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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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No quote blocks for me today. I'm just too tired for that. List with reasons under the spoiler

Also to elaborate, the Poly vote was actually based off the way I thought he'd reacted to the initial probing on his voting but I'm really regretting rushing through that because it was a really shitty read done in a few seconds without analysis at all.

[spoiler=This is a Death Note! Except the people in it aren't dead. Weird...]Town:

Sangyul/Boron - His pushes haven't always made sense to me but I've liked them, and specific interaction with Paperblade has felt unforced, and then his turnaround case on Paper.

Makaze - First off, this is in regards to scum!withpaper. I'll address ITP in a bit, but Makaze's interaction with Paper and subsequent vote/push on Paper feels not team-bound.


Poly/Darros - His tunnelling (Too many posts to choose one and link) on Makaze feels a just completely eh, but his early interaction with Paperblade makes me think he's not mafia.

Pascal/FFM - His turnaround on Paper isn't my favourite thing at all but he feels... different to last game where he was scum. He's mostly up in the towny section from gut/feeling/possible meta.

Shinori - Oddly, I like this post despite it being a 'I would prefer someone over Paper'. The wall of text with no links annoyed me but wasn't scum or town tbh. I'd like to see a more current set of reads from him but I'm content to have him here for now.

Prims - I should have him as more town than this but I'm really, really cautious about this since he pushed his scumpartners early in the last game I played with him. He does get towny points for this being a hardpush on Day one on Paper but.. I'm paranoid. : /


Cam/CT - Been trying to find a solid lean on him but whenever I find one it tosses the other direction shortly afterwards. Example, I liked this post where he pulls Makaze to bits, and I liked the nexus claim. But this post in particular just doesn't sit right. I know it's pretty much him intentionally being unhelpful.

Junko/Baldrick - Disliked Junko heavily but I'm not going to pin Baldrick to the wall over what Junko did. I'll leave this one open for now.

Kay - I've literally got three posts to go on here. I don't like the last one but without elaboration it could easily be skim-reads and those can be bad. I should know.


j00 - I really dislike his post-Paper lynch post, Also his switch was hella late. Other than that he hasn't really stood out to me.

Psych - Meh 1, Bleh 2, Eeeeh 3 The thrilling trilogy

Eury - The list of Meh-ness part one, and the second iteration in the duology. Mostly what I dislike about this is the stance on paper. Giving enough reason to reasonably put themselves on the wagon while making it sound so Eh that if another wagon popped up a switch wouldn't be that out of the question. Other than that his lists and inquisitions haven't struck me one way or the other, although the tunnelling on Makaze seems legit.


So I have no hard scumreads atm.

ITP spec:

I reckon it's Poly/Darros or Makaze. Makaze hasn't done great and has felt defensive even through the Paper lynch, and why Poly? Look at his case on Makaze being ITP. Most specifically this post. Feels almost like ITP escaping by painting someone else as their role.

So atm I want one of Psych/Joo/Eury, but I'm going to reread the posts that happened after I fell asleep last night because I haven't reallly checked them yet, expect another post shortly.

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Ugh, what is it with all these subouts and none of them being bladescape?

Because I knew that I'd be more active once it hit a certain point? Look I'm sorry for Day One, I couldn't have predicted RL suddenly rearing its head, but on the same regard, I knew that it would end shortly and I could be active Day Two onwards.

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This sheeping/only offering a read when the wagon is off of him feels bad to me.

Just me?

Not just you,

Also Eury's last post mitigates the Mehness somewhat, still don't like him overall.

##Vote: Psych

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The way he claimed felt like something newb town would do.

… You do realize that Psych is FAR from being newb!town, right? He's been playing longer than I have.

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@blade: I should probably point out that Poly (with a y) is Polydeuces (subbed out early on) and Poliwhirl (with an i) is Darros.

What Darros/Paper interactions do you think are town?

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Going back to Psych. I'll probably be able to vote again before the Day ends but tomorrow is a holiday. They were in this thread when I posted and have done only scummy things.

Sorry, Prims.

##Unvote: Cam

##Vote: Psych

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I was looking through early D2 posts and something bugs me about Psych's claim about being hooked. I really hate this because it's almost purely flavor-related, but Psych apparently assumed that BBM jailed him because his flavor for the hook was "going to jail". But BBM's role PM doesn't seem to imply a "going to jail" flavor. I also don't think that there's a scum hooker because Paper was a JoaT that refreshed charges of his abilities once they were used up, and he had a hook.

