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Admit it: You ENJOY being a Mary Sue

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You enjoy all the attention. You enjoy being Chrom/Lyn/Marth's most special person. You enjoy imagining your waifu as a real person.

And you secretly want FE14 to have another special snowflake Self-Insert Sue.

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What the actual fuck is this? Don't stick words in people's mouths trying to compensate for yourself.

I've been anti-MU since it was announced in FE12 and I'm holding to that.

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You enjoy all the attention. You enjoy being Chrom/Lyn/Marth's most special person. You enjoy imagining your waifu


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95% of the posts are going to be people telling you that you're wrong you know

edit: if I reply Euklyd my extremely complicated mathematically formula to get that figure will have all been for nothing!

Edited by n00srac
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95% of the posts are going to be people telling you that you're wrong you know

shooting for yours being the 5%

also @OP - you're wrong

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I like Robin. I despise Kris

It has nothing to do with marriage and wifes, though. I just kind of ignore that part of the game outside of a gameplay point of view

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Sometimes I imagine that since FE7 self-insert can't talk, he executed all his strategies with hand signals and stuff like a baseball coach.

I imagine him/her telepathically sending out orders. Maybe even in a really subtle way such that the characters feel like it's their own doing but it's actually the Tactician's omniscient guidance.
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I imagine him/her telepathically sending out orders. Maybe even in a really subtle way such that the characters feel like it's their own doing but it's actually the Tactician's omniscient guidance.

Hmm that sounds pretty cool. I guess it kind of makes the most sense given the way battles actually play out, since he can command people with mountain ridges in between them.

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I would've much preferred FE13 without the avatar but a stationary character in his/her place. I've also made a lot of comments about hating FE7 tactician/Lyn stories and vented about people making FE13 solely about them and their "beloved spouse and family". Suffice to say I don't want another tactician.

Edited by Sangyul
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They do. It's nice to have a few extra mugs in the game for that.

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(referring to FE12 here, haven't played FE13 so yeah; what I hear is that it's more of the same though)

FE MU's are so half assed because they never know if they want to be a self insert or a character in their own rights; what they end up being is a bland character who you could theoretically consider a self insert because their personality is so boring. Should have just made a silent protagonist with choices that you can make to define their personality. It's all the rage with the Western developers, and worked well enough in SMT.

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FE7!Tactician was pretty cool. Also if you used him you got Afa's Drops, OMG OP.

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I think my biggest thing is, I'm not opposed to an "avatar" type of character by default. But people in general do not have the mental maturity to handle avatar type characters outside of something like FF:CC or Final Fantasy I. An avatar in a world like FE, where supports are a big part of the game and there are many colorful and likable characters that people get attached to is only asking for more poor self-inserts and "waifu wars". Something like Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, where all your playable characters are build-your-own and you don't really get to interact with OCs much, that's another thing.


Legit question
Why do you get so mad about other people being creepy/weird about that waif stuff?
Like, why do you even care? How does that even affect you?

IMO that's almost as silly as the waifu stuff itself

It affects me when merely expressing dislike of a character means that people are going to rage on you because "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY WAIFU/HUSBANDO/CHILD YOU AWFUL PERSON". It affects me when people get so EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN A NON-IRONIC WAY that they become depressed or upset or hurt when people don't like their spouses/children or are "hurting" them in silly games like HnH and then cry about it to me or in a general place where I am. People being creepy is creepy and enough of a reason to be mad.

It's far from silly.

Edited by Sangyul
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Why does it affect your enjoyment of the game so much? It's so easy to just ignore it. I really, really don't understand how the way people act can affect another person's enjoyment of a game.

Read the fuck up.

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Legit question

Why do you get so mad about other people being creepy/weird about that waif stuff?

Like, why do you even care? How does that even affect you?

IMO that's almost as silly as the waifu stuff itself

Because people are fucking freaks and its disturbing to some of us to see it? Some of us would like to have a polite and mature discussion on SF that doesnt involve "waifus".

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I posted before you edited it.

I'll just say that the ignore button is a beautiful feature. I like the avatar for many reasons other than the stupid waifu wars, and I'm able to completelly ignore those, so whatever.

ignore button exists

The point

Your head

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