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Is it wrong to over analyze Fire Emblem Awakening?


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Lon'qu is foreign. He's from the same place as the other swordmasters who spell names with an apostrophe.


You mean Chon'sin or whatever it is supposed to be? That mysterious area the map never points out?

I literally can't tell why people like Awakening

I can. Most of the fans of the game who post here know the story is balls. But you know what keeps us playing it outside the really fun gameplay? Character interaction. Its like the game was written with character interaction as the primary and the actual plot was written around that. Its why we like seeing these guys talk to each other but think the plot elements are lulzy at best.

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I agree with Loki. The story is poor, but the characters and their interactions are the highlight. That's why they got away with making three DLC chapters that are literally nothing but character interaction. My work to not really complete but at least get all the unique conversations in the support log attests to that.

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To be honest, I'd be pretty bored if it weren't for Luna+ and Einherjar. Literally, the addition of past heroes/villains from the series has kept me playing for a while now (can't get over the weird combos like pairing Nergal with Gharnef). Rest of the game is fairly "eh" outside of some of the DLC below Lunatic for me and this includes the story/interactions.

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Chapter-by-chapter summary

Game: Blah blah blah

Conclusion: Yes. Yes it is.

Lissa was the one hating on bear, Fred pretended to like it.

Anyway, if you want to cast the story in that sort of light, focus on how Chrom went to Ferox to request aid against Plegia/the Risen, then went back a second time to... Tell the aid he needed it now, and then went back a third time for apparently no reason (maybe they forgot the army?) before finally rousting Gangrel. He should have just brought back a pile of troops on his first trip.

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ikr. And the first four chapters are supposedly the well-written part of the game.

Also in the first paralogue they mention "omg this war is so devestating and MEAN!!" even when you go to it when there isn't a war. For example, right when you unlock it. lol

I literally can't tell why people like Awakening

I just think the game goues way to hard on the "power of friendship" thing, I'm mean, we have seen things like this before in fe (power in numbers), but bringing someone back from the dead trough the power of friendship, I'll call bullshit on that.

I can. Most of the fans of the game who post here know the story is balls. But you know what keeps us playing it outside the really fun gameplay? Character interaction. Its like the game was written with character interaction as the primary and the actual plot was written around that. Its why we like seeing these guys talk to each other but think the plot elements are lulzy at best.

The gameplay I can see... the characters.. honestly... I don't get it, I understand why some people might, so you don't need to rage about me saying that it's shit, I personaly just don't think of them that much, really, while there has been the occational odd one in old fe:s (Ilyana, Haar), the characters in awakening just remind me of characters out of an anime more that before (well, maybe with fe12 an exeption to some extent), and it's more about me not beeing that much into anime (and yes I am aware the designs have allways been based on anime).

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Chapter-by-chapter summary


Conclusion: Yes. Yes it is.

Why did you stop? I haven't seen a more accurate portrayal of the story minus lissa liking bear

Anyway, if you want to cast the story in that sort of light, focus on how Chrom went to Ferox to request aid against Plegia/the Risen, then went back a second time to... Tell the aid he needed it now, and then went back a third time for apparently no reason (maybe they forgot the army?)

This made no sense, and in general had no influence in the overall story. To be honest, I think the Plegian war arc was the worst one, even beating the impossible to believe Valm arc and the "im gonna kill you all" Grima arc. Too much nonsense.

And don't get me started on Emmeryn or how tumblr seems to like her for god knows why

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You mean Chon'sin or whatever it is supposed to be? That mysterious area the map never points out?

I can. Most of the fans of the game who post here know the story is balls. But you know what keeps us playing it outside the really fun gameplay? Character interaction. Its like the game was written with character interaction as the primary and the actual plot was written around that. Its why we like seeing these guys talk to each other but think the plot elements are lulzy at best.

Yep Chon'sin. Right next to Rosanne, that mysterious area the map never points out that Virion if from.