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@blade: I should probably point out that Poly (with a y) is Polydeuces (subbed out early on) and Poliwhirl (with an i) is Darros.

What Darros/Paper interactions do you think are town?

This, and the interaction after that where Darros is joking towards Paper. There is cause to construe it as mafia later because of the way Paper seems to always bring him up when talking without ever managing to have him as a top suspicion but that isn't the way I read it.

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I don't think that means anything as Paper himself said the post was earlygame tomfoolery.

I was looking through early D2 posts and something bugs me about Psych's claim about being hooked. I really hate this because it's almost purely flavor-related, but Psych apparently assumed that BBM jailed him because his flavor for the hook was "going to jail". But BBM's role PM doesn't seem to imply a "going to jail" flavor. I also don't think that there's a scum hooker because Paper was a JoaT that refreshed charges of his abilities once they were used up, and he had a hook.

I don't think this means anything because Psych faking being hooked by BBM would be nonsensical when somebody else would have actually been target. If he were really scum neighborizer he'd want to prove his role and look town anyway. It's also possible there's a third roleblocker.
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I don't think that means anything as Paper himself said the post was earlygame tomfoolery.

I usually concur with that opinion, except that a lot of the time, RVS votes from scum are rarely on other scum. It's a trend I've noticed, might be that this forum isn't the same as that, but that's what I've noted in my past.

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I don't think this means anything because Psych faking being hooked by BBM would be nonsensical when somebody else would have actually been target. If he were really scum neighborizer he'd want to prove his role and look town anyway. It's also possible there's a third roleblocker.

Fair enough, I didn't think about that. He's still scummy for dodging questions and barely contributing, though.

bladescape, I don't think Paper's RVS vote being on Darros says anything about Darros' alignment. I've RVS-voted my buddies before when I was scum. Also, what exactly about Junko do you dislike? Even if Baldrick subbed in for him, that doesn't mean the entire slot is suddenly a blank slate.

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I feel better about Darros now. Leaning town on him based off of his general posts during day 2. I still have issues about his early day 1 and what not but at the moment I can ignore it.

Makaze is still on my suspicion list and his recent posts really don't make me feel much better about him.

Role spec wants me to say that Cam is probably town cause of him claiming his role early on. I dont foresee a scum member doing that. However an SK could do it I guess but it's still completely more likely that they wouldn't.

Feeling better about FFM in general I guess. I'm still iffy in general on the whole situation involving him though so I'm kind of null on him. He's definitely not like my top scum read anymore but he's not exactly townie to me.

I don't read Eury's walls. I'll make an effort to skim over them later.

Honestly Kay is probably town. >_>

I always forgot Bladescape is in this game. Just seems like, quiet or not as outgoing as other players are to make themselves known. Idk. He seems surprisingly active in this last like two pages though.

Gonna go reread between Psych and Cam since I feel that's probably necessary.

At the moment I have a lot of bias hate/reason to vote Psych though, so here's to hoping that doesn't affect my thought process.

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bladescape, I don't think Paper's RVS vote being on Darros says anything about Darros' alignment. I've RVS-voted my buddies before when I was scum. Also, what exactly about Junko do you dislike? Even if Baldrick subbed in for him, that doesn't mean the entire slot is suddenly a blank slate.

Wasn't just the RVS but the reaction to it, but I'm willing to drop the point as it's looking like my experience doesn't apply to this forum as much at all. Which would drop Darros down a notch on my rankings.

And it's not that I'm going to make it a blank slate, more that I'm not going to start pinning Baldrick to the wall until he's at least had the chance to post. After he makes an entrance I'll put down exactly what I don't like with links, for an overview to sate those who want to know:

Random inquisition on random points. I don't really see the importance of the inquisition he was throwing around UNLESS he was trying to force the game out of the RVS stage.

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I always forgot Bladescape is in this game. Just seems like, quiet or not as outgoing as other players are to make themselves known. Idk. He seems surprisingly active in this last like two pages though.

If you'd read my post... I don't remember which page it's on, it explains that I've had a lot of stuff on my plate (Yay end of semester) and I haven't been able to be active until now.

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And like I said it has nothing to do with your activity.

