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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

Book of Ereshkigal

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Gen 3 was the best gen. Contests were great (their equivalent in later games never reached the same level of appeal), the music was great and it has some of the best pokemons (though they're mitigated by some of the worst) obviously, this is all extremely subjective xp

Sorry, but it was the worst gen for me. I don't like almost any of the Pokemon, I don't like the Hoenn region, I don't like the trainer character designs, I don't even like the gen 3 anime as much as much as the others.

You're not changing my mind. I said I'm not getting either of these games.

Edited by Anacybele
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don't think he was trying to change your mind ana

his first sentence was in response to your questioning the legitimacy of the video, and i'm p. sure his second was just towards the thread


and that's about all i need to say

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Oh well, I wasn't sure. My bad. xP

Now that I think about it, not even a Mega Evolution for my favorite gen 3 Pokemon would make me get these, because it already has one in X/Y. :P

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Holy shit this is for real.

All of my YES!!!!

Although if Emerald's battle frontier isn't there, I will be condemning these for life.

Yes I hope that returns!

Emerald's postgame was the best

and contest again yesss

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Holy jumping jigglypuff!!!

Mega rayquaza anyone? Plus, does this mean the other gen 3 starters get megas, to balance with blaziken?

But please can we have indoor battles in an actual room this time, instead of the grid dimension...

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Holy jumping jigglypuff!!!

Mega rayquaza anyone? Plus, does this mean the other gen 3 starters get megas, to balance with blaziken?

But please can we have indoor battles in an actual room this time, instead of the grid dimension...

If Groudon and Kyogre are getting a Mega-evo, I think it's only fair the leader of the trio gets one.

inb4 Blaziken gets a second Mega-evo :Kappa:

the grid is a barrier to protect the room from damage caused by the battle.

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Well looks like I don't need to see E3 anymore (but seriously, I want Mega Ludicolo now!)

Unless they show gameplay.

I wonder what mega Rayquaza will be.

Delta Rayquaza?

Sigma Rayquaza?

3.14159265358979323846 Rayquaza

Mu Mew

Edited by Knight
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[spoiler=Replies, Spoiler'd for length]

<Hikarusa> wait
"explore a dramatic new world"
I hope this means they're fixing the world map
<Wist> Yeah, that was suspicious.
<Big_Boss> or what if
they're sequels and not remakes?
<Hikarusa> maybe
<Wist> That would be interesting, maybe.
<Hikarusa> hmm
I wonder
are they gonna do remakes of B&W AND B2&W2
<Big_Boss> might be cool
but we still have to wait a few gens for that
<Hikarusa> maybe they will do B&W3
<Big_Boss> lol
press release says "fresh new take on Ruby and Sapphire"

So may or may not be a remake?

brb called this point back in September (shush, yes, I totally flopped on the first paragraph)

looks like nintendo needs to hire more trumpet artists

Oh and I should have seen this coming with unused yet fully functional Mega-Lati stones being a thing.

You know, in retrospect, this actually makes a ton of sense, especially considering all of the stuff they datamined out of BW that was in the code that didn't show up until B2W2. (Granted, I think most of us were just expecting them to show up in Z/XZ/X2/YZ/Y2/whatever naming scheme they came up with instead of new R/S games...)

Also nobody ever noticed the Omega and Alpha symbols on Groudon and Kyogre's hands.

Fun other thing to think about: just look at the Alpha symbols on Kyogre for a minute. ...Bear a bit of a resemblance to Team Aqua's "A" logo, no? Similarly, the Omega symbols bear a bit of a resemblance to Team Magma's "M" logo... I think it's fair to assume that we might have team-controlled Mega Evolution of some kind (perhaps similar to the TCG's whole "Trainer's" type of Pokémon, i.e. Team Magma's Aggron), similar to "form differences" a la Mega X/Ys...

Groudon seemed to gain small lines on his belly.

Mega-Groudon/Kyogre confirmed? I want them to get back an infinite weather ability since they're legendaries anyway.

See above.

My only wish is

add move tutors pls

Yes please - at the very least Battle Frontier ones. I want my Superpower Scizor back, dammit.

And fix the game engine.

That lag in XY battles. >______>


This too, please. I don't really like when X/Y runs extremely fluid with Pokémon animations in the PC, yet struggles and noticeably slows down when trainer battles do the Stadium-esque split frame view.

