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I still don't get the praise of this game...

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Why do I post so many topics hating on this game? hopefully I'll stop once ssb4 is released and the character discussions (by large) end.

This game, as probably every one of you know, is the most sold and praised Fire Emblem game to date, and honestly, I don't get it. I don't really know if this is a problem with that people can't separate "favourite" from "best", or what, because, favourite, you like it the best and I can't argue with it, it just fits your tastes, best, I can argue with that... a lot...

I'll skip the story, everyone knows it's badly written so there is no need to harp on it.

Best gameplay... honestly, while the game has it's flaws, I would still give that to Radiant Dawn, the hight dis/advantage, the two magic triangels, 3rd tier promotions etc. I just think that game made things a lot better and more complex.

Characters, while this exist in other fe:s too, it's much more apprent, and this is indeed more of a personal thing, the characters seem to come straight out of an anime personality wise, this might either be a good thing or a turn of, for me, the latter.

And the designs, something many has said before, I think they are way to fanservicy just for fanservice, we have had fanserivce in the other fire emblems, but, most of the time, it makes sense for the character and isn't out of place.

The music... it's good, thats really all, it's not that memorable and didn't stand out in any way for me while playing, it was just there, it's good ipod music, but I wouldn't call it the bes fe score, it's not bad, it's not just memorable.

So honestly, I don't get it, maybe it's the marketing and that people didn't play the earlier ones, maybe it's the reviewer overhyping the game, I don't know, maybe you people can shed some light on this for me.

And if you wonder why I still bother woth a game I disslike, it's ssb4 conversations that usually go somewhere "...of course they must, it's the best game in the series...".

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I think a lot of this praise is mainly for the marriage system. I mean, you're given your own customizable character that can marry anyone in the playable cast. That's obviously going to appeal to a lot of people. The terms "waifu simulator" and "Waifu Emblem" go around an awful lot too and a lot of the time this game is talked about, pairings are a big part of the conversation, particularly Avatar ones. Some people have even gone as far as to call it a dating game, though I personally wouldn't refer to it as such.

Honestly though, it's the fact that the marriage stuff is overhyped, overrated, and argued over too much. I've begun to think that it was a bad idea. It seemed neat and fun at first, but I never expected that it would result in a lot of annoying fans the way it has...

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It's definitely the most casual FE, which is a double edged sword. I play it more as a relaxing game, while the others can get me quite worked up. It is one of the easier to pick up and play, just doing a single chapter before turning the system off again (Having some crazy short chapters helps).

I enjoyed it massively when I first played it, and enjoyed the generations system (But not the time travel!) a lot. But in retrospect, there are a lot of glaring flaws in the game. I think the pair up system was a good idea (and quite fun), but is far too broken at present. That actually sums up the game as a whole fairly well...

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honestly, I don't get it.

People have different tastes, and there are a lot of "things" in Awakening to enjoy. Add that to the wide reach of the game in general, and you have a recipe for a lot of praise. It's not astrophysics.

The music... it's good, thats really all, it's not that memorable and didn't stand out in any way for me while playing, it was just there, it's good ipod music, but I wouldn't call it the bes fe score, it's not bad, it's not just memorable.

The music is quite excellent. There's no accounting for taste, I guess.

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You forget that this is the first FE related game to hit the market overseas since Shadow Dragon came out (which was in 09 I believe?), so much time had passed since then and now. Also, it was released for the most recent gaming console, which gave people another game to play on their 3DS. That's why I think it gained so many new fans of the series at once.

I'm not a fan of Awakening either (of course, I can't say anything bad about it when I haven't even played it) because it's all the fandom talks about nowadays. In fact, I think the old timey FE games are way better than Awakening, but to each his own I guess. Yeah, it's been a year and the hype still hasn't died down yet, but I think things will simmer down soon. Hopefully, Awakening introduced new fans to the series so they'll want to try the other titles too (and maybe enjoy those games better than Awakening) :)

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I think people worship the game for its extremely easy difficulty and play, they don't have to think very much. I like to think of the game as the complete opposite of thracia 776. also the one major selling point of the game is its generation system which i hate it just does not fit in children time travelling, however if it was like genealogy's with the parents dead i may have enjoyed it more.

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I suppose Lunatic+ is extremely easy, then.

Games' difficulty should be judged based on the hardest thing they have to offer, not the easiest. That's like saying Melee is easy because you can go into training mode and the CPU won't fight back. In Awakening's case, there's a large amount of different challenges, a large amount of customization to play them with and an even larger amount of challenge runs you can make by playing around with that customization.

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I think people worship the game for its extremely easy difficulty and play, they don't have to think very much.

I like the veiled insult toward people who enjoy Awakening. :rolleyes:
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because its casualized, they advertised it well, threw in bunch of fanservice to cover up how much depth the game doesn't have, and because its the first fire emblem on the 3ds, actually the first fire emblem in a LONG time for most people outside of japan because 12 was never brought over.

so yeah, its gonna get lot of undeserved praise, i mean the game looks and sounds nice, and on a surface level it plays nice.

but it can't hold my attention for long enough because of all the removed features and the lack of ways to go around a map.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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because its casualized, they advertised it well, threw in bunch of fanservice to cover up how much depth the game doesn't have, and because its the first fire emblem on the 3ds, actually the first fire emblem in a LONG time for most people outside of japan because 12 was never brought over.

so yeah, its gonna get lot of undeserved praise, i mean the game looks and sounds nice, and on a surface level it plays nice.

but it can't hold my attention for long enough because of all the removed features and the lack of ways to go around a map.

