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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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we have like 15 minutes and a large portion of my wagon aren't here which doesn't sit well with me

cam even said he'd rather have a tie until a little before the deadline and then voted me

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we have like 15 minutes and a large portion of my wagon aren't here which doesn't sit well with me

cam even said he'd rather have a tie until a little before the deadline and then voted me

He said he would rather not have a tie. Then a tie formed, so he voted you to get out of a tie.

It makes perfect sense from a town perspective. Now we won't have a no lynch.

Still got a problem?

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Search up 'Psych' in this thread. Look over each post. If you haven't addressed a post (other than Votal posts), that's an example.

We don't have time to go over this. Figure out how change peoples opinions without having your hand held on how to do so.

yeah because saying things like this make you look good

you're intentionally not bringing up specifics because there are none

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Search up 'Psych' in this thread. Look over each post. If you haven't addressed a post (other than Votal posts), that's an example.

We don't have time to go over this. Figure out how change peoples opinions without having your hand held on how to do so.

Makaze, you bring up an example or you're getting lynched next phase.

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cam even said he'd rather have a tie until a little before the deadline and then voted me

i literally said i'm not going to vote psych because that would tie us

and then someone else voted you so now my options are a) do nothing which is shitty and leads to no lynch, b) vote myself which is (from my eyes) a guaranteed town lynch or c) vote you

Pick your damn poison

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Makaze, you bring up an example or you're getting lynched next phase.

I already did, quite explicitly. I asked him how he or town profited from the claim. He ignored me, so I prodded him again. Then his response was 'Can't I do it for no reason?' When multiple people told him no, he did not address the problems with doing it for no reason at all. He left us to discuss whether it was a newb town move or not and offered no input beyond that initial question.

And then there's practically every vote on him which, with reasons, which he hasn't defending himself against. Instead he's asked people to prove his guilt.

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Scum can say that, talk is cheap. Who's to say he wouldn't have vote-swtiched at the last minute if the vote was still 4-5?

3 minutes, tick tock, Makaze

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You're the one who instigated the claim, you tell me how town profits. And he said that he softclaims often, so people shouldn't think it scummy.

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It all makes sense when you catch Psych singing in the shower. "Baby, baby..." he soothes, using his shower head like a microphone. It's all too obvious, there's no way a real Brit would do that! The bunch of you pelt him with your rubber duckies, ending his tuneless existence.

Dear Psych,

You are Justin Bieber.

"Haters call me gay, but their girlfriends want me more than them."

You are Justin Bieber, the Canadian pop idol! Through your effeminate voice and babyish face, you've risen to fame with hits like "Baby" and other stuff people don't care about. You didn't enjoy your last UK tour, so why not try to overthrow the Queen?

You are a Revolutionary Networker/BPVx1. Your large Twitter following has allowed you to connect with your fans. By replying to your role PM at night with "Chat to my fan, PLAYERNAME" you will create a quicktopic that the two of you share and communicate to each other on for the next day and night. After that your fan will realise how bad your music is and you'll be free to pick another the next night or even the same poor soul again!

Fangirl BPV x1: If by some freak mishap you are shot during the day or the night, one of your fangirls will throw themselves in the way of the bullet, saving you. However, only your number one fan would actually do this, leaving you vulnerable for the next shot!

You may talk with your evil friends SOMEWHERE THAT'S NOT LINKED
Post restriction: You must appear vain and unaware of how the real world works.

You are allied with the Revolution, you win when all threats are eliminated.

It is now Night 2. The phase will end on 17/6 23:00 GMT or sooner if you people get your actions in.

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My immediate thoughts are that FFM is bad, and that I should read up on Psych's interactions with everyone and the vote pattern. This will hopefully happen tomorrow, since I'm going to bed now.

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I'm pretty sure Cam's not scum, since he'd just tie and go for no lynch instead.

I don't like the last few posts from Baldrick pushing people on Cam, but FFM is my highest scumread right now.

FFM's D2 was horrible, he voteparked Cam early on and stayed there citing his Boron read as suspicious and that no one else really caught his attention. He didn't really do much at all the entire phase, and threw out some vague reads on people saying they seem townish/scummy without going indepth about anyone.

His only comment on the Psych wagon was that "Something about how he's defending himself seems townish.", and it just felt like he wanted to stay low after D1.

Highest ITP read right now is Makaze, he just feels off with half of his actions being "reaction tests" and red herrings to fish for info, town doesn't benefit from having too much info in the open.

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After a jolly good kip, you all meet outside Buckingham Palace to discuss the heinous plot that has befallen our great nation! However, Boron and bladescape are nowhere to be seen!

It turns out that Boron had found a black hole and decided to see what it looked like on the inside! Why would she do that?

Dear Boron,

You are Stephen Hawking.

"People who boast about their I.Q. are losers."

You are Stephen Hawking, the wheelchair bound mathematical genius! Your work on singularities and black hole theory are truly beyond comprehension... no really, they're hard to understand! Unfortunately, you suffer from a rare neurodegenerative disorder, which has hampered your mobility. Thankfully, your mind is still intact.

You are a British Mathematician. Through your research, you were unable to prove what was on the other side of black holes... but were able to discover that there are twelve members of the game alligned to Great Britain, including yourself of course. Three are plotting together to overthrow our mighty monarch whilst another is selfishly trying to seize power for themselves!

Post restriction: You must make reference to cosmology and other scientific fields in your analyses.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

Some beggar on the street mentions that they saw Bladescape taking a bus... to Shanghai! What an odd journey!

Dear bladescape,

You are Boris Johnson.

"I have as much chance of becoming Prime Minister as of being decapitated by a frisbee or of finding Elvis."

You are the mayor of London! A lot of the time, it sounds like you have no idea what you're doing, but you have an odd charm, spouting the silliest of phrases. You also have an odd fascination with buses and bicycles... how groovy!

You are the British Persuader. At night, you may PM the mods and say "PLAYERNAME, oh yes, I remember where I put that ballot! I think they voted TARGETNAME." This will force that player to vote for another, regardless of what they do during the day.

Post restriction: You must make mention of buses, bicycles, Eton and your own comical ineptitude.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

Big Ben signifies the start of D3! With 11 left alive, it takes 4 to lynch and 7 to hammer! There are nearly 72 hours remaining, the phase will end 20/6 23:00GMT+0!

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