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I do feel like one of the major weak points of the entire game is the Valm saga. Say'ri never really interested me as a character (and I liked the majority of the FE:A characters). Virion had little presence even though from a tactical stand point it would have made sense to talk with him a lot more often. Regarding the location of Cho'shin I presume it's the area where the tomb of the swordsman is. (or whatever it's called)

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Yep Chon'sin. Right next to Rosanne, that mysterious area the map never points out that Virion if from.

And this is another thing that confuses me, how can something that supposed to be something like medival Japan be next to a country that is supposed to be like France and have zero cultural effects on one another?... ok the story, lore and everything else realted to that makes no sense in awakening so I probably shouldn't be questioning it but I still think it's wierd.

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And this is another thing that confuses me, how can something that supposed to be something like medival Japan be next to a country that is supposed to be like France and have zero cultural effects on one another?... ok the story, lore and everything else realted to that makes no sense in awakening so I probably shouldn't be questioning it but I still think it's wierd.

I finded it weirder than super snowy mountainy Ilia is right next to super open super sunny sacae.

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For my part, I am more puzzled why a generic ancient Roman civilization bothered to turn into a generic feudal Japan civilization. It just baffles me how there are characters who talk about the past of Valencia, yet what they describe has nothing to do with the continent that we are familiar with.

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I finded it weirder than super snowy mountainy Ilia is right next to super open super sunny sacae.

Acctually if you look at the map of Elibe, Ilia is cut of from Sacae by montains and is north of Sacae, for one, they are further north, and it might be that the mountains cut of some potential heath source (if I take an the world, the nordics are realying on the gulf stream for heath, and without it, the climate would be significanlty colder).

For my part, I am more puzzled why a generic ancient Roman civilization bothered to turn into a generic feudal Japan civilization. It just baffles me how there are characters who talk about the past of Valencia, yet what they describe has nothing to do with the continent that we are familiar with.

I'm baffeled by a lot of things in this game, but the game shows so little respect to the games it's supposed to be a sequel to so I don't really know what else to say than I wonder if the writers very to lazy to check out the scripts for the games (not to mention that the last two games acctually were remakes of 2 of the games they made a sequel to).

And I pretty much lost respect to any reviewer that called awakeing "the best fe ever made", and especially if they said "ot has the depest story of any fe"... this is more of a sidenote but I've seen both.

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And I pretty much lost respect to any reviewer that called awakeing "the best fe ever made", and especially if they said "ot has the depest story of any fe"... this is more of a sidenote but I've seen both.

From what I've observed, most of the reviewers don't seem to have played any FE before. If they have, the only one they seem to have played is 7. You're lucky to find any that have played 8 through 10. Almost no one seems to have played 11 and good luck finding anyone who's played the non-localized ones. So I can see why they don't care about the disrespect 13 shows towards the lore and setting and feel of the older games, especially the ones set in Archanea/Valentia.

As for Awakening and Valentia, hey if they can't get simple geography right, why would it be surprising they don't get anything else about it right.

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That happens in real life.

Oh I am aware of that. It just doesn't seem gradual at all in this case. Ilia is just so super extreme in contrast to Sacae. Maybe the Fire Emblem continents are just a lot bigger than I imagine them to be (that is to say I don't envision these "continents" being anywhere near the size of Asia or even Europe).

Edited by Jotari
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I'd say that the game is OK as it is, I play it a lot, and it did a looooot of thing right. At the same time, my real problem is not even the story, like... it's Fire Emblem, Fire emblem story is always meh (Except the Future Past storyline, I cry after those episodes). My main complaints are gameplay and class balancing.

I think the whole thing got very simple, specially since the first FE game I played was RD and I think that game has a looooot of super cool gameplay aspects like terrain levels, the herons (i fucking hate dancers), the snipers were amazing, but the most important things is the vvariety of win conditions. I just feel in awakening you just kill everything in every single map, with the only exception of maybe chapter 6 and paralogue 17, in which, you kill everything anyways. RD did this very nicely, in my opinion, it really did, and this game just... Nope.

