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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Uh... Yes it did. It was the very first thing in the post.

Then I followed up when Boron said that we did in fact know that it was a hostile third party.

"What kind of roles can do a second night kill?" =/= directly bringing up the ITP.

Welp. Sorry for the prod then.

Why didn't you quote that earlier? Would have saved a world of trouble.

She said it earlier, it didn't need to be quoted until you claimed she never said it earlier.

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"What kind of roles can do a second night kill?" =/= directly bringing up the ITP.

She said it earlier, it didn't need to be quoted until you claimed she never said it earlier.

I'm kind of baffled here. Do I need to bold the sentence?

"Does this mean we have a serial killer or can't we know?"

"Does this mean we have a serial killer"

"serial killer"

It doesn't get more blatant than that.

On the quote: Not true. I suppose my lack of knowledge was only implied and got caught in the 'playing dumb' thing, but I did heavily imply I did not know that it was a hostile role before stating that no one had said so explicitly.

@Eury: There is a difference between being silent to avoid being read initially like ZM did and changing behavior because you are the target of a lynch mob. What I said makes perfect sense, if a person cannot speak without hurting town. I haven't stopped completely, though; see me talking now?

That said, you did a great job of arguing against me there, even using my own points. I can see why you think I'm the SK and would agree with you if it weren't me.

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@Eury: There is a difference between being silent to avoid being read initially like ZM did and changing behavior because you are the target of a lynch mob. What I said makes perfect sense, if a person cannot speak without hurting town. I haven't stopped completely, though; see me talking now?

I was ZM's mentor in that game, and that is false. He just kept on forgetting the game existed and by the time I reminded him again it was too late to get the lynch off him and we had a non provable role.

Also, staying silent in terms of reads is never helpful when you're town. If you're town, you want to get all your cards on the table without outing info that scum shouldn't know.

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I'm kind of baffled here. Do I need to bold the sentence?

"Does this mean we have a serial killer or can't we know?"

"Does this mean we have a serial killer"

"serial killer"

It doesn't get more blatant than that.

That still doesn't show that much.. Especially where a SK was implied first day but apparently you didn't see it so I don't even know what to say here.

On the quote: Not true. I suppose my lack of knowledge was only implied and got caught in the 'playing dumb' thing, but I did heavily imply I did not know that it was a hostile role before stating that no one had said so explicitly.

You still stated that no one said so explicitly. Which they did. So I'm not quite buying it.

That said, you did a great job of arguing against me there, even using my own points. I can see why you think I'm the SK and would agree with you if it weren't me.

Amazing defence 10/10 would vote

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I was ZM's mentor in that game, and that is false. He just kept on forgetting the game existed and by the time I reminded him again it was too late to get the lynch off him and we had a non provable role.

Also, staying silent in terms of reads is never helpful when you're town. If you're town, you want to get all your cards on the table without outing info that scum shouldn't know.

Fair enough.

Been scum hunting a little between posting. I feel I've given my biggest read and most other people don't have anything that comes close to a strong scum tell. Psych is still reading confirmed scum. I can't imagine what they could say that could make up for not voting Paper and soft claiming a PR out of nowhere.

On my past reads, Darros has done several things that make a lot of sense for town, including the way he has addressed me. He is my biggest town read actually.

Cam... Mostly null. Need more posts as of D2, but not voting Paper is suspicious.

The most suspicious thing on FFM at the moment now is their absence in D2, which is why I need more content. FFM still has a lot of suspicious activity, but less of a priority than Psych. My gut says he is town for reasons aforementioned, but it's possible he bussed on Paper. Would be onky with lynching him as a secondary.

Eury pretty much cleared themselves by giving good arguments but I'm still not sure why they are so adamant; seemed to jump on me with fervor specifically because I prodded them.

I would like to requests prods on bladesceape and Kay because they have not voted or given any reads at all.

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What a way to end N1/start D2. Damn. ;/

1. We have the numbers Boron offered us D1. Take it with a grain of salt- the ITP can probably be almost anything, and at this point, it's pretty obvious that they have killing potential (I do not recall any double-night killing abilities on scum-side ever existing, and as of right now, no town vig has claimed either deaths).

