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Why does everyone on youtube hate English dubs?

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Seriously, any video with an English dub is filled with comments such as:

-" My ears are bleeding."

- " You're watching anime in English? Casual."

- " These voice are terrible, they don't put enough emotion into it".

-" Subs master race."

Even though 9/10 them have English as their native fucking language!!

This really does baffle the shit out of me. You can't even argue against them since they stick to their self-righteous opinions, claim it as fact, and dismiss yours without even listen.

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Dubs are terrible.

Even YouTube knows it.

When most things are dubbed, they are dubbed cheaply and in quick succession. The only truly good dubs are high budget anime films like Ghibli's works.

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Dubs are terrible.

Even YouTube knows it.

When most things are dubbed, they are dubbed cheaply and in quick succession. The only truly good dubs are high budget anime films like Ghibli's works.

And you really think children's shows like Dragonball have high budgets in Japan? Think again.
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Dubs are terrible.

Even YouTube knows it.

When most things are dubbed, they are dubbed cheaply and in quick succession. The only truly good dubs are high budget anime films like Ghibli's works.

How exactly are they done cheaply? Funimation has top rated, very well know voice actors to do their animes. These range from shows like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, etc. Even underrated shows like Cat Cutie Planet. Hell, before they even finish the dub they have the Japanese producers come over to check and approve of said dubs.

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Dubs are terrible.Even YouTube knows it.When most things are dubbed, they are dubbed cheaply and in quick succession. The only truly good dubs are high budget anime films like Ghibli's works.

You're generalizing. This is all a matter or perspective. I myself like dubs on most of the seinen I watch.

PS: Voice actors in the original Japanese audio(or "seiyū" as you purists call them) have no variety.

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You're generalizing. This is all a matter or perspective. I myself like dubs on most of the seinen I watch.

PS: Voice actors in the original Japanese audio(or "seiyū" as you purists call them) have no variety.

go home whittu piggu

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because they're total elitists. one could argue that the language barrier makes the original script lose details in translation, and that dubs tend to have poor delivery so it's better to read the subs to understand the text while hearing the original delivery of the line but...

well i'm biased because if i actually do watch something i watch it for entertainment not to be engaged in a deep plot, but even then these people just generalize every dub as terrible and that's...really fricken stupid. the dub to kirby's anime has some of the most expressive voice acting i've ever heard in my life. it really captures how over-the-top the animations and characters get in the show.

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I prefer subs because I like reading words instead of listening because it's easier for me.

oh yeah, this

I sometimes even watch stuff with sub and audio having the same language (not the case for Japanese stuff since I don't know it)

Edited by Odo
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a small part of the problem is many people don't understand Japanese and the unfamiliarity with the language can often contribute to a greater sense of quality... because they might not know how they usually speak etc. and can't tell a good VA vs. a bad one as well

personally I prefer dubs whenever it's quality, and there are some ones I found quality. granted it's mostly perspective/opinion/preferences in the end but English is my native language so >_>;

other reasons dubs can be bad:

- low budgets

- not familiar with the material

- not able to conver the Japanese way of talking/emotion to English

- changing the language too much where things become too... localized, like Americanized, and people are throwing around dumb expressions or saying things out of character (compared to the original Japanese versions, which generally know how characters are supposed to be portrayed etc. the best)

- people watching subs first and getting massively biased towards the voices they associate with the characters

- general weebiness

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I prefer subs because I like reading words instead of listening because it's easier for me. Some dubs are amazing though ngl

For me it's the opposite ;u; I can be a pretty slow reader~

But even I prefer subs, anyway. There are a few dubs I've heard that sound like they were done pretty well (imo at least) but usually... the voice acting in dubs can be a little cringe-worthy to me~ But again, this is just how I feel about them... Some people really aren't picky and will be just fine with the way the acting sounds

What I'm wondering is why does listening to dubs have to make people casual, though? Just by grabbing videos in a language they understand? Is that considered easy mode or something? I don't quite get it...

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oh yeah, this

I sometimes even watch stuff with sub and audio having the same language (not the case for Japanese stuff since I don't know it)

yeah me too

Like French for example. Some native speakers speak way too fast for me to understand so I turn on subs so I can read what they're saying instead of straining to hear what they said.

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Dubs depend a lot on the quality but I personally can't watch subs because I need to hear words that I understand the meaning of. I'm an audial person, so I can't find myself entertained to anything when I'm not sure what's going on when it comes to speech.

That said, it's dumb as fuck to say all dubs are amazing/terrible- there's good ones out there like Baccano and Cowboy Bebop, and others aren't so good (I haven't watched a ton of anime personally because of the language gap and nothing immediately comes to mind and I don't feel like thinking too hard for an FFtF topic).

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Because most "anime fans"

Dubs are terrible.

Even YouTube knows it.

When most things are dubbed, they are dubbed cheaply and in quick succession. The only truly good dubs are high budget anime films like Ghibli's works.

are like this.

It's mostly all just bandwagoning. Someone said that Japanese acting is always better (this someone likely doesn't speak a word of Japanese past "kawaii") and someone else believed it and also started saying it. In addition, especially today, so much straight-from-Japan anime is available immediately after original broadcast with English subtitles that many fans hear the Japanese audio first and create a "this is how the characters sound" mindset; when the characters suddenly sound different, of course they'll find it weird.

I would wager that most English dubs of the past ten years are, at worst, a flat "good." You'll get what you need to get out of them, at worst. There are bad English dubs for sure, but no one is perfect, including the Japanese actors.

Also, YouTube.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to know any Japanese or be able to judge Japanese acting. I just know what I've heard from people who do speak Japanese, which is that the ratio of good:bad acting in anime in Japanese isn't much different than that of English.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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And you really think children's shows like Dragonball have high budgets in Japan? Think again.

I don't watch Dragonball. Childrens' anime are more tolerable because they don't get as serious. Not as much mood to ruin with bad acting.

How exactly are they done cheaply? Funimation has top rated, very well know voice actors to do their animes. These range from shows like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, etc. Even underrated shows like Cat Cutie Planet. Hell, before they even finish the dub they have the Japanese producers come over to check and approve of said dubs.

I hated the Trigun dub. That's the only one from this list I've watched dubbed.

Funimation doesn't do horribly, but it's not as good as the original. Take Baccano!. Baccano! has a phenomenal dub; probably the best for a series I've heard. However, a lot of the mood is ruined by the differences in tone, pitch, and timing. The music isn't as suited to what they say and when. In general, the flow is interrupted at crucial points.

Ghibli films are the only things with dubs that I actually prefer.

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Dubs are terrible.

Even YouTube knows it.

When most things are dubbed, they are dubbed cheaply and in quick succession. The only truly good dubs are high budget anime films like Ghibli's works.

PS: Voice actors in the original Japanese audio(or "seiyū" as you purists call them) have no variety.

You know, being the well known "weeaboo" around the forums, I hate both of your views.

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meh i like dubs too, half the time people just think the japanese VAs are doing great even though they are just over acting

this is how I feel. I haven't watched anime is many years, but every time I hear some japanese voice acting, I just feel like they're over acting, it's just so exaggerated.

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