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Pokemon Champions tier list


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Champion of Champions


True Champions




Good Champions



Forgotten Champion


You don't deserve the title




Cynthia, the undisputed queen, the best champion yet, for every reason. Strong team? Check. Story presence? Check. Awesome theme? Check. Total badass? Double check. Seriously, just look at her Platinum sprite:


She's just like, "Don't fuck with me."

Her team is the first since gen 1 to have no kind of type focus, and they actually have good natures, IVs, and EVs, making them even more threatening than they seem at first. That Garchomp, Jesus. And if you think you can find a good water/ice type to handle that, be prepared for Lucario and Roserade.

After Cynthia, champions started having little to do with the plot, but she has a strong presence, even going into the Distortion World with you to find Giratina. Then she re-appears in gen 5 because she does what she wants and challenges you to a battle with her team of level 75s + 77 Garchomp. Ouch. Her theme music is arguably the best around (though Lance's is also really good). She's the last champion in the series to come after a progressive elite four, and her elite four is also pretty powerful, especially Lucian. And don't even get me started on what she's like in the anime...

Steven is pretty cool because he has somewhat of a type focus, but it's varied enough to still leave him as a pretty tough fight. He's pretty well-involved in the plot, too, talking sense into team Magma/Aqua, and even joining you in a double battle at the Mossdeep space station. Then he decides hanging around and being the champion isn't cool enough for him, so he just goes and looks at rocks.

Blue is pretty cool because he's the most involved champion of them all, your rival from the very beginning who always manages to be one step ahead of you and even becoming the champion right before you. He has a varied team that he alters based on your own, meaning you have to stay on your toes to beat him. However, he does lose his first fight as champion, and then he gets demoted to gym leader, so he loses a few points.

Red gets a lot of points for having the highest leveled team of any non-battle area NPC across all generations and having a Pikachu of all Pokemon that's actually a real problem, but loses points for having no Elite Four leading up to him and also technically being post-game content. Still pretty awesome, though. He also shares his theme with Lance, and the theme is cool, but sharing neutralizes that.

Iris and Diantha are kind of middle-road, "just there" champions. They do their job, but they're not very notable in strength or story presence. Diantha has a really good theme, but I ranked Iris higher because you gotta give credit for a little black girl who managed to become a champion.

Alder has already lost by the time you first meet him. That knocks a lot off for him, and he doesn't have much of anything to make up for it like Red does. He's kind of pathetic and it's not unlikely for players to never even meet him in battle. He also has the worst theme by far.

Wallace should never have been champion. Why? Why him? Hoenn had enough water already, so what did they do? They made the water gym leader the champion, and replaced him in the gym with...a water gym leader! Why the hell does Juan exist? He's such a worthless fruitcake (for lack of a more offensive term). But while Wallace's team is water-based, he at least has some decent type diversity, like his Ludicolo with its completely unique weaknesses among his team, his Whiscash that is only weak to grass, and his Milotic that is just pretty strong in general.

Lance is terrible. In the three years since Red's rise to champion, he actually got weaker, with only one Pokemon even reaching level 50. However, what really makes Lance terrible is that, in every single fight with him as either champion or elite four (from R/B/Y to HG/SS), his entire team can be easily swept by a single Pokemon. He always leads with Gyarados, and the rest of his team is weak to water or ice. What does this mean? Send out a water type with Surf and Ice Beam and he is fucked. Even in gen IV where Gyarados can take advantage of the physical/special split (because he's primarily water type but is physically powerful), all he has is Waterfall and Ice Fang, both not very effective, then Dragon Pulse, which is special and not STABed, then Flail, which won't ever matter. Send your water type out (Feraligatr, evolved form of starter Totodile, is a great choice), drop a couple X Speeds and X Specials on while you tank Gyarados' pathetic attempts at attacks, then sweep. Heck, if you're using Lanturn, you can replace Surf with Thunderbolt and not even worry about Gyarados possibly tanking a hit, because Aerodactyl and Charizard are also weak to Electric. None of the other champions are this ridiculously easy to crush with a Pokemon ten levels lower than his strongest.

I mean, okay, he has a good theme, but that's just not enough when you suck so hard. Besides, Red wears the theme a lot better. He does have some story presence, but when you see how pathetic in battle he is, it's hard not to think that maybe he was actually slowing you down. Also, Clair is his cousin, and she's the worst-written gym leader in a series where most gym leaders are never seen outside their gyms.

(The actual "list" is somewhat of a joke. Treat this as a topic for discussion of champions)

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Sharpy no.

Steven is pretty cool because he has somewhat of a type focus, but it's varied enough to still leave him as a pretty tough fight. He's pretty well-involved in the plot, too, talking sense into team Magma/Aqua, and even joining you in a double battle at the Mossdeep space station. Then he decides hanging around and being the champion isn't cool enough for him, so he just goes and looks at rocks.