2. Something feels weird about Makaze's notion of "couldn't that be a survivor?"- possible redirect away from the possibility of NK'ing ITP?

3. For someone who had insomniac, I felt/saw little use being applied to said ability (1st post = some rather shallow reads, the 2nd post doesn't really do anything at all). I was expecting some other reads/thoughts from j00 as the night phase wore on, but none were given.

4. I don't like Psyche's notion/post starting D2. "Which sucks cause I could have proved my role too" If you're town, congrats on confirming the fact that you have a power role of some sort to the scum team(s). If you're scum, (which I personally found you to be since D1), it'd easily explain why BBM chose to target/block you, imo. (You just so happened to not have conducted the NK yourself, if you are Mafia scum.) He remains as one of the higher priorities to lynch this day phase.

##Vote: Psyche

I don't have a power role


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That still doesn't show that much.. Especially where a SK was implied first day but apparently you didn't see it so I don't even know what to say here.

You still stated that no one said so explicitly. Which they did. So I'm not quite buying it.

Amazing defence 10/10 would vote

You're backpedaling. You said it was suspicious that I brought up ITP. I said that if I wanted to draw attention away from it I wouldn't have asked about it. You said someone else beat me to it. I proved you wrong. Sangyul never would have posted that about the ITP if I hadn't asked about it. Where are you going with this?

What aren't you buying? That I missed the post?

You have a strange concept of the word defense.

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I don't have a power role


Please elaborate.

What role do you have?

How could you have proven it?

Why did you mention that you were a role when said role can still confirm you town and get you killed? How did claiming that you had a role profit town enough that your inevitable death wouldn't matter?

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Psych, what are your reads? Why are you sort-of-claiming-but-not-really? Why did you try to push FFM over Paper yesterday? Does it really matter what your role is? Can you talk about something else and tell us who you actually suspect?

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Btw, as a side note (looking into other players aside from Makaze with this post):

- Shinori is pinging me as plausible lurking scum:

1. This post came off weird to me, and I don't really like it.

2. His next post admits that he's not only neglected looking into Paperblade, but ends up dumping the vote on him for consolation. Too easy.

3. He makes the massive wall post of doom (without links), which I personally abhor (side tangent/bias) [How dare people equate that to my wall-posting...it's so cluttered!]

4. He does basically nothing thereafter, and the lack of effort period (even with time winding down) = feels bad.

- Unable to read Kay since nothing's there. ##Requesting Mod Prod/Sub for her slot if it hasn't already been done?

- Same with Bladescape.

- Prims is either taking his sweet time re-reading the thread, or is possibly lurking.

== And cut by Makaze (again) - So much for this post not having Makaze content. ==

@Eury: There is a difference between being silent to avoid being read initially like ZM did and changing behavior because you are the target of a lynch mob. What I said makes perfect sense, if a person cannot speak without hurting town. I haven't stopped completely, though; see me talking now?

That said, you did a great job of arguing against me there, even using my own points. I can see why you think I'm the SK and would agree with you if it weren't me.

1. I don't believe that was ZM's intent/gameplay at that point n' time. (And judging by Boron's post/reply, I'll take her notion on that as ZM's mentor).

2. Quite frankly, a townie is free to have some reasonable reactions, sure. Pressure/stress/defensiveness can occur as a result of being tunneled/targeted by others. However, the suspicion that you've stirred up thus far is a result of a gameplay that has not remained steady remotely. In other words, your behavior as a whole has been pretty sketchy, and this is not because (or started as a result of) "you are the target of a lynch mob". It started since D1 (at least for me).

3. The bolded statement... makes me want to facepalm really hard. What you just did was basically, "If I were scummy/playing anti-town, I'd be doing X. But CLEARLY I haven't quite done X, see?" Also, you even stated this just a bit ago:

I actually asked a few people for opinions and am still waiting. I'm not 'done', but I am 'done' until new information comes to light. I've voted. I've made prods. I've asked questions. I can't vote for more than one person at a time and it's clear I can't scumhunt without good info without riling feathers.

So you basically state/imply that you're done in terms of contributing to the thread "until new information comes to light". Which means you posting in the meantime (until that point of new info being had) = kinda wasted time and breath?


