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Is Pheros or Phila more insulting to you?


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    • Pheros
    • Phila
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I didn't really feel like either character was like the counterpart you listed at all other than their classes.

Mahnya was a character that playable characters related to via conversations before and after her death, being actually related to Fury and someone Levin pined for in the past, whist Phila was just some general with little to no effect on the characters at all. she's never mentioned at all after she dies. I honestly felt she was killed off because she'd have no part in the story after Emmeryn's deal in chapter 9. Like I guess they both have the killed off by archers bit, but Mahnya's scenerio was was different and you felt way more helpless, you literally had to just sit around and mash end turn while you waited for her to die, while in Awakening Aversa (I think?) magically gains convenient risen summoning powers in a cutscene and kills Phila off.

As for Pheros, does she even appear in a cutscene or chapter before her chapter? As far as I'm concerned, she's just a generic boss.

Edited by General Horace
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pheros doesn't actually attempt to mirror selena's arc at all though

what little pheros has to say doesn't point her anywhere near the direction of selena's doubts and conflicts over continuing to serve grado. pheros has no doubts, believing adamantly in walhart until the end. the only similarities here are that they're blonde, wield magic on a horse and aren't as douchey as valter/excellus

and honestly i'm not gonna get beat up about one unimportant npc falcon knight captain being very similar to another

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I'm not seeing any relation between Pheros and Selena aside from them being token female generals. Pheros was behind Walhart 100% and wasn't doubting him or anything.

TBH, Manyha and Phila have the same problem, the game didn't make me care about either. At least in FE4 the characters seem to care. In Awakening it feels like Emmeryin is the only one that even noticed.

Edited by L95
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Who's Pheros?

Not being happy about a character having wasted potential is one thing, but I think you're making this into a bigger deal than it should be.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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"Insulting" is a strong word and one I would reserve for other characters. And Pherox has nothing to do with Selena anyway.

However, the comparision between Philia and Mahnya at least demonstrates how gracelessly IS killed of a recurring character.

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When I first played the game, I was kinda pissed about how similar Mahnya and Phila died, but honestly, I don't think anyone liked her to care. Same with Mahnya, but at least she had a fitting role in the story.

Phila was just there to point out how much she sucks as a soldier.

I don't see much in common with Selena, though.

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Pheros is definitely a shoddy Selena. Aside from the class and weapon similarities, she's not-so-villainous, she's in love with her ruler, and she used to be good.

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Pheros isn't even remotely close to Selena.

At all.

She's not a sympathetic character unless you get the convo with Chrom [and even then she's... not]. She's not of the Camus Archetype like Selena is. She's a just a Valkyrie boss with blonde hair. Wow. So similar.

Philia and Manhya's similiarites are a bit more close, but that's really only reflected in their respective demises.

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If you can't remember her existence, that means it's insulting.

No it means she's irrelevant to the story and not a ripoff. I do not feel insulted by Pheros. If I was insulted by her that would be insulting. Do you need a dictionary thrown at you?
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Neither of them BOTHERS me, they're just boring, underdeveloped characters. It doesn't even matter that they're ripoffs; you can probably find a reason for anyone in the newer games to be considered a ripoff of a preexisting character. As long as they're well-written, who cares if the character has been done before? But they're not, boohoo.

Heck, I don't know if calling Pheros a Selena rip-off is even fully accurate insofar as her intended character. She could have been pretty interesting if we actually saw her more frequently than when we're about to murder her sweet ass. Phila seems more boring even though we saw more of her though, so I guess I'd say Phila?

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I thought that Philia was at least kind of funny. Her attemps to look composed, dignified and serious are in a hillarious contrast to the fact that the design of the Falcon Knight ensures that her panties are always visible to anyone around.

And her death to teleporting Zombie Archers was not only meaningless but it was also hillarious.

However, I was also quite confused when I saw it happeneing for the first time. IS couldn't have intended her death to be funny but neither could they have seriously expected that anybody would be able take this sequence seriously either.

Edited by BrightBow
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If you can't remember her existence, that means it's insulting.

That's a fun bit of logic. I think I'll apply it to real people I've probably seen before but don't remember and see how it works out.

If someone says they're not insulted by something, they aren't, and telling them that they are won't change it.

Pheros is definitely a shoddy Selena. Aside from the class and weapon similarities, she's not-so-villainous, she's in love with her ruler, and she used to be good.

Pheros never claims to be in love with Walhart. She never says anything close to that, she only says that he's powerful and that she serves him.

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I like Pheros because she looks so bad. x)

I also have a theory that she is LIBRA's long lost twin-sister. That explains the badassery look.

Edited by Big Boss
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You folks do realize Selena is basically Camus with boobs and magic, right? Maybe even more like Ishtar than anything.

Pheros isn't at all like them besides lol Valkyrie.

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You folks do realize Selena is basically Camus with boobs and magic, right? Maybe even more like Ishtar than anything.

Pheros isn't at all like them besides lol Valkyrie.

I noticed the Camus thing, but comparing her with Ishtar is blowing my mind slightly. If she were in love with Lyon instead, that would be very amusing.

Edited by L95
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