but claimed the mechanics behind two of your conditions, you will not actually gain your new powers until Day 4.

You are the Town Trump Card. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I blatantly stole this role from another forum. It's actually been used here before (the Kaoz role in SFMM3) and originally was going to be a 1-shot DO ANYTHING YOU WANT ability like it was there, but I thought that was boring in practice as it'd always be used as a cop or vig, so you got OMNIBACKUP. The conditions were, like BBM's role, intended to amuse me. Also I freaked out when j00 pasted her role PM to the players she had to convince to post considering Psych was on the list, but luckily he didn't fuck up my game. Thanks Psych <3

Gimmick! is a really cool game, I highly recommend trying it out if you're willing to emulate it or are just rich / have good connections. At least watch cyghfer's AGDQ speedrun of it.

The Bad

The mafia team was small but I think it was reasonably balanced - no stand-out roles but decent claims and enough power for them to get by - which is why I'd nerf the town rather than buff the scum if I wanted to change up the set-up.

You are Piplup, a small penguin Pokemon specializing in water-type attacks. Everybody likes you because penguins are just naturally funny and hey, you're a cute bird. Unfortunately, you have a strong sense of pride and totally resent this, so it's time to take down the town for being so condescending.

As a member of the mafia, you have the following factional abilities:

Buddies!: You may talk with your scumbuddies, Vhaltz and Scarlet, in this quicktopic at any time.

Factional Nightkill: Each night, one mafia member may ##Nightkill another player. Your guess as to what this does is as good as mine but it probably involves a dead body. Scum may kill and use an active ability in the same night.

Your abilities are as follows:

Roledor Sleuth (Night, Active): Being small and innocent-looking makes you very inconspicuous, which is convenient if you wanted to, say, spy on people. Each night, you may ##Scan another player and learn their role name.

Bide-ing Your Time (Omniphase, Passive): You're too proud to accept gifts from people, but stealing them from a guy should the opportunity arrise? Yeah, that's fair game. If another player loses their role for whatever reason, you will obtain a portion of it and be able to use it alongside any other night actions. You will also learn why they lost their role in the first place.

You are the Mafia Rolecop / Backup. You win when you acheive parity with the town.

The flavor here was a meta-joke where it was obviously a throwback to SSBU but didn't explicitly reference the Piplup role PM like I have in at least three games now (Anonymafia, CYOR, SFMM3, possibly more?). I almost handpicked Paper for the role but he hates playing as scum and handpicking is kinda silly anyway so I didn't.

I did not expect Manix to claim the way he did. I'd call it an oversight but I think it was just creative play on his part and the claim was still questionable so it ended up being pretty fair in the end. This role could've given scum an actual unlimited jail had Bal been pressed to claim, which was pretty strong. The other backups were worthless beyond informing scum somebody got a guilty (Cop) and a wildcard (Vanillize invention). Theoretically he could've gotten a fourth if two vanillizers were passed out via motivate and both players used the item, which was legitimately something I didn't think through very well.

You are Van Darkholme, a gay BDSM actor and director and Professional Gachimuchi Pants Wrestler (NSFW). As a director, you want to get all the different types, you know, the skinhead, leather, tattoo, piercing types, and you also want the, BOY♂NEXT♂DOOR. Anyway, if there's one thing true about mafia games, it's that townies are all homophobes like Ammy who don't appreciate gay porn MADs being posted on their profiles, so much like Cameron "Creamstew Ikeda" Sage should, why don't they get fucked?

As a member of the mafia, you have the following factional abilities:

Buddies!: You may talk with your scumbuddies, Manix and Scarlet, in this quicktopic at any time.

Factional Nightkill: Each night, one mafia member may ##Nightkill another player. Your guess as to what this does is as good as mine but it probably involves a dead body. Scum may kill and use an active ability in the same night.

Your abilities are as follows:

Deep Dark Fantasy (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Jail another player and tie them up, preventing them from carrying out their night action. Additionally, killers will see their helpless target and assume they got the wrong door (they thought the leather club was two blocks down but apparently not), opting to leave them alone that night.

Dungeon Master (Night, Passive): You're an artist. You're a PERFORMANCE artist. Each night, you will retreat to your deep, dark, dungon, from where you may publicly post about whatever you want in the game thread for everybody to see, on the condition that you post at least one Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling video that night (posting but failing to deliver will result in a modkill).

You are the Mafia Jailkeeper / Insomniac. You win when you acheive parity with the town.

