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Give me tips to make HM actually hard

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IIRC, this game's HM was rather lacking. Give me tips to give me a bit of a challenge, preferably without removing Titania from play (don't NEED her, I just have fun using her). Accepting BEXP limits.

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Play Maniac on a Japanese copy. It's at least an option, and a fair bit more interesting than Hard.

Dude, don't remind me. I'd love to, but I just lost a bid on eBay for one in excellent condition 50 CENTS.

That's why I'm asking for something on HM, since I'll be simply buying the American version.

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Hmmm... only use very few units (3-4).

Or try to kill enemies as few as possible to finish a map.

Solo with Rolf or do noBEXP no Titania

Let me clarify:

Nothing gimmicky, lol. Don't find it very interesting.

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No Rescue. Just like FE1/2/11/12 throwback.

Or no BEXP, like everything except Tellius throwback

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Yeah, sure. No BEXP sounds passable. Not very interested in Marcia and Jill in the first place, so that will at least make it more interesting, since they're amazing and stomp everything.

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