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Why was Tanith so great in this game, again?

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I think most of the arguement summed up to her being a semi-viable Sonic Sword wielder (10 Mag, really?) and Reinforce. Mostly the latter, if I recall. I don't think that's incredibly useful, really...but please, do enlighten me (and no, I'm not entirely forgetting about flight).

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Having a horse and wings makes Tanith awesome by default. But she is also a level 10 Falcon Knight with the stats to match by the time Ike just got promoted to a mere level 1 Lord.

Edited by BrightBow
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But she is also a level 10 Falcon Knight with the stats to match by the time Ike just got promoted to a mere level 1 Lord.

I think you're exaggerating a bit here. Tanith has an advanced level, but her bases are overall not much different from an average 20/1 Ike. That's not to say that Tanith isn't excellent, but proclaiming her a "level 10 Falcon Knight with stats to match" and Ike a "mere level 1 Lord" is more than a little spurious.
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I think you're exaggerating a bit here. Tanith has an advanced level, but her bases are overall not much different from an average 20/1 Ike. That's not to say that Tanith isn't excellent, but proclaiming her a "level 10 Falcon Knight with stats to match" and Ike a "mere level 1 Lord" is more than a little spurious.

I was merely using Ike in particular to illustrate what is probably the average level of the party when Tanith joins and his promotion is fixed. But I would hope that foot units would have higher stats then mounts on equal level to make up for all the disadvantages that they face.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm not sure a 0 growths run would give an accurate representation of a unit's worth since many units will be far worse than they would under normal circumstances. I'm starting to feel like I'm trying to argue that Tanith isn't as good as she is, so I think I'll stop nitpicking now. >_>

Oh, and Soul, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss reinforce. The falcon knight Tanith calls is about as strong as she is, and the two pegasus knights are pretty strong in their own right.

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Tanith isn't *that* great. She's a fairly average flier on the whole with the unique ability of reinforce and being one of three viable SS users (which isn't THAT amazing, especially since she can use javelins) as well as some decent supports (WHY NO OSCAR/TANITH ENDING?!). However, in 0% runs having solid bases is VERY important and in tier lists, which tend to thrive on turn-counts, reinforce is a major advantage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to make a thread on this, having recently used Tanith seriously for the first time.




Seriously, reinforce is insane. Being able to repeatedly summon units that are disposable and __just as good as you are__ is crazy.

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Reinforce really is ridiculously good. The pegasus knights are just disposable meatshields (which has its own merits) but the falcoknights are actually not bad at contributing to clears. Fielding Tanith is like fielding the efficiency of 2.5 units. Tanith herself has average stats with aside from a great speed base, but her earth affinity and two great supports makes her easy to slot onto the team. There's also a bunch of chapters left where flying units absolutely dominate anyway.

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I'm not sure a 0 growths run would give an accurate representation of a unit's worth since many units will be far worse than they would under normal circumstances.

I think people bring it up to say "This unit is so good they don't need to improve at all." Which is true about Tanith. It shouldn't be used to measure the value of growth units like Marcia and Jill.

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Tanith is really that good. Shes got great bases, Earth Affinity (which rules), supports with awesome units, Reinforce, and good weapon ranks at base. Weapon ranks are a Big Deal in this game. Her str base isnt fantastic but who really cares when shes doing all that other stuff anyway? /shrug

While one doesnt really NEED to use Reinforce on Normal mode (if you know how to bullshit), its still really handy just in case. In Hard, its really nice to have. People have already pointed out that the Falcon Knight Tanith can summon is pretty awesome. And she can summon up to two of them in a chapter. Up to six disposable flying units in one chapter. Pretty fucken broken. The pegknights she summons arent completely awful either. (they arent amazing but they arent shit. They just cant damage a lot of knights/generals. They do a lot of freaking chip though.)

Tanith rocks in FE9. Deal with it.

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I think it's more about Tanith being a Falcoknight with pretty good (but not particularly amazing) bases and fantastic weapon ranks (because fuck FE9 WEXP). Reinforce is nice, but I tend to kill everything before the reinforcements come into play because they start out at the back of the battlefield and don't move until the end of your turn.

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Reinforce is sooooo overrated. All it does is summon three experience thieves! Terrible skill - replace it with Gamble or Corrosion.

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Tanith's Reinforce is the only reason I've ever been able to beat chapter 21. lol

Her Peg knights serve as bait so I don't lose anyone trying to get Janaff/Ulki and Reyson to talk to Naesala and get him to go away. :P

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Tanith's Reinforce is the only reason I've ever been able to beat chapter 21. lol

Her Peg knights serve as bait so I don't lose anyone trying to get Janaff/Ulki and Reyson to talk to Naesala and get him to go away. :P

I have an alternative strategy for that level that has no Reinforce use. So if you are interested, let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm fine with using Reinforce, but thanks anyway lol.

But dat Knight Ring doe...


They're way better on Maniac Mode too. If there was a Lunatic Mode, her reinforcements would have capped a lot of stats!

Dat Speed. Damn....

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They're way better on Maniac Mode too. If there was a Lunatic Mode, her reinforcements would have capped a lot of stats!


I guess that such a supreme badass serves below Tanith ties into what Sigrun said about people needing to be of noble blood to serve the goddess.

And to think people even bother to sing the praises of the 13-3 archer.

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