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Arguments for/against legalization of Cannabis


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There is so little I know on the topic, and it is difficult finding articles online that are devoid of personal bias. I would like to ask those who respond to this inquiry to do so objectively.

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For: Enforcement against the drug does orders of magnitude more damage to individuals and society at large than the drug itself does.


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One problem I think I see with having a really evenhanded debate about it is that in the United States (at least) the government in practice makes it very difficult for universities to do actual academic research on the effects of marijuana, even in cases where the legal framework theoretically allows it.

On arguments against legalizing marijuana, I've never seen any of them answer the direly-begged question of why alcohol should be legal in any capacity if marijuana shouldn't.

That said, where there are laws against driving drunk, I'd think it should only make sense to have laws against driving high too. I also seem to remember there being some evidence (or interpretation of evidence) that underage drinking can damage the brain? and/or development? in some situations? so I'd like to see robust studies of that with marijuana done as soon as possible, too.

Edited by Rehab
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No. Know what? Ban everything. Tobacco, Alcohol, all of it. If we legalize cannabis, people will just keep on pushing until every single vice is legalized. Of course, this is how the mafia and illegal sales and creation of such things get made, and then the government can't get their paycheck. So legalize all of it, but then... Who will monitor the people. Can the common man not know of moderation without hurting those in their surroundings? Crap! Well we've reached an impass. :Y I don't even know...

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I don't care, if smoking of marihuana or hash is legalized as long they do not bother other people in the publicity (same opinion like in my thread about smoking of cigarettes). If they want to ruin their health, they should do. The consequences are similar, however cannabis will also change the conciousness.

However using cannabis as a medicine drug would be a good thing.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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No. Know what? Ban everything. Tobacco, Alcohol, all of it. If we legalize cannabis, people will just keep on pushing until every single vice is legalized.

One fact for sure:

If cannabis is legalized, it will cause a chain reaction. A huge discussion follows, if other drugs should be legalized as well soon.

slippery slope fallacy

the negative impact of drugs can be measured. it is disingenuous to assume that legalization of marijuana would lead to legalization of more harmful substances.

as far as i know, there are two strong arguments for the legalization of marijuana: it is closer to alcohol on the spectrum of harm caused by recreational drug use (and alcohol is legal), and the amount of people imprisoned for marijuana possession in the US is ludicrous. i suppose a third argument for its legalization has to do with its legal status in european countries coupled with a lack of observed deleterious effects on society.

Edited by dondon151
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Cannabis is not the most dangerous drug, but it also ruins your health. I don't care, if people want to kill theirselves through drugs as long they do not bother other people in the publicity (same opinion like in my thread about smoking).

You are aware that cannabis is known to have some health benefits right? People use it to help with their vision, others use it as pain relief, and there are many more things I've heard it helps with (and it's not 100% scientifically proven but medical marijuana is legalized for a reason).

If cannabis is legalized, it will cause a chain reaction. A huge discussion follows, if other drugs should be legalized as well soon.

For what reason? Cannabis and even alcohol are far less harmful than things like acid, cocaine (and all of its sub-drugs), meth, etc. There's a reason why there's a push for legalization of cannabis and why no one is coming anywhere close to touching the other illegal drugs.

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uhhhhhh i guess it kinda damages your lungs if you smoke it?

's all i got

Actually not true. The drug expands your lungs and helps you breath. In moderation, of course. Studies judged based on one joint a day.

The tar from the smoking itself has similar effects to the tar from cigarettes, though not as bad. There are ways to avoid that... Like vapor and other means of intake.

Post before edit.

Similar to what Maerk said... Using your logic, we should never have unbanned alcohol, and tobacco should be banned because it is more harmful than marijuana. Both of these legalizations are leading to discussion of cannabis itself!

If you are not going to argue for banning these, too, then why don't you think they caused a slippery slope chain reaction? They are way closer to hard drugs than cannabis.

Edited by Makaze
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I honestly don't know why cannabis is such a big deal while tabacco is legalized almost everywhere. Isn't tabacco much more dangerous? TBH, i don't really think about this issue a lot, since i don't have any interest in ever trying pot, but i can't think of a single reason to keep it banned.

I sometimes wonder if legalizing all drugs wouldn't actually be a good thing, specially here in my country, where drug traffic is a huge issue. I mean, drug dealers kill many people, commit crimes (besides drug traffic) and even control parts of some cities. If every drug was legalized, they wouldn't have their easy money anymore, and would be way easier to deal with. And the government would get even more tax money, which they love!

Edited by Nobody
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I honestly don't know why cannabis is such a big deal while tabacco is legalized almost everywhere. Isn't tabacco much more dangerous? TBH, i don't really think about this issue a lot, since i don't have any interest in ever trying pot, but i can't think of a single reason to keep it banned.