The box art is cool, I really dig it. The names are so amateurish though, although I felt the same way about the Gen 2 remakes as well, so I'll probably get used to it.

Yeah, who keeps coming up with these version names, anyway? Do they just throw darts at a dart board and see what comes up or something?

It only really lags if you're running like FULL SCALE 3D. I tend not to use my 3D that much anyway, defeats the point of the 3DS but whatever.

See above about split frame trainer battles.

I wonder if the remakes will be as easy as X/Y.

They already have the 'multiple ineffectual rivals' thing going on, so they're partway there already!

For the love of god, Nintendo, give us SELECTABLE DIFFICULTY OPTIONS as soon as you start a New Game.

Holy shit this is for real.

All of my YES!!!!

Although if Emerald's battle frontier isn't there, I will be condemning these for life.

Not necessarily just the Battle Frontier... since we know from previous experience that we're just getting R/S, I'd like to see ALL of Emerald's content and relevant changes incorporated (assuming that it's a remake or reimagining and not a sequel). One of my biggest pet peeves with Heart Gold and Soul Silver's adaptation of Crystal's events is that they didn't port ALL of it over, just the plot related stuff involving Suicune and, by some extention, Ho-Oh and Lugia, and and some of the PokéGear improvements

Where was the patch of grass outside of Violet City that allowed you to get Growlithe if you didn't pick Cyndaquil? Was adding the roof and sales to the top of the Goldenrod Department Store too much to ask for? They seriously couldn't have adjusted the appearance ratios to allow you to catch a Sneasel in the Ice Path or a higher level Magmar in Mt. Silver? Sure, we get an Extrasensory-equipped Togepi, but why wasn't the Odd Egg brought back?

And that's not even covering a common courtesy of actually improving things too: the whole Unown sidequest is still an absolute waste of time - there's no (real) reward for completing it and cataloging all of the forms doesn't activate any special kind of further event that remotely removes their uselessness.


As much as I want to experience Gen III now that I realize what I missed (I was a Gen I initiate that was amazed by Gen II (and the fact that it expanded on Gen I) and then was immediately disappointed when Gen III completely left Johto and Kanto alone, so I never bothered to play R/S/E), since I didn't return to the series until I bought Soul Silver, I can't go back to the "archaic" mechanics of all Dark moves counting as Special, etc., which makes the announcement nice for me.

However, I know that, deep down, I'm just going to end up disappointed by these games, as they're not going to address some of the core issues with the series. They won't enable Difficulty settings, they won't give out better Battle rewards (outside of BP) - such as bringing back the tradition started in Stadium of giving out "unique" Pokémon with (presumably) unbreedable moves, like the Earthquake Gligar from Stadium 2 - to actually make you feel like you've accomplished something instead of just getting a specific (and, okay, "rare") berry, they won't continue to adjust and balance the type chart (seriously, why does Electric still not do super effective damage to Steel types), they most likely won't fix the atrocity that is the Ability system and, coupled to that, how it negatively affects Sky Battles*... And, most of all, is there even a snowball's chance in hell that they'll liven up the watered down (no pun intended, sorry) plot outline that's basically the same one that they've been using since the early-to-mid 1990s?

I want to be excited, but this is Game Freak we're talking about here. They seem to be *VERY* slow on the uptick when it comes to making changes - heck, Dragons (especially of the pseudo-legendary variety) had been running away (or starting to) with the metagame since, what, Gen IV? And it took them until Gen VI to make a change? (Which, did it really make that much of a difference in the end?) The fact that they kept spitting these kind of Pokémon out every single game shows that they had no idea whatsoever what effects their actions were having to the point that they basically expressed surprise that they needed to add a new type to try and neutralize them! (When you keep making Pokémon with 600 BST, wide, diverse movepools, and a STAB type that was barely resisted (and, defensively, only had 2 weaknesses), what do you think is going to happen?!) I can't be excited at all when the company in charge doesn't seem to have a collective clue about what their series has become.

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<Hikarusa> wait

"explore a dramatic new world"

I hope this means they're fixing the world map

<Wist> Yeah, that was suspicious.

<Big_Boss> or what if

they're sequels and not remakes?

<Hikarusa> maybe

<Wist> That would be interesting, maybe.

<Hikarusa> hmm

I wonder

are they gonna do remakes of B&W AND B2&W2

<Big_Boss> might be cool

but we still have to wait a few gens for that

<Hikarusa> maybe they will do B&W3

<Big_Boss> lol

press release says "fresh new take on Ruby and Sapphire"

So may or may not be a remake?

