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Impossible/Improbable Character Discussion


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Well, I still don't see how Vaati shouldn't get more priority than people like Zant or Demise or Majora. They all only had one appearance and out of them, only Zant played a major role. Vaati has three main villain roles in his resume and a more explained history as well. If not playable, he should definitely be an assist or a regular trophy, imo.

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I'll end it with this.

Vaati could be seen as both playable and a assist trophy.

But I don't think he is Smash material.

As well as a few others I mentioned. You are correct one somethings, but that's my opinion Ana.

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Main character I want is Toadette, but it's obvious she'll be playable.

I guess impossible characters I wouldn't mind are Mewtwo, Dixie Kong or Ridley since he's a boss.

Unlikely characters I want are Bandana Dee as Assist Trophy. I would've liked Impa as playable, but Shiek is fine and also a Petey Piranha assist.

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Before Brawl came out, I always though Deoxys would make a really neat playable character. I imagined him as kind of like a reverse of Zelda/Shiek in that his Specials would all be the same (whatever they were), but down-B (or heck, maybe one of each of his specials) would form-change him to one of the various forms, where Speed form is ridiculously fast but pretty weak, Defense form is super slow and bulky, Attack form hits hard but is easily launched, etc. In retrospect, I don't know how balanced that would really be with the rest of the game (it's probably too much of a departure from most characters' movesets), but it was fun to think of how it might play with the form-changing being almost necessary to succeed with him.

Hey now, Vaati could get in if more Four Sword Zeldas are made again. :(

Hello? Most recurring main villain in the series after Ganondorf? Vaati's been in three games. If he got even one more, he could become relevant enough to be a Zelda newcomer.

Hahahahaha.... noooooo.... Smash has 5 Zelda reps already and they're pretty much the only ones that matter enough to the series to be playable...

Wait I forgot I banned logic lol

Vaati would be cool to play as. :D I used to think he'd be fun to play as with all his wind magic and stuff. Gusty moves that throw people around like Squirtle/Mario's water moves or Rosalina's grav thing would be neat. And then he has like his big eyeball form for a potential final smash or something.

Main character I want is Toadette, but it's obvious she'll be playable.

I guess impossible characters I wouldn't mind are Mewtwo, Dixie Kong or Ridley since he's a boss.

Unlikely characters I want are Bandana Dee as Assist Trophy. I would've liked Impa as playable, but Shiek is fine and also a Petey Piranha assist.

Of COURSE Toadette is going to be in :D Why would you ever doubt?

Um but

Mewtwo/Dixie/Ridley aren't really what I'd call impossible unless you count stage-hazard Ridley to mean he won't be playable which would make sense OTL

Impa would be neat as like a Sheik clone or something.

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Of COURSE Toadette is going to be in :D Why would you ever doubt?

Um but

Mewtwo/Dixie/Ridley aren't really what I'd call impossible unless you count stage-hazard Ridley to mean he won't be playable which would make sense OTL

Impa would be neat as like a Sheik clone or something.

Toadette will offer a lot of unique things to Smash Bros and is a unique choice (when the game is released, you should play her), which is also the reason Nester got chosen. I think Toadette, Nester, Wii Fit Trainer and Chorus Men show that Sakurai is really thinking outside the box to be unique. It is very cool.

Another character I can think of is Starfy, he has his own series and gains quite a few powers in each game. Already confirmed as an assist trophy though.

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lloyd would be cool

I agree, Lloyd would be a neat character. I don't remember ToS that well so I don't know what kind of moves he's packin', but Lloyd's a pretty cool guy

(BTW we're talking about Lloyd Irving and not Lloyd the Mad Dog right AGH FAIL)

Toadette will offer a lot of unique things to Smash Bros and is a unique choice (when the game is released, you should play her), which is also the reason Nester got chosen. I think Toadette, Nester, Wii Fit Trainer and Chorus Men show that Sakurai is really thinking outside the box to be unique. It is very cool.

Not that I would think EVEN for a second of doubting Toadette's uniqueness-- but I would like to ask like what? What kind of moves could she use? o3o *is legitimately curious*

You know what? Screw videogame characters, i want animes in!

(Death the kid and Edward Elric for ssb4)

Do you see a rule against that in the OP?



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Lloyd the Mad Dog

Dude... White Wolf. Linus is Mad Dog.

