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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Why does this post sound/feel REALLY bad, like he's trying to get out role info from Psyche?

What is bad about prodding someone about their role after they went out of their way to mention it? AKA if they weren't planning to answer these, why would they go out of their way to hint that they had a role?

I am not being disingenuous. I really don't see any problem.

Btw, as a side note (looking into other players aside from Makaze with this post):

- Shinori is pinging me as plausible lurking scum:

1. This post came off weird to me, and I don't really like it.

2. His next post admits that he's not only neglected looking into Paperblade, but ends up dumping the vote on him for consolation. Too easy.

3. He makes the massive wall post of doom (without links), which I personally abhor (side tangent/bias) [How dare people equate that to my wall-posting...it's so cluttered!]

4. He does basically nothing thereafter, and the lack of effort period (even with time winding down) = feels bad.

- Unable to read Kay since nothing's there. ##Requesting Mod Prod/Sub for her slot if it hasn't already been done?

- Same with Bladescape.

- Prims is either taking his sweet time re-reading the thread, or is possibly lurking.

== And cut by Makaze (again) - So much for this post not having Makaze content. ==

1. I don't believe that was ZM's intent/gameplay at that point n' time. (And judging by Boron's post/reply, I'll take her notion on that as ZM's mentor).

2. Quite frankly, a townie is free to have some reasonable reactions, sure. Pressure/stress/defensiveness can occur as a result of being tunneled/targeted by others. However, the suspicion that you've stirred up thus far is a result of a gameplay that has not remained steady remotely. In other words, your behavior as a whole has been pretty sketchy, and this is not because (or started as a result of) "you are the target of a lynch mob". It started since D1 (at least for me).

3. The bolded statement... makes me want to facepalm really hard. What you just did was basically, "If I were scummy/playing anti-town, I'd be doing X. But CLEARLY I haven't quite done X, see?" Also, you even stated this just a bit ago:

So you basically state/imply that you're done in terms of contributing to the thread "until new information comes to light". Which means you posting in the meantime (until that point of new info being had) = kinda wasted time and breath?


Ohsnaps some reads/thoughts, coolios.

You find Cam suspicious for not voting Paper. Okay. What about D1 activity? What was good/bad about it? What were your read(s) on him until the notion of not voting for Paper?

There have been quite a few who haven't posted as of yet in D2: is that really enough to warrant being put up near Psyche? In addition, what is the "a lot of suspicious activity" that you mention? I also find the italicized to basically equate to, "I'm kinda sitting on the wall and waffling on FFM, because I think he's sorta scummy, but yet gut town reading him."

And technically, I was not jumping on you purely for your prod on me, but how you chose to execute it and your responses thereafter.

Apparently I have short term memory loss with this game.

Cam is more suspicious than previously thought. He was tunneling on me and asking for citations and the like without voting me. I wasn't able to think clearly then but with a clearer head... It's clear he is trying to keep me on the defensive by asking me to prove things while contributing little himself.

Leaning more scum given the FFM vote and dismissal of the Paperblade case... And still no input on that case.

On FFM, I'm actually struggling to find anything inherently scummy in their actions. I can't even find the things that originally bothered me. I think I may have been swayed by others' reads in the midst of all that happened D1.

Role reversal for those two. Cam is my second scum read unless he can come up with a great explanation for the FFM vote and lack of case on Paper.

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tbh I don't think that people who didn't vote Paper are scum/people who voted Paper are town it could go either way considering the reasoning to lynch paper wasn't very strong until it all turned into consolidation. If anything Paper votes got kinda sheepy near the end.

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What is bad about prodding someone about their role after they went out of their way to mention it? AKA if they weren't planning to answer these, why would they go out of their way to hint that they had a role?

I am not being disingenuous. I really don't see any problem.


I don't care if someone went out of their way to mention it, they'll out it when they want to or if they feel it's necessary. It wasn't necessary to have Psych's claim out in the open like that. Also, there are a LOT of players who will go out of their way to hint at their role or that they have one even if they never actually claim it. But you DON'T ask them to reveal something that they haven't already if there's no benefit to it.

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tbh I don't think that people who didn't vote Paper are scum/people who voted Paper are town it could go either way considering the reasoning to lynch paper wasn't very strong until it all turned into consolidation. If anything Paper votes got kinda sheepy near the end.


I don't care if someone went out of their way to mention it, they'll out it when they want to or if they feel it's necessary. It wasn't necessary to have Psych's claim out in the open like that. Also, there are a LOT of players who will go out of their way to hint at their role or that they have one even if they never actually claim it. But you DON'T ask them to reveal something that they haven't already if there's no benefit to it.

Okay... So the soft claim they made was not suspicious at all?

Wouldn't they only profit from such a soft claim if they were scum?

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Okay... So the soft claim they made was not suspicious at all?

Wouldn't they only profit from such a soft claim if they were scum?

I've seen players of ALL alignments make soft claims. It's not indicative of alignment at all, it's just a thing that people do ;/

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I'm not excusing Psych for softclaiming at all, don't misrep me here. But asking for a full claim is very blatantly antitown.

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Okay. I can get how it's anti-town to ask for the role itself.

But if you can forgive that mistake, the more important questions are still unanswered... The ones we actually need, I mean. Which is also suspicious.

Why soft claim? Not answered. How could the role have been proven? Not answered.

