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Which FE game had the smartest AI?


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I think it's generally accepted that FE5's AI was the smartest. They would do things like buy items if they had none, retreat to trade for or buy healing items and stuff like that. But I've never played it, so I don't know exactly how smart they are.

Answering the question I think is kinda difficult. Like, what do you mean when you say the AI? Their targeting priorities, what they do after already engaging in combat, or the way their armies handle themselves. In the latter case it's probably FE13, since armies hold back until they can attack you en masse and overwhelm you. In the middle case, maybe not, maybe like FE10 as you say, I haven't seen a huge difference in that kind of decision over the games I've played (FE4-13 excluding 5). In the former, uh not FE4? Probably FE13, they seem to take advantage of their skills and things to maximise damage.

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I remembered being really impressed the first time I saw a unit trade its weapons with the Boss,, after I stole it on FE5.

But I usually don't put too much attention to this normally.

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Thracia certainly had the most cleverly-programmed AI, which is odd considering the game was supposedly super rushed

But I mean, PoR enemies sometimes trade Vulneraries to mass heal themselves, nobody's oozing over that because the maps were so shoddily designed as to make that something that only happened like once

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From what I've seen, FE5.

FE4 is by far the worst on the other hand.

One thing that FE4's AI has going for it is that it never attacks someone if it has a 0% hit, even if that unit is the only one in its range.

And that's really annoying.

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FE5 without a doubt. Not only is it the best-programmed and most complex, but it's also the least gameable. In other games the AI is predictable and you can easily cheese it (several normally difficult chapters of FE10 can be trivialised this way), but you can't do that in FE5.

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