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Why doesn't IS want to advertize FE13?


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Another fact to keep in mind: Awakening has sold better than both of Ike's games combined. Plus Chrom/another Awakening character is relevant time wise, being the most recent game.

RD + PoR = ~1.01 Mil

Awakening = ~1.28 Mil

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Ike's in, but Awakening has its points too.

Hey, it's not their fault RD sold like ice skates in the summer. Well, not completely...

If Chrom's coming in, there wouldn't be a cell in me that would be surprised.

On the case that he isn't announced yet, it's obvious that Awakening sold well, and Chrom is popular without the aid of Smash.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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Keep in mind that Awakening was way better advertised, wasn't released at a weird time (what had happened with PoR), and isn't a sequel to a game that didn't sell well (RD's case). You can tell that the ball was dropped on Ike's games big time, because remember the comments on his new design for SSB? Like half of those people didn't even recognize it. I'd wager that just as many didn't recognize him when he first showed up Brawl.

I bet that if PoR was re-released on the VC (if GC games ever get there) and RD was made available for download, tons more people would get it now that their names are farther out there (they're too expensive and hard to find right now) and Ike has become much more known to fans.

I'm not saying that Chrom doesn't have a shot at being in the roster or that Awakening shouldn't have representation. I just think that the sales of these games is a poor argument for how much representation they should get. Heck, Sakurai appears to agree since he's kept Ike despite the sales of PoR and RD.

That's not really all there is to it. Awakening reviewed better than both games, and significantly better than Radiant Dawn at that (92 aggregate vs 85 and 78 respectively). Awakening is just considered the better game, and it's the highest rated in the series to boot. All three were released on RPG-starved systems at the time. FE was just niche, its sales weren't great because FE was not popular. PoR and RD have sales that were in-line with what was expected of FE, not even the 2nd best selling game in the series after Awakening was able to crack 1 million.

Awakening was a surprise hit in every sense of the word, precisely because FE could never do those numbers in the past.

Edited by Tangerine
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Uh, apparently you've never heard of a thing called an "educated guess."

EDIT: True, but I believe FE also suffered from poor advertisement, I think. I myself would have never even known some of those games existed if it wasn't for things like Brawl and Youtube. I mean, look at what happened as soon as an FE game was advertised to death: it sold really well.

Edited by Anacybele
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Fourth, why is Kyon so special to Japan?

Where the hell are you even getting this?

I mean sure, it helped Sugita's career, but there are other media he is well known for.

Frigging hell, Gintama for one.

^ Nobody respond to this post please, lol. Can see where that's headed!

Haha, I wouldn't even have seen it if you didn't quote it.

Okay Fruit Admin, have it your way.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Wow, a lot of people who know Sakurai personally in this thread.

Yo, Sakuraisansamachansamasensaidonokun told me during lunch that he was definitely adding Shulk to the next installment, right before he flipped over the table because Iwata said Playstation All Stars was better than Smash Bros.

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Chrom sucks, I agree (he does have a few good moments, but besides that, he's bland and boring and I really have no idea what fans see in him OR Lucina). It's a good thing that Sakurai knows how much more important to FE Ike is.

People see a reasonably well written female lead in Lucina (Certainly oodles better than Lyn). Chrom is pretty middle of the road but at least he's not Prince Pefect Marth, I suppose.

I'm only stating facts, not "silly things." Ike has two games where he has a lead role, tons of references in Awakening, and an appearance in Brawl as playable. Chrom just has one game where he shares the lead role with a customizable character. Which one of these two do you think would be called more important/iconic to FE?

I could have omitted the "Chrom sucks" part, but I was merely agreeing with RFoF.

To be fair, Ike's games sold poorly and he isn't particularly popular in Japan.

Chrom does have Sugita Tomokazu going for him, as was pointed out. I don't think they'll miss the opportunity to slide him in but Nintendo moves in mysterious ways.

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I'll be frank and you're likely to get a "I don't care about Japan" implied statement from said person.

Even if their husbando freaking comes from said country.

No. This kind of obviously confrontational post is not acceptable.

Really, though, would they add a character to the roster just for the voice actor? I know Sugita is popular, but he can't be considered that important.

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No. This kind of obviously confrontational post is not acceptable.

Passive-aggressive post edited. Taken back. I apologize.

Really, though, would they add a character to the roster just for the voice actor? I know Sugita is popular, but he can't be considered that important.

In Japan, voice actors are that big.

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So? Little Mac is the same. Yet he's in the roster. Both of these scenarios indicate that sales don't matter to Sakurai. Besides, Ike and Little Mac ARE popular out west. Also, just because the sales weren't omg spectacular doesn't mean the games were bad or should be ignored.

No, I'm not saying I don't care about Japan. Nintendo STARTED in Japan, of course Japan needs to be cared about. That's why Sakurai puts in people like Marth and adds Japan-only content as well as localized. But that's really beside the point. The point is that sales is still a poor argument and I still think that the Tellius games could've sold much better than they did. Maybe they wouldn't beat or even equal Awakening's sales, but I really do think they're underrated and need another chance in the future.

Edited by Anacybele
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The point is that sales is still a poor argument and I still think that the Tellius games could've sold much better than they did. Maybe they wouldn't beat or even equal Awakening's, but I really do think they're underrated and need another chance in the future.

