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What Fire Emblem games do you own and have played?


30 members have voted

  1. 1. What games?

    • FE1(NES)
    • FE2(NES)
    • FE3(SNES)
    • FE4(SNES)
    • FE5(SNES)
    • FE6(GBA)
    • FE7(GBA)
    • FE8(GBA)
    • FE9(Gamecube)
    • FE10(Wii)
    • FE11(Nintendo DS)
    • FE12(Nintendo DS)
    • FE13(3DS)
    • Tear Ring Saga(Playstation)
    • Berwick Saga(Playstation 2)
    • Final Fantasy Tactics(Playstation)

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Tell where you have got your games from?

How they took you on a wild ride and how many times have you played them?

FE1(NES)-Got a japangamestock.com

Takes you on a wild ride that made you wish that you've touched this as a kid.

FE2(NES)-Got at japangamestock.com

Takes you to a creamy soft wet dream especially with some characters travelling with you. Knowing some Japanese made me even more insecure as I'm away from this cruel world and into the frey with my friends. Silk, Alm, etc. Loved the Zelda 2 kind of change. XD

Made me wish that I've touched this as a kid.

FE3(SNES)-Got at japangamestock.com

Made me wish that I've touched this as a kid.

FE4(SNES)-Got at japangamestock.com


FE5(SNES)-Got at japangamestock.com


FE6(GBA)-Got at playasia.com

Nice game! RNG derps though like Thracia.

FE7(GBA)-Got at Gamestop

First game of the series that I've ever touched

FE8(GBA)-Got at Gamestop

Only played this twice in my whole life.

FE9(Gamecube)-Got at Gamestop


FE10(Wii)-Got at Gamestop


FE11(Nintendo DS)-Got at Gamestop

Was ecstatic when we have got the first Japanese only adventure to our shores. I enjoyed every minute of it! ^-^

FE12(Nintendo DS)-playasia.com

Love this game. It's too bad that we didn't get it. -.-

FE13(3DS)-Got at amazon.com for both versions Jap and Eng

My favorite of the series. It looks like that this will be our last FE game of the series. Playing some characters that formerly were Japan only along with the voice acting and gameplay made me absolutely love it to pieces.

Tear Ring Saga(Playstation)-Got at amazon.com

One of my top 10 favorite games of all time! I could not stop playing it the moment that I've touched it. Never stopped playing it until I've finished it!

Berwick Saga(Playstation 2)-Gonna play it soon. Can get this at amazon.com

Final Fantasy Tactics(Playstation)-Got at Gamestop.

One of the best gameplay elements that I've ever seen and is still one of my top 10 utmost favorite games of all time! Especially with a catholic kind of ring to it! If FE1(NES) wasn't made, we would have no strategy rpg games.















Tear Ring Saga-5

Berwick Saga-0

Final Fantasy Tactics-10+

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There's a little too much touching and too many wild rides in this thread for my liking. I'm also not sure how FFT is an option either. I own FE13, I've played the others and little of Tear Ring. Sue me.

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9,10,11 - Gamestop(9 was surprisingly hard to find)

6,7,8 - downloaded on Frostwire

12 - dont remember(but never played that much because the emulator was causing the game to slow down)

13 - Gamestop

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I lent the GBA with FE7 and 8 of a friend of mine and I own copies of 9-13 (12 is JP-import). I got 9, 10, 11 and 13 (3DS Fire Emblem Edition) in Gamestop and 12 via Amazon.

Unfortunately my laptop is too bad to install an emulator, so I cannot play the older parts at the moments.

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I've only played the ones that were localized. I choose not to emulate. xP

I got them all at GameStop except for RD. Originally I DID get it from there, but that was a used copy that eventually started glitching up to where I could no longer progress through it. I lucked out by finding a brand new copy at Walmart.

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All of them FE's, for both questions.

Emulating TRS, because Playstation... Not gonna play Berwick until I complete TRS, and maybe until that patch that was supposed to happen, happens.

Also, is there something odd about that list?

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Own 8, 11 and 13
Played 4-13

Played everything but the ones I own physical on emulator except 10

10 I played on my friend's wii at her house/school over a period of 2 years

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Own FE13
Played 4~13 minus 5, but only completed 4, 7, 8 and 13
I just don't like 6 and 12, had to drop 11 and 10 because emulation issues (though i think i could emulate 11 now) and am "currently" playing 5 and 9

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I own 7 to 13.

I imported 12 (obviously) and bought 7 used. That is because when I got into the series, even PoR was already released so I couldn't get it new anymore. 7 is still my first game but I originally only played it on a rom.

1. Never played it. Given I didn't made it through Gaiden either, I'm downright afraid of this game's menu and pace.

2. I like a lot of this game's ideas but the interface is just way too sluggish to keep my interest. Not to mention all those tedious random encounters.

3. I never made it quite far. I still can't deal with the interface.

4. I played this a lot. It's very easy to play since it does have a quick interface and the home castle system means that the game skips a lot of the other interface issues that the other games have.

5. I love this game's design and mechanics. Too bad it gets really crappy near the end as you effectively have to beat every map with "scry and die" tactics. Also, while it technically improved the interface more then any other game, it's still too limiting. This is not a problem for most of the game but once you get to the end, you effectively already need warp staffs just to ensure that everyone starts where they are supposed to be. Because of this, I only managed to get all the way to Berdo once since I really don't wanna go through those last few levels again.

