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Almost OC Mafia - Game Over


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Ok shinori i cant argue against your counter for the sg thing

however it makes sense for ninja ffm to claim like that since he proved at the start of this game that he doesn't know when to claim. If you don't like my read on ffm, why are you listing us as possible buddies? Do you think i'm bussing him?

Ffm has worse interactions than refa with gp. Gp's reaction to ffm's claim sounds like a possible bus thanks to waffling while refa hopping on to the gp wagon mid d1 doesn't make sense if they're buddies.

Euk is my guess for final scum bcuz i don't think all the mafia wud claim vt.

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Marthipan > FFM > Green Poet

Honestly, I still don't think Marth's been that scummy; I was townreading the dude the whole game! However, GP has just done a lot more and come across as townier overall and I am more inclined to believe her than Marth. FFM's been pretty scummy (doing nothing all day and saying "hi, I'm town" at the last minute is not particularly convincing), but I'd still rather lynch between Marth and GP today. We have a 50% chance of hitting scum there if we're completely idiotic and RL, I don't see why we should fuck it up by lynching someone else.

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I. . . just realized something. The game has to be 4/3 right now because an SK could kill mafia tonight, but that would make it not LYLO. That also means Shinori is close to cleared town.

So this:

Well one thing.

Marth is voting GP and no lynch has happened. That means that one of the two is scum. GP is just being a little crazy and I can't really see that a scum GP with buddies would be acting like this.

is likely to be correct. Either that, or the mafia isn't as organized as SFMM4's mafia and can't all get online at once to turbo. Or maybe they're going to wait for one more vote on either myself or town!Marth in order to preclude losing the game to an unclaimed Loved.

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I already said there couldn't be an SK lol. I wouldn't say he's cleared town because Scum!Vig can be a thing, but he is the most likely to be town at the moment (thanks rolespec).

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Marthipan > FFM > Green Poet

Honestly, I still don't think Marth's been that scummy; I was townreading the dude the whole game! However, GP has just done a lot more and come across as townier overall and I am more inclined to believe her than Marth. FFM's been pretty scummy (doing nothing all day and saying "hi, I'm town" at the last minute is not particularly convincing), but I'd still rather lynch between Marth and GP today. We have a 50% chance of hitting scum there if we're completely idiotic and RL, I don't see why we should fuck it up by lynching someone else.

Hey, bad players aren't always scum. =P

If I were mafia I would've just neighbourized/spoke at night with my fellow scum and gotten some pointers.

I'll try to summon enough effort to make a worthwhile post soon. Dx

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Hey, bad players aren't always scum. =P

If I were mafia I would've just neighbourized/spoke at night with my fellow scum and gotten some pointers.

I'll try to summon enough effort to make a worthwhile post soon. Dx

Are you seriously trying to bullshit not knowing how scumchats/QTs work?

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Probably reaching the double digits now in how many times my read on Shinori has changed throughout this game. I know, I'm bad at this.

I think that scum!Shinori would've just voted me after Marth did. It was a justifiable time to do so and probably would've resulted in getting me lynched. That, and I just realized that SK!Shinori can't exist. . . so him being a 1-shot vig is more likely.

I don't think he could be a mafia vig, since his N2 shot on Refa wouldn't have been nulled by Marth's safeguard.

I've been townreading Marth for pretty much the entire game and now that we don't know if a hooker exists, he and Shinori aren't likely to be buddies. Going to move my vote somewhere more useful.


I think FFM could be scum. It's WIFOMy to imagine that he was advised in scumchat to pretend to think that it was a good idea to claim VT from day start, but the feasibility of this is extended when we consider that a ninja exists, as well as potential mafia goons.

Also, FFM's been keeping up with Training Filler (also in LYLO) much more intently than with this game. Granted, he's being mentored and it's a better learning experience and such for him, but I do get the feeling that he's been neglecting Almost OC, which town has no reason to do at this critical junction.

Cut by FFM.

If I were mafia I would've just neighbourized/spoke at night with my fellow scum and gotten some pointers.

I don't like the implications of this. How are any of us supposed to know you haven't been speaking in scumchat?

More importantly - FFM, who is scum?

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10 hours left in phase, if my count is right. Will be heading off soon but I'll be up early to read and vote, if the day/game hasn't ended by then.

