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Where do these SerenesForest.TXT quotes even come from


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But why would you even need to, is the issue here. Taking posts from the past and making them public is distasteful. I imagine that's one of the reasons there are necropost rules, so that people who have said things in the past that they disagree with now won't get them to be the centre of attention again.

I guess that doesn't apply if the person in question hasn't changed, but you know. It's just reaching for straws.

lol, there's post of me from 2010 quoted, there.

Also, RP's Lute drawing. Also 2010 material.

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Furetchen would honestly make alot more sense.

I mean, just look at the kinds of things "he" keeps quoting.

Actually I saw this Soul

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you can't exactly go back to say how shit posts are from 2010 without getting slapped with necropost warns

Well, the necropost rule doesn't apply in Far from the Forest so. . . :P:

(still, wouldn't advise it, mostly for one's sanity)

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tbf going out of your way to find stupid ass posts to get into fights over is not really good management of time

Edited by Prims
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If the serenes.txt twitter account is updated with any degree of consistency or regularity, then my management of the QOTD thread is enough proof that I have nothing to do with it.

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Well, the necropost rule doesn't apply in Far from the Forest so. . . :P:

(still, wouldn't advise it, mostly for one's sanity)

my intention being most of the ones in serious discussion or otherwise outside fftf pls

But why would you even need to, is the issue here. Taking posts from the past and making them public is distasteful. I imagine that's one of the reasons there are necropost rules, so that people who have said things in the past that they disagree with now won't get them to be the centre of attention again.

I guess that doesn't apply if the person in question hasn't changed, but you know. It's just reaching for straws.

Well that tends to be what the .TXT twitters are for, and while that is true, I still find looking through some of the posts there funny.

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well neither is going on the serenes forest forums lol


I think the twitter is good in theory but in practice the guy just posts a bunch of ignorant opinions or creepy shit which aren't actually funny, just kind of disappointing. txt twitters are best for sites where people dig up posts so ridiculous you can barely believe they exist, like fanfiction.txt

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i dont keep up but the only time ive seen something i wrote on there was here which was a pretty good post, im assuming the mod can not comprehend facetiousness & went "b-but g-goons would never say there's a time for animu ass, better pwn this neckbeard sperglord like m-my favorite somethingawful posters would"

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i dont keep up but the only time ive seen something i wrote on there was here which was a pretty good post, im assuming the mod can not comprehend facetiousness & went "b-but g-goons would never say there's a time for animu ass, better pwn this neckbeard sperglord like m-my favorite somethingawful posters would"

spot on

you just figured out this guy's modus operandi

(no sarcasm)

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I am 99.99% sure I know who it is sadly enough. It's really not very hard to figure out ;/

My thoughts on the .txt are pretty much identical to Nightmare's. I kind of understand there being .txts for stuff like reddit or gamefaqs or fanfiction because those are at least high profile enough with enough content and traffic to produce at least some consistently ridiculous and over the top material. I'm not sure why there's a .txt for here, it's just like any other shitty video game forum on the internet, you might as well make a .txt for every single random place on the internet.

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