I was responding to the 'surprisingly active in the last two pages' bit since that was what was influenced by me being free of responsibilities suddenly. I should've bolded it or something, sorry. ><

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I suppose it was too much to hope that I'd sub into Tony Robinson

##vote: Darros

The timing and reasoning of the FFM unvote feel strange. One effort post shouldn't change your opinion that much, the vote patterns at that time mean it could have been trying to make Paper's wagon look less prominent, if that makes any sense.
The last comment in this post is rather caustic and he didn't activate sarcasm mode, OOC for him.
His reaction to Psych's claim was OTT, and this post gives me the impression he was trying to subtly fish for it. Quoting Psych talking about his role and saying "You've been asked for more than that" is ambiguous and saying "Makaze thinks you're confirmed scum" is actually applying some serious pressure by painting the situation as being more critical than it actually was.
Why did you use the words of your scumread like that?

Between Cam and Psych, I'd vote for Cam. Apart from his interaction with Paper (baa), his repeated use of "I lost my post" rubs me the wrong way (especially four times). If it was genuine, I would think he'd start short-posting or typing it up in Word or something other than. He uses it to put vague cases together (like this Boron case in which even providing links was too much effort) (his latest Junko case is better, but even if it wasn't my slot it seems more like a Junko-tell than anything else)

@Shinori; Do you think Makaze is Paper's buddy? What do you think of bladescape?

@bladescape; You have something on Junko (sidenote: "heavily" implies that it shouldn't be in the same tier as someone with three posts?) but aren't going to post it until I come in? Come now, what do you expect me to do about it? Shall I telephone him up and ask him to explain his thought process? Or invite him to my house for some scones and a chat?

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I'm really busy working on my thesis writeup right now.

Don't really understand bladescape's thoughts on Darros and Junko/Baldrick. With your revised opinion on Darros and Paper's interactions early in the game, is Darros still leaning town to you, or is he null or scum? Your only justification on why you didn't think he was mafia was because of his interactions with Paper, and if you're willing to drop the point how exactly does Darros "drop a notch"?

Also, I don't like that you decided to withhold your thoughts on Junko until after Baldrick decided to post. There's really no point in waiting for the sub to start being active if you already have concerns with their predecessor. (I'd argue that it's better to get those concerns out so that the sub can address them once they're able to make a catch-up post.) Holding your case on him also keeps the rest of us from being able to discuss or look into your case, which doesn't feel pro-town. That itself gives me a negative vibe.

(I'm also frustrated that bladescape literally had no D1 content posts because there's no way to tell what his thoughts on people as D1 was going on were, and all of his posts from now on have the "advantage" of not having any actual stance on D1 events.)

j00 doesn't have a lot of D2 posts after the Makaze debacle early on, so I'd like to hear more from her regarding recent events when she gets back.

Kay needs to post more and be more involved with the game. However, I have this annoying gut feeling that she's town. Her inactivity isn't an indicator of alignment either. Still would like to see her be more involved regardless.

I'm still cool with Baldrick/Junko slot. But Baldrick, do you think Psych is scum or not? Saying that you'd vote for Cam over Psych doesn't really say whether you think Cam is worse or if you think Psych is not scum.

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Same tier because I wanted to judge on you rather than him, and that's why I'm not posting all my opinions on his posts now. I really dislike judging someone on something they had no control over, and find it frustrating if put in that position myself

(Also my reply to Sangyul earlier wasn't entirely accurate because I was irritated at the insinuation that I was completely ignoring Junko's posts. I was, and will be watching Baldrick because I was going to put Junko in the 'Scumish' catagory, but as I've already said in this post, I hate getting attacked or attacking people based on something that the person they're replacing said or did, mostly because he can have literally no idea why Junko did that unless Junko told him. And you know what, since people keep ragging on about it I will link what I disliked about Junko's posts. Just because it seems that letting someone have breathing room because they're subbing in isn't allowed here. Or something. Idk. I'm a little irritated atm so probably not acting concisely/clearly.)


Randomly Inquisitioning which felt odd unless it was to remove RVS, which I admit I didn't initially consider when writing my read up.

Also Defensively reacting

And while the pressure was sorta on him he focused a lot on reads in regards to himself)

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@Sangyul: I hope I've explained my stance on withholding my opinions on the Junko/Baldrick spot now. This is most definitely a case of 'I'm not used to how people on this forum go' but I don't think I'm changing my stance on the fact that I get frustrated at being attacked over something that I have no idea about since it wasn't me. So since dislike it I extend the same courtesy to others. I'd say I'm sorry about it, but I'm not.

In regards to Darros, he's Null leaning Scum now that I revised my opinions of his earlier interaction.

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