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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia [Game Over]


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I don't see the benefit from massclaim based on what little information I have.

Confused why GP was suddenly scum then town again. Also think that a lack of daytalk is not worth speculating about and even if that's the case it doesn't really help us find scum.

Re-read when I wake up; didn't mean to stay up so late but I did. oops

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and even if that's the case it doesn't really help us find scum.

even though refa has a role that would make sense for scum to have in that case?
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GP is Doned.

Prims- why did you start D2 so sure that FFM was scum? The reasons you gave for it before the dayvig were true but not really applicable at the time of your vote since FFM had just made one post which was just him misreading the flip. Anything else was still applicable at the end of D1, when you thought FFM was town.

Bearclaw- do you have a night action?

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Massclaim always works people are just afraid of its game breaking potential

bbm i asked refa to relay a message to you, hope you got it

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Why did Euklyd flipping town make FFM more likely to be scum? Yeah FFM's read on Euklyd was kind of forced but there was plenty of other scummy stuff on D1 that we all looked over because of the claim. Why was the Euklyd flip the straw that broke the camel's back?

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BBM- why did you ask me that question? The reasons you gave for it were true but not really applicable at the time of your post since I had just made one post since my last one which was just asking questions. Anything else was still applicable earlier in D2, when you hadn't posted anything about me.

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late d1 i thought ffm's claim sounded legit and that euklyd was scummy. when euklyd flipped town i took another look at late 1 and decided i had been wrong about ffm. this line of logic is dumb, obviously people are going to re-read and notice what they didn't before

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BBM- why did you ask me that question? The reasons you gave for it were true but not really applicable at the time of your post since I had just made one post since my last one which was just asking questions. Anything else was still applicable earlier in D2, when you hadn't posted anything about me.

I was in a rush in my first post, and was also skimming the D2 posts. I reread them more closely afterwards.

Additionally this is you sidestepping the question because these are two completely different situations. I'm making a case one post later then I could have. You made a vote and then justified it with reasons that could not have been true at the time of the vote.

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Afair you had like, one post related to euk scumread while you made a string of posts about how ffm, and later i were scum

explain that

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mafia is hard late at night (probably going to sleep after this unless i get hard cut)

i honestly don't know what to think of refa. i have a conflicting read there. i will reparse the OC convo tomorrow and see if anything stands out

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late d1 i thought ffm's claim sounded legit and that euklyd was scummy. when euklyd flipped town i took another look at late 1 and decided i had been wrong about ffm. this line of logic is dumb, obviously people are going to re-read and notice what they didn't before

this response is fine and makes sense but the previous post I still don't like

idk I might just be paranoid atm will think again after cleaning more

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but... the reasons i cited when i voted him were true if you re-read late d1? just because i didn't find ffm scummy while it was happening doesn't invalidate me noticing it later

@marf: uh i pretty obviously suspected euklyd the entire day if you read my posts. i didn't push it as hard as ffm because ffm was my primary scumread until the claim

i need to go to bed

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fwiw I'm leaning scum-refa due to what I pointed out about how nebulous his opinion on FFM was D1, will have to read the others to see if he's the best option though

dont really care about rolespec

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Either you misunderstood his flip (which I'm partially doubting), or you're flat out trying to flag us in the wrong direction (aka. Scum intent). Either way, this comment in itself (and the timing) feels really bad to me.

this is contrived as hell to push a weird suspicion basically based off of nothing but role

not to mention it's really sudden. reads as a bus

Honestly, you had NO reason NOT to use it last night, because now you REALLY seem like you're coasting on your claim, and that seems extremely scummy to me.

already covered why this wasn't a good argument in thread. also reads as "not actually reading the thread properly". ties in with previous point about suspicion

quoting more eury posts will literally have me saying the same thing about them

Eury looks iffy to me right now, she disappeared halfway through Day 1 (without following up on her content post) and took one recent post someone made and used it to justify a vote on that person

an incredibly sudden suspicion on eury out of nowhere, after a good chunk of "having no reads"

looks like lazy scum trying to bus for cred somewhere

##Vote: Eury

lynch the scum with me imo

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Oh my god I'm tired as fuck and totally lost

I'll re-read some of the primary suspicions like Refa over and try and makes words for once

but at least it isn't d1 anymore so I should be good to live

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Man, this thread feels dead now that Manix left. Time to revive it.

Going through Frosty's readpost, I'm not really seeing too much that can be associative, but I'm kinda iffy on his statements about SB?

SB: His first post of relative substance is a vote on Refa because of a lack of content despite admitting he has no strong reads either. He then acts unsure saying he thinks mostly everyone seems town (like I have room to criticize, lol) then votes and builds a case around me, maybe seeing me as an easy lynch target. Generally, his posts seem pretty weak and generic apart from his Terrador criticisms which seem nitpicky more than anything. Leaning Scum.

I mean, it sounded like he was trying to build a future case on him, but not really? I mean, he says all that but he never elaborates on exactly what he means by anything in this part (or, really, in the entire post, but w/e.)

Going to SB's posts themselves, I actually like his case on Refa, but after that he just kinda vanishes? He also read FFM as scum, and from what I can tell of his case, it doesn't feel much like a bus. Going through the rest of his posts, I'm not seeing much that lends credence to SB being scum.

That said, SB's actually really good as scum, so I'm not sure if that'd be indicative, but I suppose getting a firm townread whilst digging through ISOs is better than nothing.

Going back to Refa, Frosty's readpost also interestingly notes him as scum, but on the surface it seems more like an actual case and not a bus, so I went a bit deeper, and found that was BS. He does bring up a decent point wrt Refa's tone early on, but then kinda goes back on it by saying that Refa's guilty of a lot of scumtells. So, FFM kinda went all wishy-washy about Refa to give him both a bit of towncred if Refa flipped scum, or an easy out of his case if he flipped town. Makes me kinda get some bussing vibes after all...

Refa's actual play feels really off to me. Like, his role seems OP even from the partial claim, and I doubt that with all the shenanigans that have flipped/been claimed already that Elie would have something like that in here (though he did have two Neighbourizers in ITTD, but maybe I'm just biased cuz I was one of them). Plus, judging from FFM's flavour as Llednar Twem, him claiming Cid as his flavour doesn't help (flavourspec sucks, but it is noteworthy if you consider the relationship that those two characters have).

He's also posting a lot more than he usually would as town for some reason, and his posts don't even have a whole ton of content in them. They just kinda 'look' like they do, so that people will seem less suspicious of him because he's actually making posts.

His reads also feel all over the place from what I'm seeing - like, he doesn't seem too sure on any read so far, and he hasn't given much in the way of reads now. At this point, it kinda feels like he's coasting on his claim, which is super-weird for him. Like, Neighbourizer isn't obvtown, Refa, even if it gives omni-coverage of giving one person Neighbour with EVERYONE for 24 hours.

##Vote: Refa

Gonna see if I can't do a diagnosis on the rest of the game. Also not feeling good about Marth's slot fwiw.

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