Ohsnaps some reads/thoughts, coolios.

Fair enough.

Been scum hunting a little between posting. I feel I've given my biggest read and most other people don't have anything that comes close to a strong scum tell. Psych is still reading confirmed scum. I can't imagine what they could say that could make up for not voting Paper and soft claiming a PR out of nowhere.

On my past reads, Darros has done several things that make a lot of sense for town, including the way he has addressed me. He is my biggest town read actually.

Cam... Mostly null. Need more posts as of D2, but not voting Paper is suspicious.

The most suspicious thing on FFM at the moment now is their absence in D2, which is why I need more content. FFM still has a lot of suspicious activity, but less of a priority than Psych. My gut says he is town for reasons aforementioned, but it's possible he bussed on Paper. Would be onky with lynching him as a secondary.

Eury pretty much cleared themselves by giving good arguments but I'm still not sure why they are so adamant; seemed to jump on me with fervor specifically because I prodded them.

I would like to requests prods on bladesceape and Kay because they have not voted or given any reads at all.

You find Cam suspicious for not voting Paper. Okay. What about D1 activity? What was good/bad about it? What were your read(s) on him until the notion of not voting for Paper?

There have been quite a few who haven't posted as of yet in D2: is that really enough to warrant being put up near Psyche? In addition, what is the "a lot of suspicious activity" that you mention? I also find the italicized to basically equate to, "I'm kinda sitting on the wall and waffling on FFM, because I think he's sorta scummy, but yet gut town reading him."

And technically, I was not jumping on you purely for your prod on me, but how you chose to execute it and your responses thereafter.

--------- MORE CUTS, SRSLY? --------------

I don't have a power role


You have an active role of sorts if you claim to have been RB'd. Passive/no ability (aka. Vanilla) = You generally don't get notified about being RB'd (because there's literally nothing to block).

Please elaborate.

What role do you have?

How could you have proven it?

Why did you mention that you were a role when said role can still confirm you town and get you killed? How did claiming that you had a role profit town enough that your inevitable death wouldn't matter?

Why does this post sound/feel REALLY bad, like he's trying to get out role info from Psyche?

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Makaze why weren't you scumreading Eury day 1? What exactly do you want from eury to convince you that she is scumhunting?

FFM why arent't you considering the possibility of me being scum as well? Your cam vote relies on the few people who didn't vote paperblade so why am i not on your scumlist?

Psych what are your thoughts on the people accusing you.

I reread FFM's new defense post on D1 and I feel he justified himself better which I will explain later because I am tired. Still not happy with his scumhunting skills though.

I was actually beginning to scumread BBM at the very end of d1 but hadn't really gotten a thorough view point of his posts so decided not to vote him just yet till i read more.

Makaze is playing super weird because he never actually mentioned Eury D1 and shenanigans and I think he instantly townreads her because of her vote I think.

Darros hit the nail on the head with my arguement and not voting for Paper. There's been dozens of times where people were in my position and ended up with a wrong lynch target, so maybe I did pick wrong with paper. And I attribute some of that to my messed up reads this game, but other than that I don't have anything to defend myself with because they all seem to just be saying i'm scummy because I'm being scummy.

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There's two scum and a hostile ITP left in the game. If you're going "oh i found one my job is done" youre not contributing to the town. And if you're so certain you have a confirmed scum, chances are your head is up your ass. There's no actual confirmation here, I don't see a cop report. And Psych hasn't even gotten a chance to defend himself yet. You need to get off your high horse.

You doing this and going "oh I'm done now" makes me feel like you're scum. Your actions aren't benefiting town, and your attitude needs adjustment.

No one has even given me direct questions to answer

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You're backpedaling. You said it was suspicious that I brought up ITP. I said that if I wanted to draw attention away from it I wouldn't have asked about it. You said someone else beat me to it. I proved you wrong. Sangyul never would have posted that about the ITP if I hadn't asked about it. Where are you going with this?

I shouldn't have had to post about the ITP when I'd already made that information clear on D1. As far as I'm concerned, we spent a massive waste of time rolespeccing over something I'd already outed on the previous phase, which doesn't seem at all pro-town to me.