I sometimes wonder if legalizing all drugs wouldn't actully be a good thing, specially here in my country, where drug traffic is a huge issue.

Like many other societal norms, the aversion to marijuana in America grew into what it is today with a simple passage of time, creating a tradition of sorts. It was illegalized in the early 20th century in part because it was strongly associated with Mexicans, as an effort to defend against the influx of immigrants that fled the revolution of their country. More puritan efforts were gaining ground at the time with regard to other substances as well, alcohol being the most famous, but unfortunately marijuana was associated with harsher narcotics at the time.

Apparently the substance was, over time, linked to pretty much every kind of disliked group of people that threatened America's social order, so over the decades grew into a sort of devil drug.

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I honestly don't know why cannabis is such a big deal while tabacco is legalized almost everywhere. Isn't tabacco much more dangerous? TBH, i don't really think about this issue a lot, since i don't have any interest in ever trying pot, but i can't think of a single reason to keep it banned.

I sometimes wonder if legalizing all drugs wouldn't actually be a good thing, specially here in my country, where drug traffic is a huge issue. I mean, drug dealers kill many people, commit crimes (besides drug traffic) and even control parts of some cities. If every drug was legalized, they wouldn't have their easy money anymore, and would be way easier to deal with. And the government would get even more tax money, which they love!

I've heard you're 7x more likely to get lung cancer if you smoke a lot of marijuana than if you smoked the same amount of tobacco. But that's from my little brother's anti-drug essay, so I'm not all that sure.

As said by everyone above, if tobacco and alcohol are illegal, then why not marijuana?

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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Even though I would never smoke it, I think it would be smarter to legalize it. That way it can be taxed and regulated, effectively making it more safe than if it was illegal. I mean, look how prohibition ended up. People will always find ways to acquire what they want.

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Even though I would never smoke it, I think it would be smarter to legalize it. That way it can be taxed and regulated, effectively making it more safe than if it was illegal. I mean, look how prohibition ended up. People will always find ways to acquire what they want.

What? All that happened was people began learning to brew things, and men started wearing fancy suits and talking about respect.

Honestly, I'd like this, but it's easier said than done. I do think it is the best course of action. Personally, I myself wouldn't use it either; be it smoking or in food, or whatever. I don't know how people do it.

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Alrighty, now we're talkin:

- Legalize it. Get over the propaganda and just tax the shit out of it. This has already proven effective in Colorado.

- There are health benefits. There are also health issues. Smoking MJ, much like any mind-altering substance, prior to your frontal lobe fully developing carries an increased risk of mental health issues, including psychosis. This is fact. This doesn't mean we should make it illegal, but if you're going to take a side, you have to be intelligent and informed in your decision and acknowledge the facts.

- Being an avid smoker and having associated with them, I can admit that if you don't know what you're doing or if you're letting it consume your life, it can be a bad thing. The moral side of the anti-MJ argument has a point, though it's more of a point for the cultural court of public opinion, not in legislation.

- The slippery-slope fallacy might make most arguments against MJ moot, but there is some truth, depending on the situation, to the concept of MJ being a gateway drug. The problem with the argument is that people act like MJ itself is a gateway drug, when in fact it's merely the less insane drug that more people try. They find out it isn't so bad, their inhibitions are hindered, and they try new stuff. But alcohol is like that, salvia is like that, anything you start with is like that. Shit even peer pressure is a gateway drug. Whatever your starting point is has the risk of being a "gateway", MJ is just the first in many cases.

- The drug war is stupid. Everyone knows that. Those that think it's good acknowledge the war is lost. Time to join the contemporary times.

- MJ IS NOT A FUCKING SCHEDULE 1 DRUG. The fact that it was put there screams ulterior motives and the power of propaganda. At the very least it needs to get moved out of heroin territory. You don't die from it.*

*Okay that one idiot in that hotel in Colorado jumped off a balcony or something after eating a cookie. But that doesn't count.**

**If we're going to blame anyone for that death it should be gravity.

In the end we're all focusing on the wrong thing. The real enemy here is gravity.


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#bangravity - Since humanity wouldn't even exist without it.

On topic now:

Banning marijuana because of increased risk of psychosis is like banning video games because it can cause violent behaviors...

Edited by Naughx
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#bangravity - Since humanity wouldn't even exist without it.

On topic now:

Banning marijuana because of increased risk of psychosis is like banning video games because it can cause violent behaviors...

Right. I agree with that. I'm just saying it does not lend to the pro-legalization argument for people act like that isn't a possibility.

Having everyone understand any and all risks is a part of making sure it's safely used/regulated.

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