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The ~controversial~ opinions topic

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Metroid: Other M looks fun

It takes no skill to spam wheelies or use bikes in Mario Kart Wii

Going with friends to a resturaunt? I'm going to eat

Pork is pig disgusting

Turkey > Chicken

Fast food resturaunts are great, you better hope the workers aren't crap tier

Opinions are subjective

Root Beer is the best soft drink

Ace Combat is amazing

Summer is a terrible season

Spring is pretty mid tier

Winter has great early game

Fall is the best mid game unit

Starfox Adventures is pretty great

Touhou has an amazing storyline

I appreciate the entierty of a game

Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars are all amazing

F/A-18E(and F) Super Hornet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F-22 Raptor

Samurai Shodown is the best fighting game series

I want a Wii U

Hey my name's Albert and you're now my best friend

actually nah, SS comes second to Garou: MOTW

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Opinions are subjective


According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, feminism can be defined as "the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities". I identify as a feminist. However, like most large umbrella terms, there's going to be "feminists" that make everyone else look ridiculous and crazy. There's too much associated with the term, so I gess the best thing is to just not read into it so much.

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nice job being petty (Y)

calm down dude.

Why are you so worked up over that lol


you like to bring this up everywhere don't you

I brought that in literally 2 topics Edited by Nobody
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calm down dude.

Why are you so worked up over that lol

I'm not the one who went and vagueposted about it in another thread

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I'm not the one who went and vagueposted about it in another thread

I wasn't talking about you, ok

and this thread is mine =)

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There's absolutely no problem with the existence of the MU

thank you for your contribution to the "wrong opinions topic"
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I wasn't talking about you, ok

and this thread is mine =)

oh I'm sorry I thought you didn't care when people posted about things on an internet forum


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I'm the guy to hate today apparently

its because youre starting shit if you were wondering

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[9:17:14 PM] √Wyatt: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=47586&p=3082136
[9:17:26 PM] √Wyatt: "i dont think i was trying to start shit with a CONTROVERSIAL OPINIONS topic"
[9:17:27 PM] √Wyatt: like
[9:17:29 PM] √Wyatt: what did you expect
[9:17:31 PM] √Wyatt: ????????????????????????????????


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Generally "Root Wyatt" but I mean if you want to go for extended it could be "The square root of Wyatt"

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