Pretty generic scum roleblocker, although Jailkeeper being its claim weaked it a bit. It was probably more fair when the set-up did not have a full-time protective role, but also kind of a dickpunch for town. Insomniac was just there because I'm Prims and I like insomniacs. Gachimuchi is my favorite nicovideo source / meme which is where my alias in Presidential came from (note that eclipse never interfered there fACzvKb.gif).

You are Rui Ninomiya, an idealistic young programmer looking to improve the world through technology granted to you by some asshole alien, namely, Intense Social Networking. Clearly obsessively checking Facebook has only made life better for people. Although you only want to help society, if there's any side of humanity that's especially flawed, it's the people who play forum mafia games (seriously, read Inception Mafia), so you're of course going to have to wipe out the town before you can make any real progress.

As a member of the mafia, you have the following factional abilities:

Buddies!: You may talk with your scumbuddies, Manix and Vhaltz, in this quicktopic at any time.

Factional Nightkill: Each night, one mafia member may ##Nightkill another player. Your guess as to what this does is as good as mine but it probably involves a dead body. Scum may kill and use an active ability in the same night.

Your abilities are as follows:

SoCal Networking (Night, Active): Each night, you may ##Neighborize another player, commanding X to give them access to the CROWDS app (read: your neighbor quicktopic). Neighbors are free to use OC with eachother as much as they want, but won't be exempt from any other rules while doing so (give the mod logs!). Additionally, should you nightkill a player using the CROWDS, you will instead destroy their digital avatar, bypassing any protection that might save them from death.

They Make These Things Sturdy (Omniphase, Passive): You are an avid crossdresser and have a 1-shot bulletproof dress that allows you to survive an attempt on your life. While this is active, you will appear as a Town Neighborizer to investigations, because SF Town is pretty gay and nobody in drag could be scum or anything.

You are the Mafia Neighborizer / Godfather. You win when you acheive parity with the town.

Neighborizer with one big quicktopic, like Insomniac, is a role I like and enjoy watching play out. I'm not gonna lie, I pretty much only made it scum because it's a solid claim and the game that directly inspired this one also had Conq the scum neighborizer who got caught by me on an offhand read D1 8). The strongman modifier was added in late, I figured it would be pretty interesting and a decent counter to the blacksmith. Godfather was just there because hey, there's a cop. Also the Godfather and Miller both being androgynous is kinda funny.

PRIMS POSTGAME Pt. 2: The Players

Paperblade: Next time I'll have to rig you as scum for real so you stop dying N1 in my invitationals. Good D1 reads, I didn't really agree with the case on you as I thought your posts were alright for earlygame and anybody throwing meta around should've figured out really easily that it wasn't scum!you.

Balcerzak: I don't have much to say because you didn't really do much of anything. Sucks that you ended up being busy, I usually like watching you play when you're actually able to devote time to a game. Maybe in the future try to at least get online to alert the mod, but I don't really know what your situation was or if that was feasible.

Vhaltz: Regarding the meta issue - IMO player knowledge should be what you use to decide "is this case feasible or not?" but never the basis for an actual case. When somebody is actively relying on (or pretending to rely on) meta-tells to scumhunt when they barely have experience with half the players, I think their ability to read people objectively is going to suffer for it (see: Inception, also it's pretty unfortunate that MotK's site meta basically encourages that :C ). However looking over your ISO I don't think you were really that bad about meta this game (contrast giving up a case on scorri as scum because I said she was playing to her town meta with no given explanation, when you had never played with her) and I'm not sure why people got super irritated at you... In any case, Mafia MVP for making such a solid impression in the small time you were around that people were suspicious of Elieson but taking back their read because of how obvtown you were.

Manix: imo your scum play tends to be transparent because you're a lot more apathetic, I'm pretty sure you know this already but it really hasn't changed and I felt like you got lynched in part for failing to ever build up a significant town impression. I imagine that was in part because you were busy though. Your claim was ballsy and apparently believable so good job on that. GJ on finding the cop, too.

Kaoz: Well-written posts but questionable reads. Since you seem to have trouble reading people but don't frequently play you might benefit from spectating some games without IO and trying to figure out alignments as practice; maybe keep a thoughts quicktopic or ask the mod for the graveyard and use that or something. Also I question why you'd scan Conq N1 over a more background player, he was an "obvtown" large presence and usually those die off quickly and are only worth scanning lategame, though I don't know how you perceived him.