TRS. This one is a bit difficult to judge. I love the hell out of Runan's part but Holmes's part is slow and tedious. I wish I had cheatcodes to bypass his route. But as far as the basic mechanics go, I think this is by far the best one.

6. It was nice when I first played it but after playing FE5, it feels like a huge disappointment. I played through it several times but these days there is little that brings me back to it.

7. Same here.

8. I always kinda liked this game more then the other GBA ones. But back in the day, I always kinda felt like I should like it less since the other games are "objectively" better. Because they have more characters, more chapters and brighter colors. I didn't put much value in stuff like writing and character development despite definitely feeling it's effects. These days, this is the game I end up revisiting the most of the GBA games. Though, I do believe that the Gaiden mechanics were generally down pretty badly. Thankfully you never have to fight a single random encounter, so it's not much of an issue.

9. The game that made me into an actual fan of the series. Just like with 8, I think the old mechanics were done better back then. And who the heck needs Biorhytm? But while the mechanics could have been done better, the map s are nicely diverse. But above all else, this game got characters. It got story and it became really good in actually telling it. (Yay, for not having a massive info dump in the intro.) And I really loved the base menu and the info conversations and the new support system. A great game that gets better every time I visit it again. Now I just finally wanna play Maniac mode to finally finish this game properly.

10. Back in the day, I found this game mildly disappointing. But once we got some of the translated extended scripts, I got a new appreciation for it. It's truly a shame that we only got this shortened script. But the blood pact is still stupid either way. On the really bright side, the gameplay is lots and lots of fun with plenty of great new additions.

11. I played it properly like three times or so. I like it but I do find it pretty lazy. They changed too much in order to change as little as they did. Like introducing the weapon triangle in a game where every enemy carries lances.

12. This game has done all the things I missed in 11. I really, really wanna like it but... god, those instantly moving reinforcements are freaking unfair. I never had issues with them in 6 and 11 but here they are really cheap. So I feel like I either play the easiest difficulty and breeze through the game or take a higher one and keep getting cheapshotted. Joy.

13. It was a "wild ride" indeed. The kindest thing I can say about this game is that it gave me a new appreciation for just about every game, book or movie that I ever consumed because it managed to screw up so many basic things that I always took for granted. But after beating it, the game had nothing left to impress me anymore and the boring, tedious and primitive gameplay does not manage to keep my attention for more then the first few chapters.

Edited by BrightBow
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I own a physical copy of each one except for FE6 and FE12.

I'm not counting TearRing Saga, Berwick Saga, or Final Fantasy Tactics since they aren't Fire Emblem games.

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Tear Ring Saga-5

Berwick Saga-0

Final Fantasy Tactics-10+

god. damn.

physically own 7-10,13. i don't know what happened to my copy of 11. i have roms of the rest.

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Your sig says you have only completed FE9 and 10. Does that mean you're still in progress with awakening?

The last chapter I have beaten is Chapter 25, and I am going to finish all the Side Story chapters before I take on Grima, so yes.

No one is complaining about how this isn't in FE general. This is an outrage.

I'm assuming that no one cares enough to complain.

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In truth, I replayed Story 1's (FE's 1, 2, 3, 11) mostly because for Marth. SSBM is what got me to try out his games as I wanted to know who the hell he was. The moment that I've touched FE1(NES), 2 and 3...I can see why that he's most popular in Japan and that his story is my utmost favorite. Same for trying out Mother 3 for Lucas' appearance in SSBB as the game was also canon(Plus the entire Mother series as all three games connects into one story.) As well as Mother 1 with translations of course.

Also have played アイク games FE's (9 and 10) got replayed alot too as they are canon of our area and enjoyed every minute of them. FE's 4 and 5 have been replayed more than anything else, but Marth's' as they are Canon and has a story as great as Marth's.

For these exclusive Jap only games...this is how many times I've played each of them with Weeb as well as Eng...

FE1-19+(Weeb)+ out of 20 total playthroughs+(1+ Eng)

FE2-7+(Weeb)+ out of 10+ total playthroughs(3+ Eng)

FE3- 23+(Weeb)+ out of 25+ total playthroughs(2+ Eng)

FE4-5+(Weeb) out of 20+ total playthroughs(15+ Eng)

FE5-8+(Weeb) out of 10+ total playthroughs(2+ Eng)

FE6-12+(Weeb) out of 15+ total playthroughs(3+ Eng)

FE12-2(Weeb) out of 3 total playthroughs(1 Eng)

FE13-7+(Weeb) out of 15+total playthroughs(8+ Eng)

Tear Ring Saga-4(Weeb) out of 5 total playthroughs(1 Eng)


(Off topic, but...)

Don't count...but Mother 3 0(Weeb) out of 3 total playthroughs (3 Eng)

Mother 1 0(Weeb) out of 1 total playthroughs (1 Eng)

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I own physical copies of all FEs released over here. As for the non localized ones (in their translated forms of course!):snDflAl.png?1

Open emu is love, Open emu is life (one great thing about having a mac out of many)

Edit: played and beat all of them save for Fe4 and 5. Fuck those games they bore me

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