Should I put down a placeholder vote on FFM? We already know that scum isn't able/wiling to turbo a townie with only one vote on them.

Cam's inactivity is rather odd, considering how insistent he was on asking people questions until he got answers throughout the first couple days. That Shin didn't spot him doing anything N1 doesn't mean he can't be scum; mafia goons could exist and Cam could be the ninja, like FFM. Cam's play has read null to me for most of the game, though. From a rolespec-only perspective, Cam is likelier to be town than someone like FFM, but as Euklyd has said repeatedly, we shouldn't be basing our votes solely on rolespec at this point.

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I don't particularly like how Cam was really active the first few days and then dropped off the map as soon as LYLO was announced. He also kinda turned the Day 1 lynch against Junko, for what it's worth.

GP still mostly seems town to me (dat Day One last-ditch effort), although why she hasn't been turbo-lynched like she was wondering is strange, considering that she's an acceptable target. Also, that part where she thought it was safe to vote Bluedoom because she's gotten a vote and hasn't been hammered is sus.

Other players will be analyzed soon.

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Hey, bad players aren't always scum. =P

If I were mafia I would've just neighbourized/spoke at night with my fellow scum and gotten some pointers.

I'll try to summon enough effort to make a worthwhile post soon. Dx

Are you seriously trying to bullshit not knowing how scumchats/QTs work?

[spoiler="You know what's cool?]Rolling scum in P3 mafia.

[spoiler=you know what's cooler?]Making a post in the P3 scum QT.

I just checked; you definitely made a post in the QT. In fact you made two.

You implied that you didn't know that scum could talk with their buddies normally.

You are literally lying to try to get out of a lynch.

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You implied that you didn't know that scum could talk with their buddies normally.

You are literally lying to try to get out of a lynch.


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Thanks, clipsey.

Also, that part where she thought it was safe to vote Bluedoom because she's gotten a vote and hasn't been hammered is sus.

Why's that?

And do you think anyone else is scum besides Cam?

GP still mostly seems town to me (dat Day One last-ditch effort), although why she hasn't been turbo-lynched like she was wondering is strange, considering that she's an acceptable target. Also, that part where she thought it was safe to vote Bluedoom because she's gotten a vote and hasn't been hammered is sus.

Theoretically, the only reason I haven't been turbo'ed is because I am scum, in which case I would not be an acceptable target. . . so how do you know that I am? Only myself and scum should know for certain that I am town.

You implied that you didn't know that scum could talk with their buddies normally.

You are literally lying to try to get out of a lynch.

I'm reading the post like "my (FFM's) visibly bad play > no access to scumchat > I can't be scum," as opposed to "visibly no access to scumchat > I can't be scum."

I can see how the post could read like FFM trying to pretend he doesn't know how scumchats work, but I'd have to be purposely thinking along those lines in reading it. It looks bad, but calling it a lie is a bit much.

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He definitely implied that he would need to neighborize his buddies in order to talk to them.

If I were mafia I would've just neighbourized/spoke at night with my fellow scum and gotten some pointers.

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...Just in case they could guide me during the daytime. Your point?

You only got the chance to your scumbuddies during D1 in P3M. You already know that scumchats can be posted in during day phases.

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FFM you're still implying you don't know how it works when you obviously do.

I've never seen a game of forum mafia where scum couldn't talk during the day; there's no reason for town to assume they couldn't do so now, especially when in your previous scumgame they could do so.

At this point I am definitely cool with an FFM lynch.

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You only got the chance to talk to your scumbuddies during D1 in P3M. You already know that scumchats can be posted in during day phases.

edited missing words

The oversights don't feel genuine. I don't think scum would let him admit to implying that scumchat only works at night, but the lack of scum organization here is pretty consistent with the lack of turbo on either myself or Marth.

##Vote: FFM

Placeholder vote until I get back.

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Euk's been really aggressive and jumping to conclusions, what with acting so certain that I'm scum based off of on inconsequential evidence. I'm guessing she's scum trying to incite others into a turbo-lynch so that Mafia can clean up shop.

I'd vote her, but I'll refrain from doing so for now just in case I'm wrong and the scum jump on the opportunity.

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