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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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"I am rather pissed off about the footy, we were well smashing them... you know except when it came to scoring goals, mind you. I figure it's because we forgot to feed Rooney."

"Too right, mate. They say if you don't give a monkey his banana he doesn't do his best."

"Guv, we'd need to feed him a whole rain forest to get him to score, they have those in Brazil right?"

Cam (5): FFM, Prims, Psych, Boron, Baldrick
Psych (4): Shinori, bladescape, Makaze, j00
Makaze (2): Darros, Eury
Eury (1): Kay
Junko (1): Cam
Not voting: Nobody
Big Ben says that there are six and a half hours remaining! With 13 alive, it takes 5 to lynch and 8 to hammer. Phase ends on 16/6 23:00GMT+0.
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Your reason for voting Cam was because he didn't vote Paperblade, is that really all you have to say at this point? No one else caught your attention, really?

@Cam: it's not about this being a 1-1, it's the fact that these are the two wagons and people are inactive. Trying to start another lynch would become a turbolynch at best, unless people are serious about Makaze.

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If your current time zone is three hours ahead of mine, D1 would have ended at approximately 6:15 PM your time. I have no reason to disbelieve that you woke up past deadline. Too many of us have fucked up sleep schedules and are awake or asleep at odd hours of the day.

HOWEVER. I am not sure if I buy the assertion that you literally had no fucking idea when phase end was, considering that it was only mentioned like a million times throughout D1.

Thinking about it, I can't prove that I didn't know. It's irrelevant, besides. If I was asleep it doesn't matter whether I knew or didn't know that the phase would end. Not meant as an excuse here, just that there isn't any point in talking about my sense of time since it isn't a tell of any kind. I led us on a red herring.

I think it's strange how Cam is still purposefully voting Junko when we need consolidation and still doesn't have any opinions about Psych's voting. I still think Psych is scum, but I'm fine with either lynch.

I would love to hear more from Eurykins, Darros and Kay. We'll need consolidation very soon if not now. To the aforementioned: What do you think of Cam and Psych?

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Heh, I'm only here for an hour, and I'd prefer a Psych lynch over a Cam lynch. Psych is dodging everything thrown at him and acting shady, while Cam, though delayed, has actually responded to just about everything he's been asked. And Cam's at least given reads and done work. I'm not really sold on scum!Cam. That said, no lynching today would be very very terrible.


##Vote: Psych

I don't really think Cam is scum. All of Psych's posts sans one D2 have been very short and a lot noncontent, though he's been asked a lot of. He totally strawmanned peoples arguments and said "oh they think im scum because im acting like it" instead of actually addressing anything. Later on, he said his lynch was easy and that he thinks thats the only reason people are on it, which by reading other people's posts you can tell totally aren't the reasons. He hasn't been contributing besides a couple of one or two liners here and there. Seems very antitown to me.

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except I haven't

the last few posts i've made have specifically been answering people's questions and contributing so I don't get how people have been telling me i've been dodging things for like 5 pages

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Cam (5): FFM, Prims, Psych, Boron, Baldrick

Psych (5): Shinori, bladescape, Makaze, j00, Darros

Makaze (1): Eury

Eury (1): Kay

Junko (1): Cam

Not voting: Nobody

You have 1 hour and 40 minutes.

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I thought you were supposed to be experienced at mafia.

You have dodged questions multiple times and flat out not answered others because you 'didn't have reasons'. At other times you have failed to defend yourself from votes with or without questions directed at you.

It's all the same going with the flow attitude.

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Thinking about it, I can't prove that I didn't know. It's irrelevant, besides. If I was asleep it doesn't matter whether I knew or didn't know that the phase would end. Not meant as an excuse here, just that there isn't any point in talking about my sense of time since it isn't a tell of any kind. I led us on a red herring.

Will you stop going on fucking red herrings they don't fucking help anyone

Also, if you didn't know when phase end was the entire time it was D1 that IS rather telling. And while meta doesn't excuse Psych one bit, just being "experienced at mafia" doesn't mean they're going to mean that a player is going to be absolutely good.

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I thought you were supposed to be experienced at mafia.

You have dodged questions multiple times and flat out not answered others because you 'didn't have reasons'. At other times you have failed to defend yourself from votes with or without questions directed at you.

It's all the same going with the flow attitude.

will people stop saying i'm dodging questions when they aren't saying what questions i'm dodging?

point them out

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"I do say, some witty flavour would fit the bill here and what not. It's a shame really, I bet all those chaps were looking forward to some."

Psych (6): Shinori, bladescape, Makaze, j00, Darros, Cam (H-2)

Cam (5): FFM, Prims, Psych, Boron, Baldrick
Makaze (1): Eury
Eury (1): Kay

Not voting: Nobody

Big Ben says there's half an hour left. With 13 alive, it takes 5 to lynch and 8 to hammer! Phase ends on 16/6 23:00GMT+0!

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The activity and the amount of caring from most players in this game is so nonexistent I want to scream and I'm not going to be here after this.

FFM, do you have ANY thoughts on ANYTHING that doesn't pertain to you? If you have enough motivation to respond to people who mention you, then you have enough motivation to make reads on other people? Shinori is lazy, that's a statement, not a read. Psych's not defending himself well. But do you think he's scum? Do you even fucking care about this game at all?

Kay, Shinori, and Eury where the actual fuck did any of you guys go? It's like you guys aren't even playing in this game. I don't have a clear read on Kay because she literally has four posts, and Shinori for whatever reason isn't giving me a scum vibe, but Eury being this inactive feels extremely unusual. She hasn't posted in over 24 hours. I don't like this, it gives me a negative gut feeling.

If Makaze is town I hate him. He's been more of a distraction to town than actually helping anything.

I really wish the entire player list could get subbed out at this point because I feel like I'm the only one who cares enough about this game to keep it going.

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I'm really not feeling the Psych lynch. Something about how he's defending himself seems townish.

Boron/Darros seem townish for being active and interrogating Makaze, even though I think he's not inherently scummy.

Eury does seem weird with her inactivity, something seems scummy about that. Cam is still my highest scumread.

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will people stop saying i'm dodging questions when they aren't saying what questions i'm dodging?

point them out

Search up 'Psych' in this thread. Look over each post. If you haven't addressed a post (other than Votal posts), that's an example.

We don't have time to go over this. Figure out how change peoples opinions without having your hand held on how to do so.

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