As for ToS Lloyd, he's got interesting moves. DEMON FANG, YES! RANGED ATTACK ON A SWORDIE! One of his Tempest moves would be fun~

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Dude... White Wolf. Linus is Mad Dog.

Shit that's embarassing... how do I always get those two mixed up OTL

There's no reason other swordies not named Link shouldn't have ranged moves. ~__~ Ike and Meta Knight both have ranged moves in THEIR games.

But yeah! Lloyd would be cool.

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I remember Dillon being mentioned once a while ago in the main SSB4 thread; he seems like a pretty unique and intriguing character in terms of both design and potential movesets.

Of all the characters to represent Nintendo's retro days (that aren't already in), Balloon Fighter is probably the best candidate for a playable character. (I'd argue more so than the Ice Climbers and he'd probably be more relevant to nintendo's history than Jigglypuff but now I'm just parroting myself OTL)

...who's Prince Sable?

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Although her chance isn't completely nil, I'd love to see Anna in a Smash Bros. game. I think she'd be a very fun addition to the roster. Other FE characters I'd like playing as (but won't happen) include: Lyn, Ephraim, Sothe, Micaiah, and Jill flying around on her dragon. Hell yeah.

I wanted Skull Kid to be playable but he's already deconfirmed :(.

Also Leon Kennedy and Amaterasu please.

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Well it's pretty clear that characters like Princess Daisy will never have a spot in smash games. Much to my dismay. It would have been cool to see her alongside Peach, whacking people upside the head with random stuff.

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Although her chance isn't completely nil, I'd love to see Anna in a Smash Bros. game. I think she'd be a very fun addition to the roster. Other FE characters I'd like playing as (but won't happen) include: Lyn, Ephraim, Sothe, Micaiah, and Jill flying around on her dragon. Hell yeah.

I wanted Skull Kid to be playable but he's already deconfirmed :(.

Also Leon Kennedy and Amaterasu please.

Okami correct?

If so, Kurow, Waka, and Chibi I would also like to see if we're talking about Okami

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Alfonzo. What now, Spirit Tracks stage?!

On a more serious note, Super Mario RPG was one of, if not the, most important games of my childhood, and having Geno in would be awesome. Even though he has no chance whatsoever.

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Eike Kusch ~ Shadow of Destiny

Forward Smash - Frying Pan. The weapon that defies fate!
Final Smash - Digipad. Use time travel to restart the entire match! Change your destiny! Fuck with history!
Taunt - Swish hair. Juggle.

I definitely want this Eike instead of Fire Emblem Ike.
Ike fights for his friends.
Eike sends his friends to a different time period and forgets about them.

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Well it's pretty clear that characters like Princess Daisy will never have a spot in smash games. Much to my dismay. It would have been cool to see her alongside Peach, whacking people upside the head with random stuff.

What kind of unique moves could Daisy have? o3o

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Pretty much every fire emblem character I like

Milady, Jill, Raven, Pent, Seth, Lance, Oscar, Sully, Farina, Ephraim, Eirika...

To be honest, if nintendo decided to do a fighting game featuring only FE characters (like Persona 4 arena is for persona or Dissidia is for Final fantasy) I'd buy it without thinking twice.

The same can be said about pokemon.

Fighting game with EVERY pokemon = instabuy

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I actually really want a mounted combatant as a Smash Bros character. One that excels on the ground as opposed to the air.

Ivysaur proved that a quadruped fighter is possible. If Ephraim gets in, he should be as a Great Lord imo.

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I think I'd rather see Ephraim as a groundbound unit personally, though Sigurd might be a good example of a mounted FE character.

My only concern with a mounted unit as opposed to a quadripedal creature is how large a person on a horse would be compared to other fighters.. I mean other creatures you can scale down or up, but it'd be really awkward to have an itty bitty human on a smallish horse to scale the character to a reasonable level...

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I though Pikachu kinda proved that a quadruped fighter is possible :p

One way a mounted character could emulate reality if they were at all interested in doing such a thing is indeed by being a large target, which I'd also call a legit weakness in both fighting games in general and in smash already. Most of the big characters (in smash) have good range to compensate, which I think would also make sense done right on a mounted character.

(or they could just make the mount from the same template as wario's bike)

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