[1:24:34 AM] Refactor: wow this makes steven sound like the best dude ever


[1:25:21 AM] Refactor: probably my hero

I have been...enlightened.

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Red isn't really a champion, so I won't bother including him.

Top: Blue. Best team, best theme.

Followed by: Steven, Cynthia

Mid: BW Champs (Alder is higher. He only lost because he faced a legendary, and Iris just seems to be there just cuz.)

Low: Lance (cool theme, dragons), Diantha (pretty meh, at least she uses a Gardevoir)

"Why did they even add them!?: Wallace

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[1:24:34 AM] Refactor: wow this makes steven sound like the best dude ever


[1:25:21 AM] Refactor: probably my hero

red was also probably looking for rocks on the summit of mt. silver

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I dunno, I've always liked Wallace, actually. I think Steven is a better Champion overall, but I really just love having a more.. Feminine man as a Champion. I mean, he's not exactly girly, but he's far more feminine than the other male Champions. Feminine, but handsome. <3 Besides, Wallace is actually a pretty difficult Champion, all things considered. Even if Cynthia is feared for her Milotic (as well as her Garchomp, of course! and okay pretty much all her Pokemon, but I've always found her Milotic annoying), Wallace had the Milotic from hell first. XD In my most recent Emerald playthrough, I would have absolutely NOT won against Wallace, simply because of his Milotic, had I not had a Gardevoir with Calm Mind.

Cynthia is absolute perfection, though. She's totally gorgeous and a total badass. :D She's definitely my favourite Champion, along side Steven. I like Steven, because.. I dunno. I just like him? XD He's cool. and pretty good lookin' too~

Diantha is pretty cool too, I gotta say. Dat Mega Gardevoir. :D And Iris is great, because she's tiny, adorable and STILL badass with her team of dragon Pokemon! (That little roar of hers in her sprite's animation.. Ahh, too cute!)

Then.. I'm just kinda "meh" on all the other Champions. No real opinion on them. XD (Other than Lance is a jerkface with those Dragonites of his. >:|)

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But Lance is a total bro. Though I agree that he's kind of a wuss. I swept his entire team in a recent file with only Luxray (just was sent out to lower his Gyarados's Attack with Intimidate) and Omastar (used a bunch of X Specials and Rock Polish, then wrecked his team).

Hopefully they make Diantha more prominent in the third Gen VI game, since I feel she has some great potential.

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Top: CYNTHIA, Steven

Mid: Lance

Low: Diantha, Juan, Alder, Iris

Steven and Cynthia have cool teams and are involved in the plot.

Lance is involved in the plot, but unfortunately has a team that's not too hard to sweep if you have any ice moves.

Everyone else is "oh we need a champion slap that person in." No. Just, no.

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Top Tier:


High Tier:



Mid Tier:



Low Tier:



IhaventfinishedBW2yet Tier:


I don't really know why I like Alder so much. IMHO, Blue is quite depressing after a while, and I really hate Diantha because she's nearly useless in the game: I say, when I've seen her as a champion, I didn't really recognize her.

Oh, and I find Wallace to be not-so-bad actually, even though Steven is better.

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God Tier:


Great Tier:



Mid Tier:



Low Tier:



Oh god why Tier:


My Wallace hate mostly comes from my love for Steven. Steven is my definite favorite and probably always be. Blue is really good as well, simply because he's your rival and he's the champion.

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Best tier




Good Tier




OK Tier




I'm one who played Emerald before playing R/S, so Wallace has a spot for me.

Steven for his theme and character mainly.

And Lance for his character and his role in HG/SS, as well in some hacks I've played and the Anime takes a role in it

Blue was a good champion, being there for the entire game, but loses out for being a gym leader to replace Giovanni

Red is the same as Blue, but eh, not a lot of story, its like you're fighting yourself basically.

Cynthia should be higher but isn't due to my childhood and growing up with Emerald, before I got Platinum/Pearl.

Alder, Iris, and Diantha all have the same problem for me; They should be more active in the story. I'll give Alder credit for the story and I'll admit he's one of my favorite characters in BW, but he doesn't have enough presence for me.

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If you take the manga as canon, Wallace actually wins the title of Champion but then decides to let Steven be champ instead... can't remember why exactly. Then he becomes Champ again after Steven dies.

Steven and Wallace are basically my favourite champs because they both rock in the manga and Gen 3 is the best gen in the manga.

I don't understand the claim that Cynthia is awesome in the game. Cynthia walks around a lot and meets you but she doesn't actually do shit. And actually the fact that she's doing this means she's shirking her duty. She's the champion of the region but has time to look at ducks blocking a road??? Steven is similar I guess but also actually fights with you and argues against Magma/Aqua... not like Cynthia, who never fights with you and even when she comes to the Giratina battle, she just stands there across the chasm or something. Wallace does the same when Groudon and Kyogre are battling so...

Not going to include Iris and Diantha because I haven't beat BW2 or XY.

