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Fire Emblem Drinking Games

The Geek

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Just some silly ideas I had for drinking games based on the different FE games. If you have some additional ideas, add them.

Sacred Stones:

Take a drink every time:

- Someone tells Eirika to get back in the kitchen

- Ephraim does something reckless

- Seth kicks someone's ass

- Joshua loses a bet

- Innes acts like a jerk

- Valter says something creepy about one of the twins

- L'Arachel makes a boast

- Dozla laughs

- Someone has a flashback

Awakening (I feel like this is going to be the big one):

Take a drink every time:

- Someone complements the Avatar

- You fail to notice Kellam

- Stahl talks about how hungry he is

- Cherche dotes on Minerva

- Tharja does something creepy

- Henry makes a pun

- Olivia gets embarrassed

- One of your units gets killed by a random Lethality.

- Cordelia pines for Chrom

- Sumia trips

- Sully swears

Blazing Sword:

Take a drink every time:

- Something bad happens to Eliwood

- Hector says "Blast!"

- Lyn talks about how great Sacae is

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Fe7: Take a shot every time

Wallace is confused

Serra is a lovable bitch

Dart misses

Guy does under 10 damage


Deploying Seth is better than other options

Eirika gets a speed lvlup


Donny says a word with an apostrophe

Chrom gets confused

Maribelle and Severa insult someone

Vaile refers to himself as Teach

Miriel attempts to analyze something

Owain talks to/about his sword arm

Sumia does something wrong

Cordelia does something right

Anna exists

Sully says damm, dastard or crap

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Sword of Seals, take a drink when ever a unit misses.

Bonus, triple if Gonzalez hits something on his first try with a steel Axe

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In general:

-Take a drink if a unit gets a 1% crit. Finish your drink if it was the enemy.

-Down a whole glass if a unit gets a perfect level-up. For a blank level-up, the amount depends on the game.

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Fire emblem awakening:

Take a drink everytime you reclass the avatar

Take a drink everytime you bring a good weapon and end up not using it in the battle

Take a drink everytime Morgan is interested on something.

Fire emblem 7:

Take a drink everytime Eliwood is betrayed

Take a drink everytime Lyn does nothing useful on each chapter

Take two drinks everytime Ninian and Nils switch places

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Take a drink every time

- Micaiah gushes about Daein

- An enemy unit suicides itself against your units.

- An enemy takes a Boss' Elixir

- An enemy takes a healing item from potential PCs

- An enemy captures your staff user

- An enemy attacks a foe they either can't damage or hit

- You find the Devil Axe

- You restart a chapter

Edited by BrightBow
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-Asvel /Felgus /Othin /Shiva /Sara/Bromeros do critical hit.

-Leif tell someone "you were my mother "

-Reinforcements come for place you didn 't expect.

-your unit get tired of fighting.

-you warp someone.

-Leif act like idiot.

-Take 100ml of vodka when RNG fuck you by missing 99hit or get 1hit.

-movement level up!

-movement star.

Edited by Nicolas
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lol this looks like fun. :P

Take a sip every time:


- Ike uses Aether

- Kieran boasts his name and post

- Marcia screams at Makalov

- Shinon insults Ike


- Frederick mentions training

- Gaius makes a sugar pun

- Stahl talks about food

Blazing Sword:

- Sain hits on a girl

- Sain gets told off for hitting on a girl

- Erk gets annoyed at Serra

That's all I can come up with for now. lol

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I did one whilst playing RD a while back: Take a drink every time Micaiah fails to proc speed upon level up.

All I have to say is that I'm never doing that again...

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