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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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No way, was this real?


:awkward: Poor guy thinks he's Polamalu. that doesn't work as often as people think...

Vick reacted really quickly though holy hell

Edited by Lord Raven
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Yeah, and he even timed it right too. But yeah, like it was even going to mean anything at that point...

I'm surprised that guy didn't get hurt doing that though, damn. Polamalu didn't ever even come down that hard.

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Yeah, I still don't get why James Harrison was tossed onto the offense. Our o-line was looking pretty good before, it shouldn't have needed help.

According to some Steelers beat writers, Ben said Harrison wasn't actually supposed to be in on that play, and that he'd never practiced it.

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According to some Steelers beat writers, Ben said Harrison wasn't actually supposed to be in on that play, and that he'd never practiced it.

...What. Then how the hell did he end up in it? :facepalm:

Also, fuck Rex Ryan. He just makes me hate him more with how he says "fuck you" to us, yet his team is the one missing the playoffs for sure. The Steelers at least still have an actual shot.

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Possible torn ACL for Palmer, and I'd say god hates the Cardinals, but then this happens.RemarkableGlaringFrillneckedlizard.gifHoly shit.

Nooo on that possibility but man that pass and catch was so beautiful.

Looking like 8-1 for us! But the cost.. may be too much

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Wtf happened to the rams in the fourth quarter?

Pick six and fumble recovery for TD. Austin Davis trying to force too much, because he threw a pick before that. Edited by Lord Raven
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Pick six and fumble recovery for TD. Austin Davis trying to force too much, because he threw a pick before that.

Course everything has to happen when I go to get a pizza.

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Need fucking Cobb to get less than 20 fantasy points tonight. If I started cards D I woulda buried this guy, but I had to settle for Ravens D (who got me a respectable 14, but Cards D woulda gotten me 27).

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The positive side is that all they have left are the Falcons (lol) and some defensive battles (two seahawks games, a lions game, a rams game, a 49ers game, and a chiefs game). Stanton just needs to not mess up, and then they better hope GB is eliminated. If they have home field they could take the Pack on.

Granted, four are away, but still. The team adapts very well to this kind of stuff.

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The Browns are somehow the sole holders of the lead position in our division for now. Next week is our last home game against a below-.500 team (the Texans), and the week after we face the team with the worst record remaining on our schedule (the Falcons, albeit at their stadium). Also next week is the bye week for the Ravens, and the week after is the bye week for the Steelers, so, if we can win at least one of our next two games, then the only team with a chance of passing us the next two weeks is the Bengals. Of course, right after that we face the surprisingly good Bills and the unsurprisingly good Colts, followed by the Bengals at the normal Sunday game time so Andy Dalton probably won't choke. So, even if we do well against our next two opponents, our divisional lead will surely evaporate against the three opponents that follow them.

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lol randa against the buccs 5 of flacco's first 13 passes were TDs (and 3 were drops)

flacco was 21/29 and 7 of those incompletions were drops, harbs doesnt like passing the ball with a lead


Gordon is back Week 12 if i'm recalling right, I think Gordon's neutralized with a deep safety though. He's no Randy Moss. He's far more raw.

Why are the Bears trying to prevent him from getting a first down? Holy shit, just let Flynn kneel it out.

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lol that's ridicolud also the nice thing Gordon adds to the browns is he opens p the middle of the Field. Teams can't just steel out,or stop the run with him,in the game.

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I'm thinking though that if you assign some deep zones and put a Free Safety in there with maybe a corner in some sort of cover 3 (or man with a cover 1 or cover 2 look) then you can basically get rid of him. The rest of their receivers aren't exactly world beaters (almost the opposite), and you kinda know where Gordon's going because he's not a good route runner. He's basically a poor man's Randy Moss.

You could just do what the Giants did to Brady and keep rushing Hoyer though.

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Honestly I think the bills will show us how well that plan can work.probably gonna have 5/6 man pressures all day and I would expect cover three, but I can kinda see cover two. Either way you can't forget they have to deal with Jordan Cameron as well, who should bounce back with the return of Gordon.

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Yeah, Palmer might be out for the season with a torn ACL :/ Stanton has run the offense pretty well so far, but I dunno how that'll work out for Arizona long term.

Stanton should be able to get the job done. His fourth quarter performance showed that.

Not too sure how we'll go from here but we will do what we have done all season. Soldier on and pray for Palmer he must be depressed let alone the pain of his injury :(.

I said a week ago the Rams would most likely do as much damage as they could to us even if they didn't pull the W. I was right and its a bitter acknowledgement.. But they played good football and it was an enjoyable game.

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Honestly I think the bills will show us how well that plan can work.probably gonna have 5/6 man pressures all day and I would expect cover three, but I can kinda see cover two. Either way you can't forget they have to deal with Jordan Cameron as well, who should bounce back with the return of Gordon.

How good are the Bills Linebackers? I only know about Kiko Alonso who tore his ACL... Their interior pressure will be ramped up though, because the Browns interior is relatively weak atm.

I don't even know much of the Bills' depth chart. I just know about Corey Graham at CB and Mario Williams is either a DE or OLB.

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Getting Gordon back is huge, don't get me wrong, but he may not be enough. Especially since he missed tons of key playing time that a young guy like him needs to develop his skills. If he was a long-time veteran, I wouldn't be too worried about him missing most of a season, but since he's not he may have regressed while he was gone.

Also, Alex Mack is still gone for the season. That's a huge loss because now our O-line has too rely almost entirely on Joe Thomas, who is probably the best LT in the league but he's still just one guy. And, despite the fact that our offense is infinitely better than it has been at any point since the Browns returned in 1999, our defense isn't what it was last year. I highly doubt they'll be able to stop guys like Andrew Luck and Joe Flacco.

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