I'm guessing one of the following three things:

1. Meaningless trailer jargon.

2. "New" 3D-enhanced Hoenn.

3. Some extra area like FR/LG's Sevii islands.

Not necessarily just the Battle Frontier... since we know from previous experience that we're just getting R/S, I'd like to see ALL of Emerald's content and relevant changes incorporated (assuming that it's a remake or reimagining and not a sequel). One of my biggest pet peeves with Heart Gold and Soul Silver's adaptation of Crystal's events is that they didn't port ALL of it over, just the plot related stuff involving Suicune and, by some extention, Ho-Oh and Lugia, and and some of the PokéGear improvements

Well, they can't port over all of the Emerald stuff. A lot of the plot-related details are very specific to the version, such as fighting either Magma or Aqua in R/S vs fighting both in Emerald. I also can't imagine Emerald's showdown in Sootopolis happening in the R/S plot continuity (which is a shame, because it was pretty awesome and impressive on GBA) without some big changes.

Although I also do hope they keep the numerous amounts of optional double battles, wherein two trainers are facing each other and you can go in visual range of both to fight them together or talk to one to fight them separately. Emerald has a lot of those but they were mostly removed in subsequent games.

I can't think of any other Emerald specifics that are really worth worrying about. I suppose being able to catch both Groudon and Kyogre would be cool, but it obviously wouldn't be done the same. It would also make sense if they left open the access to the Johto starters (via filling the Hoenn dex) since we haven't had normal in-game access to them since gen IV. Move tutors are a given as long as the Battle Frontier stays. I imagine they'd be smart enough to keep all contests in one building instead of four. Choosing between Latios and Latias is obviously out. Oh, and one Emerald update I hope they absolutely do not keep is Wallace as the champion. Steven is so much cooler than him and Juan should not even exist. The only champion worse than Wallace is Lance. Other stuff like Trainer Hill and Battle Tents I didn't pay much attention to, anyway, but it would be cool if they stuck around.

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I just want to see Route 113, Mt. Chimney, Mirage Tower, the Acro Bike bridges, the Safari Zone, Mt. Pyre, Victory Road, the Abandoned Ship...

Fuck it I want to see EVERYTHING

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I just want to see Route 113, Mt. Chimney, Mirage Tower, the Acro Bike bridges, the Safari Zone, Mt. Pyre, Victory Road, the Abandoned Ship...

Fuck it I want to see EVERYTHING

I just wanna BICYCLE HOP IN 3D

Oh and see Maxie/Archie in 3D as well.

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Unless they show gameplay.

I wonder what mega Rayquaza will be.

Delta Rayquaza?

Sigma Rayquaza?

3.14159265358979323846 Rayquaza

Mu Mew

Well if we have α and ω.. that's the beginning and the end, so rayquaza might be the middle? So μ or ν. It would make a bit of sense considering [spoiler=Better safe than sorry]

Rayquaza is supposed to be "the mediator" or whatever between Kyogre and Groudon's war.

Am I stretching here? Probably. We don't even know if Rayquaza's gonna get a mega anyway. Being hypothetical is all in fun.

Edited by Poliwrath
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I might not really liked Gen 3, but I would love if Secret Bases made their triumphant return.

This could be really cool now we have online capabilities! Extra feature for the PSS?
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Well if we have α and ω.. that's the beginning and the end, so rayquaza might be the middle? So μ or ν. It would make a bit of sense considering [spoiler=Better safe than sorry]

Rayquaza is supposed to be "the mediator" or whatever between Kyogre and Groudon's war.

Am I stretching here? Probably. We don't even know if Rayquaza's gonna get a mega anyway. Being hypothetical is all in fun.

People might get misled to thinking Mew or New Rayquaza.

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Well it's just the symbol AFAIK ATM. It's Mega Kyogre/Groudon. Not Alpha Kyogre or Omega Groudon. I think. It's hard to say much at this stage where literally all we have is two pictures.

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...Ahem. Teh mega lengendaries look really cool. i said this in the smogon thread, but it looks like we'll have our tutors back~!

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Well it's just the symbol AFAIK ATM. It's Mega Kyogre/Groudon. Not Alpha Kyogre or Omega Groudon. I think. It's hard to say much at this stage where literally all we have is two pictures.

nah it will be OMega Groudon

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