As someone who is probably Awakening's most well known "white-knight", considering how I had it on Youtube longest/whatever...

I love the game.

The features it removed were replace by other features.

The game itself is very customizable.

Obviously, on subsequent playthroughs, the plotholes became more glaringly obvious, but it's fun. The gameplay is fun.

It's fun.

And most people don't really care for much as long as it brings that to them.

Casual fans are a lot easier to please because Normal is easygoing and has casual mode that "casualized" the game, as you put it.

But it still has appeal to veterans.

It just depends on your taste.

"Undeserved praise" is very subjective.

I think people worship the game for its extremely easy difficulty and play, they don't have to think very much.


Play Lunatic+ no grind please.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'll never understand why people keep hating on Awakening. It's as if they can't accept that different people enjoy different things, and that their opinions aren't objective truths.

Personally, I have played most of the games in the series, and yet Awakening still ended up becoming my favorite FE once I played it. Yes, it has flaws. It's very difficult to find a game without, especially when it comes to Fire Emblem. That doesn't stop it from being fun.

Some people enjoy the marriage system. A lot of the people in this group like FE4 for the same reason.

Some people enjoy the strengthened JRPG aspects, like the ability to grind whenever you want. A lot of the people in this group also enjoy FE8 and FE2.

Some people simply like it for being a new Fire Emblem game. The basic gameplay is mostly unchanged; you can play it like you would any other FE and it will be appropriately challenging. Heck, if you don't plan to beat Classic Lunatic, you don't even need to use Pair Up if you really don't want to.

And some people like it for different reasons. Far too many people seem to be unaware of the fact that ultimately, most people play games for fun. Too many people seem to be unable to accept that a new game in the same series doesn't need to be exactly the same as its predecessors to be "good".

Edited by Scarlet
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This game definitely provides the most casual fun, it's easy to pick up and play and you can get absorbed in the customization options and the support system. It's not meant to be difficult, although options are provided for the hardcore audience. It's not really a bad Fire Emblem, it's a different kind of Fire Emblem, the kind of game people who enjoy collecting Pokemon or building a town in Animal Crossing will enjoy just as much as any SRPG enthusiast. The story is shit though, that's a whole other issue.

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The story is shit though, that's a whole other issue.

Doesn't seem to stop many of the same people who hate FE13 from praising FE10 as a good game.

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Nancy Mode, Shipping As A Mechanic, Quirky Characters, Huge Amount Of Side Content, Crazy Customizable Class Sets, Avatar, Glurgey Story, Fully Rendered Cut Scenes, Voice Acting, and Sheer Fun Factor.

Thats why people praise it. They had fun with it. I will never understand why people abhor this game so vocally and condemn those who did enjoy it as "stupid casuals". The only thing really wrong with the game is its Glurgey Story. Everything else is really nicely put together and incredibly fun to play with. If people love and praise this game for its story, theres something wrong with them. However, if they are praising the game for all that other shit, their opinion is not invalid because it actually is a good game. Theres so much replayability as well. So much to find and do and tinker with. Theres a huge amount of gamers who love that shit.


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Doesn't seem to stop many of the same people who hate FE13 from praising FE10 as a good game.

Only part 4 really sucked IMO, but I don't really think FE13 is a bad game because if its bad story, there are some games that are really enjoyable with bad stories. Games more focused on story like RPGs are bound to suffer more though. Perhaps a bad story on top of a gameplay style shift was too much for them.

Edited by Knight
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FE13 lost its flavor, so to speak, after a while for me. Playing it now feels really awkward.

Wow this is exactly how I feel. I can always play Fe4, 5, 7, etc during any spare break and feel satisfied/entertained, but for fe13, I can't do more than just shyly look away from its cartridge.

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It was well advertised, the graphics are bright and colorful with an appealing anime style. High quality cutscenes and voice acting, with atmospheric, if not really memorable, music. Most characters are quirky and likable on the surface, and some are even so on a deeper level. And we can't forget the nigh limitless pairing options which can guarantee many playthroughs for those who become attached to the characters.

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Wow this is exactly how I feel. I can always play Fe4, 5, 7, etc during any spare break and feel satisfied/entertained, but for fe13, I can't do more than just shyly look away from its cartridge.

Same here. I just can't get myself to play it anymore.... It bores me. I have a couple friends who I know that still play it, but I just can't anymore.

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i don't have a similar feeling, but then again i didn't play the game to death to begin with. well, at least i don't count 152 hrs "to death." however, i also haven't played in months anyway.

double magic triangle in rd was stupid.

light magic is my favorite, though...man i love rekka...

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i don't have a similar feeling, but then again i didn't play the game to death to begin with. well, at least i don't count 152 hrs "to death." however, i also haven't played in months anyway.

double magic triangle in rd was stupid.

light magic is my favorite, though...man i love rekka...

is 216 hours "to death"?

all that's without a third playthough btw.

i mean as i said before i get the praise for the game, but i disagree with it.

but we all have opinions and that's ok.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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is 216 hours "to death"?

all that's without a third playthough btw.

i mean as i said before i get the praise for the game, but i disagree with it.

but we all have opinions and that's ok.

i'd say so. maybe 150 hrs is too, though (i thought i had under 80!)

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