But they went ahead and answered with which role it was... Why would they soft claim and then full claim without reason? I don't feel any better about it than I did before I asked.

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That's something we can agree on. I'm not feeling comfortable with Psych's return, he's posted nothing to make me feel less suspicious of him at all. He's dodging questions.

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What am I dodging?

I soft claimed because I was roleblocked? Admittedly that was from BBM who was town but I think it's better for someone to announce that. Also I can prove my role by you know, ACTUALLY NEIGHBORIZING SOMEONE

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Cam and Shinori

Cam has been lurking and acting weird towards the end of D1, and Shinori flipped his vote late just like me, yet was way less convincing and didn't explain why

Man I said I did that for consolidation.

There is something in this game that just makes me not like it.

Like okay.

Makaze - Boron is most likely town and her having numbers isn't scummy. Also don't ask people for roles - They should only claim if they feel it is necessary or if they are being lynched.

I really haven't read all that much except bits and pieces of Makaze V Eury. Which I think is funny. Lol.

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@Darros: your attempts to throw suspicion on me are Bad, seriously. I'm reading your posts and your train of thought seems to be "Prims was wrong about BBM... also he was right about the guy whose lynch he actually pushed, but he must have been bussing" and none of this is actually indicative of me being scum. Also keep in mind that nobody was even looking at Paperblade until I pointed him out, which are entirely different circumstances from the bus in FFTA.

@bladescape: Why was it necessary to defend FFM/Pascal from Boron instead of letting him respond himself? Not impressed by your sheep either, was waiting for more from you D1 but you disappeared.

@Cam: You went the entire day saying nothing on Paper until you asked us to "sell you on him" then never responded when I gave a case. This conveniently allowed you to never actually give an opinion on him. Basically why the hell were you ignoring him? I also recall you spending a long stretch of D1 with your vote on Junko while you said nothing about him.

Misc shit:

- Kay needs to git gud or git vigged. @Kay post pls

- Shinori where did all your effort go after your first post. come on

- Actually I feel like this isn't something scum would post about a buddy who's about to die lmao

- Eury's comments on Paper look like reporting his actions and it strikes me as entirely possible she put no effort into reading him because he was her buddy and about to sink no matter what she did, making it not worth saying anything potentially telling.

- I don't think Paper's sheepvote on Makaze was a bus; imo it's more likely he was using sheeping to cover for not having any real cases on townies. He was early on the wagon too so good for him. Boron also probs town.

- Junko is town because if he were scum then Paper would have known who he was.

Finding scum through Paper's flip is very frustrating because only the people voting him really talked about him. Right now I want to ##Vote: bladescape. PURGE OF LURKERS continues and his only post was very unimpressive and seems like scum setting up a stance rather than town giving one; defending FFM from Boron just lets FFM get away with not explaining himself. I actually suspect there's at least one scum between bladescape/Kay due to the lack of a true "counterwagon" yesterday.

As for active players, Boron's case on Psych seems worth a sheep. @Psych: why did you jump to the conclusion BBM hooked you and not a potential scum hooker? Down with a Cam lynch too.

We're not lynching Makaze today. Interactions with Paper point heavily to him not being mafia and if he really is the SK then we take care of him once the scumteam is dead. SK is NOT worth hunting over mafia this early on; due to the way tells/wincons work they're a million times harder to catch naturally and hell we have a scumflip to work off of for finding mafia right now.

And yeah stay safe BBM :<

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@Psyche again

Don't spout BS on me saying I flipped my vote late and iddn't explain why when I was gone for most of the day then specifically said I preferred other people > Paperblade but was fine voting him for consolidation. Seriously.

##Vote: Psych

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Shinori, please give opinions and reads when you're done reading. We're not going to get much done if the majority of the activity is Makaze, Darros, Eury, Psych, and me yelling at each other all day.

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- Shinori where did all your effort go after your first post. come on

I'm playing wildstar. I'm stressed from issues that I would prefer to not talk about publicly and This game has a lot of things that annoy me and every time I read stuff involving it I lose the will to post.

I'm trying to do stuff now if I can.

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btw Eury's insistence on voting potential SK over mafia is baffling. I can very easily see it as a scum attempt to get a townie who SHOULD not be lynched due to connections mislynched.

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We're not going to get much done if the majority of the activity is Makaze, Darros, Eury, Psych, and me yelling at each other all day.

This is probably part of my annoyance honestly.

Makaze is acting weird compared to training but I mean whatever. Eury feels town to me. Fuck Psych. Boron is town 90% sure. Darros is apparently the person who's posts I skim or skip over all game this game so I'll have to read over his stuff later.

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As for active players, Boron's case on Psych seems worth a sheep. @Psych: why did you jump to the conclusion BBM hooked you and not a potential scum hooker? Down with a Cam lynch too.

My flavor for the hook was going to jail and I took that as being similar to BBM's.

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Darros is apparently the person who's posts I skim or skip over all game this game so I'll have to read over his stuff later.

it's okay, for me that's the entire playerlist iconFlower.gif
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btw Eury's insistence on voting potential SK over mafia is baffling. I can very easily see it as a scum attempt to get a townie who SHOULD not be lynched due to connections mislynched.

Oh I guess this is a thing. I need to read and actually think of things.

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The biggest issue I have with Eury's slot is what Walrein said about Paper before he subbed out, which isn't Eury herself. I'll have to take another look at her, with regards to the "voting potential SK over scum" bit.

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