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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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I don't think this game is gonna move on unless we get a content post from Shinori and eclipse. Shinori's been promising content posts for two phases now.

I think eclipse should be by soonish.. timezones, right? She's always online when I'm out. Still we'll only have tomorrow to go by since it's ~24 hours till deadline I believe. We'll have to consolidate tomorrow, no reason to rush to a hammer.

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i don't really have anything to say about the [ongoing] makaze/eury slapfight; if shinori continues to not show i vote we lynch him

or maybe clipsey but she hasn't posted yet so my excitement is building

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I think I caught something from Shinori.

Eury's last post are alight and people seem to like FFM's claim so unless eclipse comes up with the best post everTM the only thing that would make me not want to lynch that slot is a good claim. I feel kind of bad about it but she shouldn't be holding out on cam.


##vote: eclipse

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I'm in. . .and I can't claim, sorry. Time to read as much of this as I can, but don't expect me to draw stuff out of D1/D2 besides the lynch target.

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i was so hyped when i saw that eclipse had posted and then disappointment

Yeah. One votal. In D1. I'm scum, yo~!

Now, off of memory. . .(sources pending, as in, if I make it to D4):

- Didn't care for Eurykins' push on Makaze. ITP fishing feels like a bussing bid (in this case, scum vs. ITP).

- FFM's N1 target was weird. Normally, they'd be on townie people, not questionable ones (IIRC, Darros was a bone of contention during D1).

- Cam constantly asking "why is this scummy" got on my nerves. It felt like he wasn't interested in drawing conclusions based on the statements given by others.

- Shinori's being more passive than usual, which is sadly null.

- About that, Baldrick. . .you're not getting a claim out of me. Don't care for his D3 content - it feels like he's stuck on Eurykins/Makaze, then a sudden vote on me. Speaking of his comments on Eury/Makaze, it goes from a vote on Eury to this, which makes very little sense - if Makaze is a good "backup lynch", then why rescind your previous sentiment of not voting Kay without a claim? To me, his D3 reads sloppier than the rest of my post.

- While I don't agree with Darros' logic here (if your scumbuddies are being a hindrance, why not bus them?), he's a lot more consistent about his sentiments than Baldrick.

- Don't agree with this (someone with an active action can disprove a voyeur that's faking results). Also, given the timing of everything, this'll probably be my last post of the phase (in other words, you'll have to push this without a claim).

- Makaze's been active, so that's good. However, the sense I'm getting from him is stubborn, which I'm reading as more likely to be town.

- Still can't figure out what's up with the ITP hunting, nor do I agree with this (Cam would've drawn a lot of attention to himself if he tied the vote like that). Unlike Prims, I'm not getting a scum vibe from j00.

Stuff that bothered me most was Baldrick's D3 and Eurykins' push on Makaze. This'll probably change if I get the chance to reread everything. For now. . .

##Vote: Baldrick

Like, you're jumping around worse than the seal in your avatar.

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"I do say, I don't recognise half the fellas in this game! What happened to that "Would Rather Not Send Parcels Guy" or that "Special K"? Now we got all sorts roaming about, it's disgraceful, it is. Although I do like that Baldrick fellow, where's Blackadder?"

FFM (2): j00, Prims

Makaze (2): FFM, Eury
eclipse (1): Baldrick
Eury (1): Makaze
Not voting: eclipse, Shinori, Cam, Darros
Big Ben says that there are 12 and a bit hours remaining! With 10 alive, it takes 4 to lynch and 6 to hammer! Phase ends on 20/6 23:00GMT+0.
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I don't really see how I've been inconsistent. I was townreading most of the game, except for Kay and Eury. In this post, I explicitly mentioned her as being in the list. I think we're better served looking for mafia, and Makaze is almost certainly not mafia. "Backup lynch" in this case means "better than a NL because we couldn't reach a consensus" so I don't feel the need to be tied down to it. I said I wouldn't lynch you without a claim (or an assertion that you can't, as the case seems to be), not vote you. I can think of some pretty good roles that aren't allowed to claim, but it is fairly easy for scum to claim them, so I'm not letting you off the hook for it.

There's less I find scummy about this wagon than FFM but there's also less to go on. I'd lynch either over Makaze, and based purely on the believability on the claims I'll stick to this one, but to be perfectly frank even I'm not that convinced. *shrug*

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I know you said you probably wouldn't be around, but no reason not to ask.

Why do you say Eury is cross-factional bussing? Mafia don't know who the scum are.

Do you think FFM is lying about his target? Personally, I think the best use of Voyeur isn't very clear-cut anyway.

Don't quite get what you're saying with Cam - he should have assumed people's reasons based on their posts?

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I'd lynch Makaze no problem but I think there's no consolidation there. I wouldn't mind a FFM lynch today. His role and claimed actions are weird.

##Vote: FFM

This puts us at L-1. I'm not quite sure we're going to get more content today.

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I should be around for phase end. I'm fine with the FFM lynch, if not Makaze today- I have some issues with whom he chose to target (namely Boron N2) and seems like an extremely safe person to pick/choose as their target.

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We need 4 people for it. Phase end is in about 5 hours if my math is right. I'd do it but I want to make sure we get a lynch in. Switching and ending up in an NL would be disastrous

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@eclipse: Cam was an almost-lynch, I don't think he'd draw much more attention by tieing the vote.

@Baldrick: Why did you switch to eclipse like that? I didn't get the impression that people were okay with FFM's claim, if anything, several people have pointed out weird stuff regarding his targets.

I still prefer lynching FFM today.

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FFM (5): j00, Prims, Baldrick, Cam, Darros (L-1!)
Makaze (2): FFM, Eury
Eury (1): Makaze

Baldrick (1): eclipse

Not voting: Shinori

There are 4 hours and 16 minutes left in the day.

Edited by SB.
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