And in the class balancing part, well... just use Heroes, Paladins, Sorcerers, Dread Fighters, and maybe Falcon Knights, and yeah, those are all the classes that reallystand out. Snipers suck, SMasters can hurt shit, neither do Tricksters, why use War Monk at all, Generals are annoying to use because of how slow they are and the low movement mean that in these, kill everything which is btw very far away, they have no use, etc

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And don't get me started on Emmeryn or how tumblr seems to like her for god knows why

Seriously? Tumblr loves Emmeryn? Shes absolutely terrible. Made me appreciate Elincia a lot more, lemme tell ya.

Yep Chon'sin. Right next to Rosanne, that mysterious area the map never points out that Virion if from.


You know what cheeses me off? Walhart and Chrom didnt have to be enemies. Walhart was trying to kick the Grimleal's ass and take over Valm cuz it appeared to be leaderless. He wanted to unify the continent but used bad means to do it. So how come he had to be "defeated" instead of i dunno, be beaten by Chrom but ultimately join forces? His paralogue makes no fucking sense. Ugh...

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I'd say that the game is OK as it is, I play it a lot, and it did a looooot of thing right. At the same time, my real problem is not even the story, like... it's Fire Emblem, Fire emblem story is always meh (Except the Future Past storyline, I cry after those episodes). My main complaints are gameplay and class balancing.

I think the whole thing got very simple, specially since the first FE game I played was RD and I think that game has a looooot of super cool gameplay aspects like terrain levels, the herons (i fucking hate dancers), the snipers were amazing, but the most important things is the vvariety of win conditions. I just feel in awakening you just kill everything in every single map, with the only exception of maybe chapter 6 and paralogue 17, in which, you kill everything anyways. RD did this very nicely, in my opinion, it really did, and this game just... Nope.

And in the class balancing part, well... just use Heroes, Paladins, Sorcerers, Dread Fighters, and maybe Falcon Knights, and yeah, those are all the classes that reallystand out. Snipers suck, SMasters can hurt shit, neither do Tricksters, why use War Monk at all, Generals are annoying to use because of how slow they are and the low movement mean that in these, kill everything which is btw very far away, they have no use, etc

I acctually agree with most of what you say, and I mean about the gameplay, this is not to say that it's bad in awakening, it just feels lacking compared to RD.

About the story I have to disagree, I hate when people say "it's fe, what do you expect", path of radiance had a fairly good story, parts of radiant dawn (like part 2), sacred stones had good writing especially when it came to the relationship between the twins and lyon, and I'm prepared to say that blazing sword had a pretty engrosing story, heck, even shadow dragon delved into Marths character and showed what he was going through, and mystery was interesting since you were fighting your former allies.

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Well,ywah, you are right.in some parts. I like FE7's plot and RD one' a lot, yet for a RPG, FE story has.always seemed lacking.

Now, for.Awakening, I'll divide this in plotand characters

The characters in my opinion are great, iftheres something great about this game is the character development. The s. conversations are great, and the Scramble DLC. Is even greater.

Even if i dont like the fact that some characters are too.stuck in themselves such as Yarne being a coward, Cordelia being perfect and a genius or Ricken being a fuckibg brat, I like the characters.

Now, the plot as I said earlier is really lacking. I mean, honestly the game.confuses itself with its.plot twists and all thats going.on, like Basilios aparent death, Grima's rebirth by the fture avatar. I mean, Im not saying its bad but the more you play the game the more you start seeing how floppy.it is.

Also, I dont think they made you worry forthe state of this world. I mean,even when huge fuckig Grima appears there isnt any sense of danger, and I never cared for anything that hapended, and I mean, i might sound very... dip shit for criticizing this but... yeah I just wished the story was more interesting.