Strege: Next time read your role PM more thoroughly! Both you and j00 missed parts of your role PM at first, I'm not sure how that happens. I don't have too much to say to you because I think your lynch came about from scum pushing you over your poor reads rather than you making a huge mistake. Same deal as with Kaoz; you write solid, readable posts, but obviously just saying "have better reads" isn't gonna help out too much

SB: I don't have much to say about your play but I thought it was fine. In the end you got shot for having a dangerous role, kinda lucky that it was right when you were about to case a townie.

Elieson: My #1 tell for reading you has traditionally just been that you make a lot more sense as town, and given that people were calling you out on questionable logic in this game that's probably worth thinking about. If your pre-/in notes don't make sense out of context it's up to you to turn them into something legible! Once you got back on your feet you were reasonable enough for your slot to stick it out, but messaging Conq out-of-quicktopic didn't really have any purpose beyond buddying him, which was how he caught you.

Conqueror: Overall solid town play, especially given that you were in a new environment. Town MVP for hard pushing Manix and being flexible enough to track Elieson at the right moment. Sure, roles are roles, but had you not thought to target him then I could easily have seen him getting away scot-free, especially if town somehow let Raymond slip away and scum got a chance to kill you.

Scarlet: Independently your play was believable but you became very easy to PoE off connections as the game went on. In the future I'd recommend thinking more about when you want to bus and either commiting to it for the cred or finding a way to make backing off look believable, especially if the buddy in question comes up again later. It was also odd that you stopped trying to neighborize people after N2.

BigBangMeteor: You were around as much as you could could be and had solid insight when you were, so GJ. Nothing about your game here sticks out to me, just keep doing what you do because you generally do it well.

eclipse: I thought you didn't have too much of a presence this game, you were reasonably townie but not enough to get NKed, and right about some things but wrong about others. This isn't to say you played badly, I just can't think of much to say to you other than "learn from those things you were wrong about". Claiming your ninja modifier was definitely the right call though. Also, I question why you'd vote Paperblade for consolidation late D1 when his wagon was small and last minute and there had been more suspicion on Refa across the day, though the D1 NL was really the entire town's fault for not working toward consolidation much earlier (everyone should learn from this).

j00: Sucks that you got screwed out of your role, I think that bothering with it in the first place was acknowledging that your effort could be wasted though (like if you got lynched or killed before you could pull it off). Apparently you were obvtown enough that nobody seriously considered you after D1. I think an active playstyle works better for you than what you usually do, however it's hard to judge because you're typically scum and (from what I gather) too tied up to post frequently.

Refa: Despite being (afaik) the least experienced player in the game I thought you held out pretty well. Should learn from the reactions to your rolespec on eclipse though; claiming a negative modifier immediately is null at worst. I also think it was a waste to imply that you had nothing aside from your announcement, better to leave scum in the dark! Generally though you're an entertaining person and enjoyable to play with and I think you're learning pretty quickly.

I think that this was a solid game aside from the Day 1 No Lynch - notably, everybody kept it civil and no player was a terrible distraction to their faction. While that speaks pretty depressingly of recent games here, I'm still pleased with everybody's participation. Having a "model game" is a goal I always want my invitationals to reach, and I think this one succeeded. Aside from, you know, that fucking Day 1 No Lynch.

Thanks for playing, everyone. Also, a thank you to Boron, Iris and Paperblade for helping to maintain the game when I was lazy and/or asleep because my sleep schedule is garbage. I probably won't be able to invite you all back for SSB for 3DS Mafia since it has the same number of players and I'd like to have at least a slightly different playerlist to keep things fresh and exciting, but anybody who played in this game will have top priority if they want to sub in.

Edited by Prims
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Raymond had infinite strongman against members of the neighborhood, as long as he did the kill.

go read postgame, I spent a significant chunk of today writing one for once. I'm going to bed and hopefully not getting up to post in an hour. bye

Edited by Prims
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Cool postgame I should write a player analysis for Toonami, and an actual postgame for like, the rest of the mafias that I owe postgame to, MLP especially

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eh there's no point if you don't do it punctually, usually people have already moved on and it just bumps threads and disrupts the chronology

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Eh, I'll just edit one in for MLP then (as it's not that out of tune and still referenced regularly for people like SB and Refa).

Also, sorry about destroying your week's worth of hard work, j00, but not gonna lie, that reaction was priceless and also the only obvitown thing that you did

Sucks that Ray ended up losing moreso due to PoE, but i guess nobody thought that me jailing ray was worth anything.

Also also, if you take a look at the mafia QT, you'll see that I called out the Track item as probably existing, and went ahead with the kill like a gay moron because i'm persuaded easily.