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No one has even given me direct questions to answer

Psych, mafia is not just about answering questions. You've basically given no reads or thoughts at all. I'm less interested in your defense than I am in who you think is scum at this point.

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You're backpedaling. You said it was suspicious that I brought up ITP. I said that if I wanted to draw attention away from it I wouldn't have asked about it. You said someone else beat me to it. I proved you wrong. Sangyul never would have posted that about the ITP if I hadn't asked about it. Where are you going with this?

What aren't you buying? That I missed the post?

You have a strange concept of the word defense.

Whatever. You still brought up the notion of survivors.

I'm not buying that you "heavily implied" anything. Be explicit.

More me being sarcastic eh. It wasn't defense. You're agreeing with the reasons that people are calling you out on instead of defending yourself. You're doing nothing about it!

I don't have a power role


Psych, you've been asked for more than that. Could you please help us out here some? You're not helping your case at all.

No one has even given me direct questions to answer

So you don't have direct questions so you can't defend your case at all even though the general consensus is that you're scummy, Makaze thinks you're confirmed scum, and you have/have had votes placed on you in the phase already. Not contributing at all is very anti town. AlI've seen so far really is strawmanning peoples arguments against you, which is avoiding the suspicions really.

Please elaborate.

What role do you have?

How could you have proven it?

Why did you mention that you were a role when said role can still confirm you town and get you killed? How did claiming that you had a role profit town enough that your inevitable death wouldn't matter?


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Cam and Shinori

Cam has been lurking and acting weird towards the end of D1, and Shinori flipped his vote late just like me, yet was way less convincing and didn't explain why

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Though it's not entirely agreeable, he said why. I'm hoping he answers my question sooner rather than later.

I'm not sold. At this point a one liner isn't gonna cut it.

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Are you willing to back up your suspicion on either of them with a vote? Why does it feel like you're not trying to push your reads at all? Psych, a lot of people right now suspect you, and if you want either of your scum reads lynched over you then you're going to have to be more convincing than that.

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Psych, you've been asked for more than that. Could you please help us out here some? You're not helping your case at all.

So you don't have direct questions so you can't defend your case at all even though the general consensus is that you're scummy, Makaze thinks you're confirmed scum, and you have/have had votes placed on you in the phase already. Not contributing at all is very anti town. AlI've seen so far really is strawmanning peoples arguments against you, which is avoiding the suspicions really.


Neighborizer, which is why I said technically, considering it doesn't actually give me any info other than talking to people

I don't think I was strawmanning (considering I forget what that is). Makaze hasn't even really explain why very well.

And yeah that post does not make me feel well about him at all. I feel like he's using me for an easy mislynch.

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Neighborizer, which is why I said technically, considering it doesn't actually give me any info other than talking to people

I don't think I was strawmanning (considering I forget what that is). Makaze hasn't even really explain why very well.

And yeah that post does not make me feel well about him at all. I feel like he's using me for an easy mislynch.

why did you claim wwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy even if it's not a "power role" we don't want claims out in the opening!

Basically you kind of ignored peoples arguments and said "oh they're all saying im scummy because im scummy" which is not the case.

If that post doesn't make you feel well about him why did you claim?

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Psych why did you claim seriously I don't even

That role's not indicative to alignment, and Psych randomly claiming on D2 isn't really indicative to alignment either, so I'm reading as a null (although WHY WOULD YOU CLAIM JUST BECAUSE MAKAZE ASKED SERIOUSLY). Do you think Makaze is more likely to be scum or some form of anti-town? What do you think of Eury and me, both of us have expressed suspicion of you.

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cause you just asked me to? and considering that's kind of the last thing I have to defend myself rn

no I said DONT claim

Makaze asked you to claim and three people said that was a bad idea.

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Psych why did you claim seriously I don't even

That role's not indicative to alignment, and Psych randomly claiming on D2 isn't really indicative to alignment either, so I'm reading as a null (although WHY WOULD YOU CLAIM JUST BECAUSE MAKAZE ASKED SERIOUSLY). Do you think Makaze is more likely to be scum or some form of anti-town? What do you think of Eury and me, both of us have expressed suspicion of you.

Not to mention he was supposedly roleblocked so he could easily be faking it.

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