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Also, I dont think they made you worry forthe state of this world. I mean,even when huge fuckig Grima appears there isnt any sense of danger, and I never cared for anything that hapended, and I mean, i might sound very... dip shit for criticizing this but... yeah I just wished the story was more interesting.

This especially since we know pretty much nothing about the world, we learned a lot about the worlds in the earlier fe:s, things like the tensions between beorc and laguz in PoR. Awakenings world, we learn virtually nothing and are left with nothing to care for said world.

The characters in my opinion are great, iftheres something great about this game is the character development. The s. conversations are great, and the Scramble DLC. Is even greater.

Even if i dont like the fact that some characters are too.stuck in themselves such as Yarne being a coward, Cordelia being perfect and a genius or Ricken being a fuckibg brat, I like the characters.

This is very subjective, I would even say there is no character development since most characters regress back when you start a new support line (c->a), and as I've said in previous threads, the characters seem very animeeish in their personalities, beeing very overpalyed and overly simplistic (and often in awakening, very thropy), and personaly, that doesen't really appeal to me so I can't say I enjoyed the characters.

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I think the story would have been much better if Gangrel and Walhart were fought in a different order. For instance:

Game goes as it normally does up until Chapter 7.

Valmese show up, and Chrom and Co. are called upon to uphold their alliance with Regna Ferox.

The three leaders: Gangrel, Emmeryn, and Flavia (with Basilio tagging along) have a council and decide to raise a joint army with Chrom, Basilio, and Mustafa as leaders. The player gets Cordelia, Tharja, Henry, Olivia, and Cherche at this point.

Joint army goes through Valm Arc, with more interaction between some of the different army leaders for some maybe interesting dialogue.

Goes back to Ylisse where it turns out that Gangrel captured Emmeryn. Big battle breaks out with the Ylissians and Feroxi against the Plegians with Validar and his goons doing things in the background.

Finally goes to boss rush finale of Gangrel, Aversa, Validar, and finally Grima.

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Seriously? Tumblr loves Emmeryn? Shes absolutely terrible. Made me appreciate Elincia a lot more, lemme tell ya.


You know what cheeses me off? Walhart and Chrom didnt have to be enemies. Walhart was trying to kick the Grimleal's ass and take over Valm cuz it appeared to be leaderless. He wanted to unify the continent but used bad means to do it. So how come he had to be "defeated" instead of i dunno, be beaten by Chrom but ultimately join forces? His paralogue makes no fucking sense. Ugh...

Yeah, why didn't Walhart just kindly ask Chrom for help? Oops, that's logical, needs more drama.

And hey, at least Elincia had character development to help smooth out her character. Emmeryn actually downgraded in terms of character.

Edited by AllAroundGamer9
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For my part, I am more puzzled why a generic ancient Roman civilization bothered to turn into a generic feudal Japan civilization. It just baffles me how there are characters who talk about the past of Valencia, yet what they describe has nothing to do with the continent that we are familiar with.

I was completely thrown by that, too. But nothing about Valm made any sense, so...

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I think the story would have been much better if Gangrel and Walhart were fought in a different order. For instance:

Game goes as it normally does up until Chapter 7.

Valmese show up, and Chrom and Co. are called upon to uphold their alliance with Regna Ferox.

The three leaders: Gangrel, Emmeryn, and Flavia (with Basilio tagging along) have a council and decide to raise a joint army with Chrom, Basilio, and Mustafa as leaders. The player gets Cordelia, Tharja, Henry, Olivia, and Cherche at this point.

Joint army goes through Valm Arc, with more interaction between some of the different army leaders for some maybe interesting dialogue.

Goes back to Ylisse where it turns out that Gangrel captured Emmeryn. Big battle breaks out with the Ylissians and Feroxi against the Plegians with Validar and his goons doing things in the background.

Finally goes to boss rush finale of Gangrel, Aversa, Validar, and finally Grima.

That actually sound pretty fucking.great. you know, kinda like RD's part 4 having.all the badies as enemies in that last part

Edited by PacoHeavyFire
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