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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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Apologies for the inactivity during D1- frickin' multi-day bus rides (and getting carsick in the process) and no access to my laptop sucked like hell. ;/

I'm guessing Shinori took the bullet for someone else, considering his role. Who would you say was the most prime target for a night-kill?

He was a LYNCHGUARD, and basically had Safeguard on himself. The only "bullet" he can take is a lynch if someone he targeted got hammered the next day phase. Either you misunderstood his flip (which I'm partially doubting), or you're flat out trying to flag us in the wrong direction (aka. Scum intent). Either way, this comment in itself (and the timing) feels really bad to me.

##Vote: FFM

Oh yeah I want to ask this so

Prims why didn't you vote me last phase? We had 20 hours till phase end when you suspected me and I had a Eury vote on me too. But you seemed to find me more suspicious than Euklyd.

Wait, what? I don'tt think I ever moved whatever my RVS vote during D1 (and I don't think you were the one I voted for?), so how exactly did I get there? o_O?

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He was a LYNCHGUARD, and basically had Safeguard on himself. The only "bullet" he can take is a lynch if someone he targeted got hammered the next day phase. Either you misunderstood his flip (which I'm partially doubting), or you're flat out trying to flag us in the wrong direction (aka. Scum intent). Either way, this comment in itself (and the timing) feels really bad to me.

##Vote: FFM

I misread his role. Are you just trying to make me look scummier than I am?

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He was a LYNCHGUARD, and basically had Safeguard on himself. The only "bullet" he can take is a lynch if someone he targeted got hammered the next day phase. Either you misunderstood his flip (which I'm partially doubting), or you're flat out trying to flag us in the wrong direction (aka. Scum intent). Either way, this comment in itself (and the timing) feels really bad to me.

uhhhh how is misreading the flip scummy. this is such a weird hop especially since you went from a semi-thorough wall of text to "well FFM got the facts wrong in a way that could be easily corrected, must be scum"
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Is my roleblocking ability that disposable?

^ Also, this statement sounds horrible. Claim or not, you don't coast on it (which is what you're seeming like you're doing) and basically ask us "You sure you want to get rid of me?", especially when you chose to not even prove your role last night phase. Why not block out everything and prevent the NK from happening (along with any information roles and whatnot from occurring on scum-side)? In addition, that would have verified your role to us and basically cleared you.

Honestly, you had NO reason NOT to use it last night, because now you REALLY seem like you're coasting on your claim, and that seems extremely scummy to me. Because you're basically still dangling the role you claim to have in front of us, and utilizing it to attempt to keep lynch priority off of you. Self-serving, and self-saving, is what I'm feeling, and that is in no way a townie act at all.

---Edit: Shit, so many ninja posts. Gawd.

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no? I can sift through things later when I'm not on my phone

don't bother, I included a "manix pls go" in a message I sent somebody, if you don't know what I'm talking about you didn't see it.
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right now, he's still a scumlord

also I can't search things now but I have a gut feeling that SB is scum. Will compile stuff when I can

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I misread his role. Are you just trying to make me look scummier than I am?

^ Oddly self-conscious remark btw.

uhhhh how is misreading the flip scummy. this is such a weird hop especially since you went from a semi-thorough wall of text to "well FFM got the facts wrong in a way that could be easily corrected, must be scum"

It was his post as a whole that felt off- for one, it CLEARLY STATES: "Lynch Guard"/"Safeguard". Neither of which provide any sort of guard to FATAL/killing blows. I'm finding it difficult to find that he misread BOTH of them.

Then the secondary part of "Who do you think was the most likely to die then?" question, which felt like a bad redirect means of panning our eyes elsewhere.

Eury: marf subbed for kirsche, who was your RVS vote

I stand corrected: Forgot that Marth subbed in for Kirsche, so yeah, I apparently did have a vote on him.

eury: iirc it was basically agreed, at least a little that FFM should have waited. You can't hold that against him

I disagree. Whether you choose to say so aloud in a thread or in another selective OC elsewhere, what he does is his choice, and he has his reasons behind doing/not doing something. If he chooses to sheep other people's opinions, then he should understand that he's liable to still being seen as suspicious, because as a whole he has nothing more than his claim/word that he is what he is. And by stalling/NOT using it, whoever suggested it basically shot us in the foot in being unable to not only clear someone to us (or at least prove his role to be legit), but also protect the NK target (AKA. Shinori). Just sayin'.

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yeah let me just get my magical scum scrying crystal

Eury looks iffy to me right now, she disappeared halfway through Day 1 (without following up on her content post) and took one recent post someone made and used it to justify a vote on that person

Also Prims, saying that I only hung around to claim doesn't really hold water when a few players have made hardly any posts at all

I seem to be the center of attention right now so I can't really scan recent events without mentioning myself

##Vote: Eury

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yeah let me just get my magical scum scrying crystal

Eury looks iffy to me right now, she disappeared halfway through Day 1 (without following up on her content post) and took one recent post someone made and used it to justify a vote on that person

Also Prims, saying that I only hung around to claim doesn't really hold water when a few players have made hardly any posts at all

I seem to be the center of attention right now so I can't really scan recent events without mentioning myself

##Vote: Eury

OMGUS Eury vote, is what I'm gathering here.

Secondly, I was gone for the past day phase (and will even redirect you to Training Mafia that finished the other day for verification). Secondly, your gameplay as a whole in D1 was scummy from the start, so the entire bolded line in your comment/post is a complete lie.

Thirdly, inactivity based on other players doesn't mean it should influence your own amount of gameplay/contribution, Pascal. Just because people are inactive/doing stupid things/etc. doesn't mean you automatically sheep them (or otherwise validates what you do as a whole).

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Oh yeah Eury if you're done with justifying your FFM vote can you please tell us who else do you think is scum and why? You know, based on D1 shenanigans?

Not voting FFM atm, I think keeping him alive last night phase only to get him lynched today is dumb.

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A lightning strike seemed too out of place, given the skies were blue as far as the eye could see.

Pascal has died. He was...

Dear Pascal, you are Llednar Tewm.

You are the embodiment of everything that isn't Mewt Randell. You're strong, fierce, and aggressive. You're powerful, too! You're defeated most often due to law conflicts and other such situations.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with:

##Night X: Cast Dragon Force You will enchant yourself with strongwilled. You may perform this action once.

##Night X: Cast Twister You will enchant yourself with ninja. You may perform this action once.

##Night X: Cast Night. You will prevent all users from acting during the night, except for yourself. This includes any living partners in your faction. If you wish to have your faction perform a factional kill when using this ability, only you may perform it. You may perform this action once.

##Night X: Cast Matra Magic on [uSER1] and [uSER2]! You will shift [uSER1]'s and [uSER2]'s places, forcing all actions that would target [uSER1] to target [uSER2] and vice versa. You may perform this action once.

##Night X: Cast Mighty Guard on [uSER]. You will prevent a lynch that would occur on [uSER] during the following day phase. You may perform this action once.

Lastly, you may discard all of your abilities (you must have at least one remaining ability before discarding) in order to become Lynchproof for the following day phase.

Communicate with your team here.

In short, you are the Mafia Jack of All Trades.

You are aligned with The Law of Ivalice, and win when The Law of Ivalice strikes down any opposition!

With 12 alive, 7 still yields a phase-ending hammer. Phase Unpause.

Edited by Elieson
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