Cool Guys



Lance - comes and fights Team Rocket with you and actually does the same amount as you

Okay Peeps


Blue - DA RIVAL; seeing him get stronger with you is cool but he has like no story involvement



I don't really count Red as a champion but I'd probably slot him at the bottom if I did... to me the Champion shouldn't just be the STRONGEST GUY, they have to be the leader of the region and HELP SAVE THE WORLD and shit.

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I agree with the list, except for Lance. He was a pain the ass to beat in any game I played where I battled him, imo. His stinking Dragonite, ugh.

Edited by Anacybele
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I actually don't pay much attention to the champions in the games.

Cynthia was cool, if a bit overused by the time Black and White came around.

I don't really remember anything about Steven. Never played Emerald either.

Alder was a great character, but a poor champion. Never played Black 2/White 2 either.

Lance was helpful, but his team wasn't much of a step up from his Elite Four team.

Blue was literally champion for five minutes and it showed.

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Cool guys who are cool.




You're okay, I guess.





Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I wholeheartedly agree with you that Cynthia is the best champion ever.

The first time I heard that piano intro I just knew I was going to be fighting a tough opponent. Boy, was I right!

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I agree that Cynthia is the best Steven is the second best even though he's one of those weirdos who spells "Stephen" wrong. I'd place Red above Blue, though. I had a strategy guide when I played through Gen I for the first time so it wasn't a mind-blowing revelation to me that there was another opponent after the Elite Four or that it was my rival. Blue still gets the #4 spot though because he had a cool theme and a tough, well-balanced team.

I'd place Alder and Iris as a tie for #5, mostly to serve as a barrier between the ones I like and the ones I don't like (because I never really played much of Gen V, I'm pretty indifferent to both Iris and Alder). Then comes Lance. He was the first champion that made the Elite Four + Champion feel more like an "Elite Five". Being an Elite Four member from the previous gen and all the post-game content (including Red) in Gen II certainly didn't help. He's not at the bottom, though, because he was pretty badass during the game. Wallace was also pretty cool in Emerald, but he's close to the bottom because Steven was so much cooler and having a water-type champion in the generation that has so. much. water. was annoying.

Diantha's at the bottom because she her minimal involvement in the plot felt kind of tacked on, and they missed the opportunity for several people who would have been better champions. Either your mother (would be a nice twist, and it sucked that your mom was built up to be really important, given a backstory and even her own room. She, not Professor Sycamore was even the one who kept you from riding bikes indoors. The only other time it was one of your parents and not the Professor was with Norman, who was also the only parent who you could battle. All that buildup with X/Y Mom had zero payoff. She didn't even come to your parade), Sycamore (pretty sure he was the first professor you actually got to battle in game, and it felt like his statements of "not being a good battler" were meant to be hiding/downplaying something), or AZ (he was heavily involved in the plot, like the Champion usually is. And he still is a very mysterious figure even after learning his backstory). Hopefully Pokemon Z (or X2/Y2) either expands on Diantha's character or make someone else the champion.

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Top :

Steven, for a fun team that combines ancient relics and cool Steel type designs.

Cynthia, for the challenge and a diverse team.

High :

Red, for a silent badass with an awesome team we all wished to have as kids (except Espeon, get an Alakazam, Gengar or Mewtwo in there).

Blue, for a great theme but hilarious movepools (Barrage Exeggutor hell yes).

Lance, also for a tense battle song but way too many Dragonites. He would've made a fine Champion in Generation 4 or 5 though.

Mid :

Alder, for an interesting personality but a forgettable theme and a team that could've exploited the badass bugs of Generation 5 better.

Low :

Iris, which is basically cutesy Lance.

Bottom :

Wallace, H2Ohno.

Diantha, she barely has any presence in her game.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Cynthia-Best team diversity and has an actual presence in the storyline.

Steven-Great example of centering around a type but not being limited to it. Also he gives you beldum.


Red would be here but I don't count him as a champion

Blue-Great team diversity, most plot presence of any champion but is unfortunately let down by crappy movepools.(Although I still think his alakazam is a bigger threat than lance's dragonites in gen 1)


Alder(story)-He has a very strong presence in the black/white games and I also view him as a person who fights with more philosophy than strength.

Iris-Her team is more threatening than lance's because Lol4xWeakToIceDragonites. She is mostly let down by her lack of story presence.


Lance-Decent story presence and team

Alder(gameplay)-Definately doesn't match up to your expectations of the guy. Hell if you caught volcarona before the rematch with the elite four, you can sweep him with it and quiver dance.


Diantha-Nearly no story presence, decent team but 3 walls and computer AI really screw her over.


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Cynthia may have storyline presence but she literally does nothing. She's constantly making you run errands but she immediately shows up after you've completed said errand. And in the distortion world, she does absolutely nothing. The world could come to an end she doesn't seem to give a fuck. She'd rather let a kid handle it.

Worst Champion in my eyes.

And Game Freak keeps bringing her back for pointless and stupid cameos.

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