Also also also, I really thought I made logical sense, though prims I do see your point. My meta really sticks out that bad, doesn't it

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postgames half a year later is mostly for amusement

anyway fun game elaborate postgame, one question: if Manix had lived when my role failed, would his backup hace backupped portions of my role?

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[6:26:44 PM] Prims: seriously idk why she thought it was a good idea to copy paste her entire role PM to the people on the list

because effort

[6:37:09 PM] Prims: anyway why are you sending people mspaint dick pics

[6:37:24 PM] Alex: they wanted to know how rideable my dick is

it wasn't very rideable, not impressed
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Also, sorry about destroying your week's worth of hard work, j00, but not gonna lie, that reaction was priceless and also the only obvitown thing that you did

psssht like anyone but scum was seriously interest in lynching me anyway
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Eh, I'll just edit one in for MLP then (as it's not that out of tune and still referenced regularly for people like SB and Refa).


But yeah this was a cool game, thanks for hosting it Prims. I got progressively worse as the game went on, so I guess it's kind of a good thing that I died? Kinda surprised I was killed to be honest, but I haven't read any of the QTs so shrug.

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I was leaning town on Conq after D1, the reason why I scanned him anyway was that I didn't know how he plays as mafia (so if his mafia play is very close to his town play, or he's just hard to catch in general, that's still a reasonable scan in my eyes), as well as the modified Cop - I definitely wanted to aim for a clear D1 and then work myself towards the scummier players as the game progressed to rack up as many clears as possible before losing my role (I felt ideally I would've gotten clears N1 and N2 and then a guilty N3), so overall I felt like Conq was a good target.

As for my reads, they were indeed terrible. I don't really know why, but I feel like they get worse each time I play as town, although missing D1 completely also hurt a fair bit. I'll see if I can follow your suggestion, but that was a bit difficult the past while since I checked like 90% of the games that were run recently (or rolled mafia when I played), so couldn't really help the informed part.

I also wasn't thinking at all on the Manix claim, that rolespec was really dumb on my part. Still think the fake was pretty creative either way though.

Regarding the setup, I thought some of the roles were very nice (I liked the Cop variant and the Miller was implemented in a creative way, although it might need to be fleshed out a bit more, among others).

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mafia sucks

In all seriousness, this game was pretty fun and I don't regret being part of it, although I suck terribly as scum and it showed.

Like I said in the skype chat, I can't pull of a believable bus for life, and yet I ended up doing nothing but bus my scumbuddies because I honestly wasn't able to BS a case on anyone else.

I need to do away with my mindset of consciously "bussing" my scumbuddies. I need to react to them like I would to anyone else, even if that means attacking or even lynching them for being scummy.

As for my neighbor targets: yes, I targeted Vhaltz/Elie N1 solely for the town cred. :newyears:

I targeted Conq N2 because he was obvtown, and afterwards I stopped targeting people because I was "unsure of their alignment" (like I said, I have no idea how to play as a neighborizer). In retrospect I should've tried to neighborize Refa after the Elie lynch to be consistent in my reasoning (announcer is a decent alternative to an insomniac I guess), but I doubt it'd have mattered at that point anyway.

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Oh yeah, originally I was going to claim SK instead of Elie; in fact, I already had some notes ready and everything to make the claim somewhat believable, but then Elie got tracked on his kill, kinda taking that possibility out of the equation.

- Kills on even nights only (implying that the mafia kills only on odd nights)
- Is BP
- Is Neighborizer
- Appears to investigations as Town Neighborizer

Okay, I give up. You got me. I'm actually the SK.
However, hear me out. For the time being, it's in the town's best interest to keep me alive. Why, you may ask? Because I'm a bigger threat to the mafia than the town is, so they'll have to deal with me if they can't get me lynched, buying you some time.
I only get kills on even nights, but I'll let the town direct my shots, and you're free to lynch me the next day if it turns out I was lying. I just want to see the mafia defeated before I die.

Probably wouldn't have convinced anyone, but it'd have been funny to simply screw with the town a bit. :newyears:

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Apologies to Clipsey because I felt bad about making up the whole fight thing after I closed off and went to bed

Also the game was probably going to end up being a loss for the scums after Elie got tracked but I still think Raymond gave up a little too early, effort proved to be a huge factor in winning games for scum in a recent MotK game and I think it's better to get lynched while trying some crazy gambit than just letting the game end. Mitsuki and I wanted to tell him to try harder towards the end in the scum skype convo but that probably counted as influencing the game too much after replacing out + death =/

Cool game guys

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