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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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I just sent somebody a message only to realized that the way I signed it makes it sound like I'm Manix. If you're the receiver then please note that I am NOT Manix.

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Oh yeah Eury if you're done with justifying your FFM vote can you please tell us who else do you think is scum and why? You know, based on D1 shenanigans?

Not voting FFM atm, I think keeping him alive last night phase only to get him lynched today is dumb.

Yeah, will go over the ISOs in a bit- will take a short bit though since I'm still a bit lagged from lack of sleep.

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ok so

Marf is town

BBM and GP are town

bear is town or really, really ballsy

Manix, bladescape and eclipse are prooooooooobably town

this leaves Poly/Refa/Eury/SB who I will be re-reading (though I'll probably just do a thorough re-read in case any of the above is wrong). later tho :effort:

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So I was right about Pascal at first and then backed off because I thought it was too obvious. I feel dumb.

Will be VERY busy today(Game time), since as of tomorrow I'm going on a long trip to visit my best friend for his 21st birthday, and will have little to no net connection during the interval.

For the rest of today though, I'll be around. I'll have a look at things when I'm done with class (Only 2 pm here)

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Oh, second thing: My PM notifications aren't working as they should - I'm getting them later than I should. As to the person who PM'd me: I'll be able to give you a better response once I finish that post of mine.

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WHENEVER THAT IS. I just got called into deal with something on another part of the forums. But I'll get to it within an hour or two!

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