The burden of proof is on you when you make an "argument".

Sales are a visible source of information on the value people put on a game.

That is a factor.

You need to put your bias aside as much as you can for your favorite games, as much as it is hard to.

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"They kept Ike and they're not adding Chrom because Ike was way more popular and better."

"But Chrom's game sold better and is more popular?"

"Just because it sold better doesn't make it more popular."

but doesn't selling better make something automatically more popular

like, pretty sure that's how sales work :/

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"They kept Ike and they're not adding Chrom because Ike was way more popular and better."

"But Chrom's game sold better and is more popular?"

"Just because it sold better doesn't make it more popular."

but doesn't selling better make something automatically more popular

like, pretty sure that's how sales work :/

And I'm pretty sure while most people mean well here, there is the tendency of people saying (like in the SSB4 thread) "your tastes are crap, my favorite games are just not popular because people didn't give them a chance!"

And no, this is not targeting Ana. There are been many instances of that on this forum.

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Wow, took longer this time for someone to finally rip out the bias argument.

Anyway, sales do not indicate at all how good or bad a game is. The Super Mario Galaxy games are among the highest rated games of ALL TIME, yet didn't sell nearly as well as the NSMB series. Certain factors contribute to a game's sales, you know, regardless of the reviews. Games like NSMB, Awakening, and Wii Sports were bundled with consoles, thus they sold really well. Advertisement also plays an important role. Awakening had both of these things, the Tellius games had neither, pretty much.

I bet you if you swapped Awakening's scenario with Tellius's, meaning Awakening was released on GC or Wii with little advertisement and no bundle while Tellius gets on the 3DS with a bundle, you'd find that the latter sold better. A bundle isn't really a REQUIREMENT for good sales, but it does contribute a lot.

EDIT: I never said Ike was "better and more popular." I said he's more important and iconic to FE. There's a HUGE difference. :/

Edited by Anacybele
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(Watching this thread while eating popcorn since I've never played any version of SSB and don't care either way.) ^^

Still, Ike probably got in because he was in Brawl. If you take popularity into account, Chrom has a stronger case for being in than Ike, but isn't Ike a "tried and true" character? I mean they already created all his basic moves and he may already be balanced, so it's easier to add him in than create a character from scratch.

At least, that's how I think fighting games work.

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I bet you if you swapped Awakening's scenario with Tellius's, meaning Awakening was released on GC or Wii with little advertisement and no bundle while Tellius gets on the 3DS with a bundle, you'd find that the latter sold better. A bundle isn't really a REQUIREMENT for good sales, but it does contribute a lot.

EDIT: I never said Ike was "better and more popular." I said he's more important and iconic to FE. There's a HUGE difference. :/

"The burden of proof lies with you".

Ana, do you realize why you get ripped so much by so many people?

Your blatant statements.

Your blatant favoritism.

Your examples that are "clear cut and obvious" to you, might not be to someone else.

Frigging hell, I loved the Tellius series, but how passionate and VOCAL you are have ruined my enjoyment/being a fan of those particular games.

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They basically did start from scratch with Ike though. Gave him a new model and stuff. Chrom wouldn't be hard to give a moveset to. xP

And I'd say that some of Chrom's popularity comes from Awakening players that haven't played other FE games. But I won't argue that he isn't popular.

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And I'd say that some of Chrom's popularity comes from Awakening players that haven't played the Tellius games. But I won't argue that he isn't popular.

There you go.

THERE you go.

If you don't see anything wrong with assumptions like this, then there's absolutely no leg room with you.

...You know what, I just need to stay away from the smash threads in general.

I'll just end up making a confrontational post, considering you post every other post with really nothing to contribute but "hey I like this" or "Meh, I don't like this" compared to actual discussion.

Such as "Chrom sucks".

It's always 80% opinion.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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EDIT: I never said Ike was "better and more popular." I said he's more important and iconic to FE. There's a HUGE difference. :/

And I quote, "Chrom sucks."

Same thing.

And RFoF was being sarcastic, btw.

Just in case you didn't, uh, notice.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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There you go.

THERE you go.

If you don't see anything wrong with assumptions like this, then there's absolutely no leg room with you.

I edited to say "other FE games." I admit I messed up there, but PLEASE. Just fucking STOP IT. I'm sick of being accused of bias and shit every time I bring up valid points. Just because I love these games doesn't mean I don't know what I'm fucking talking about.

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I think something that a lot of people forget about is that they need to consider Smash Bros. as a series in and of itself. Ike got back in because he was hugely popular among Smash Bros. players despite his games not selling the best.

As for Chrom, I can definitely see him getting in, even if I would prefer Lucina. Oh well. DREAM ON~

Anacybele, on 02 Jun 2014 - 2:26 PM, said:

I edited to say "other FE games." I admit I messed up there, but PLEASE. Just fucking STOP IT. I'm sick of being accused of bias and shit every time I bring up valid points. Just because I love these games doesn't mean I don't know what I'm fucking talking about.

Hey, this just coming from a noob who's only been here for about a month, but you're definitely letting your bias get in the way. I hate to say this, but you are what people on the other forum I'm at would call "A Mike"
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