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Lucina might be in SSB4?


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I still think Tiki has more place in Smash than Lucina (even though I'd much prefer Lucina). Tiki's canon through farrrrrrrrrr more games than Lucina

Camus, the Whitewings...they actually show up more.

Aside from the obvious Anna I mean.

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I believe Lucy will be playable now, but for a very different reason.

She's female and from Awakening now, but that isn't why.

Marth himself got a huge nerf to his speed for seemingly no reason. Maybe he was going to give Lucina the lithe fighter role.

Or he just didn't mean to make Marth that slow, leaving this as baseless conjecture.

Yes. ec20fb7f.gif

Ya'll can forget about Tiki, Tharja, Owain, Chrom & Robin tbh. Where's their amiibo icon? ec20fb7f.gif

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I'd rather get an FE4/5 remake hopefully bundled into one or a new title entirely.

If we ever get a new remake, that's what it needs to be.

I believe Lucy will be playable now, but for a very different reason.

She's female and from Awakening now, but that isn't why.

Marth himself got a huge nerf to his speed for seemingly no reason. Maybe he was going to give Lucina the lithe fighter role.

Or he just didn't mean to make Marth that slow, leaving this as baseless conjecture.

That doesn't prove much, you could just as easily say Chrom would get the little fighter role.

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As much as I want Luci to be playable, I absolutely think that you're reading into this too much. This is no cause to assume anything.

And this idea that Lucina will be an alt costume for Marth is ludicrous. I don't know why people keep expecting that. I find it extremely unlikely.

^ Also, this. I agree wholeheartedly.

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If we ever get a new remake, that's what it needs to be.

That doesn't prove much, you could just as easily say Chrom would get the little fighter role.

If Chrom or Lucina are added, they should get lances to differ from Marth and Ike.

Or we could just add Donnel

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I don't get how people think Chrom is the automatic option when he's not even the most important character in the story or the most popular. :Japan:

There's already enough bluehaired male swordsman representation in SSB4.

Edited by Reginleif
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Uh, he's the main lord and main character alongside Avatar? :/

Lucina pretty much disappears from the story after she's recruited. She gets a few little scenes, that's it. She doesn't even give a game over when she's defeated. Chrom and Avatar remain very prevalent throughout and they both give game overs if they fall.

As for why Lucina could be a Marth palette swap, she looks exactly like him. Just give Marth's outfit a few darker shades of blue, some white, and red on the inside of the cape and he pretty much looks just like her.

I personally don't get why anyone thinks Lucina has any chance of being playable. All she really has going for her is popularity, and that alone doesn't get characters into Smash.

Edited by Anacybele
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Lucina is prominent in the story (she never "disappears"; check the story again), popular, and on a ton of the game's promotional art. While I'm not surprised people find Chrom more likely, there are definitely enough reasons to consider Lucina over him, and the amount to which people think Chrom is the most likely really astounds me, all things considered.

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To the laymen and the casual Fire Emblem fans, Chrom IS the most popular, there's no question of that. He IS the mascot of Awakening.

Lucina might be a better character, have a BIG role in the plot (and she does, whether or not she's present for it most of the time) and just be cooler overall, but ultimately Sakurai is out to please the crowd, and Lucina's traits mean basically nothing in the face of the legions of casual female FE fans who swooned when Chrom pulled them up out of the grass and then married him.

/extreme exaggeration but still


- I agree that Lucina is a cool character and that she has a big role in Awakening's plot (basically everything DOESN'T go to shit almost entirely because of her intervention, Ana, don't undermine her role)

- Disagree that Lucina is more important than Chrom; disagree that she could ever be a palette swap for Marth (I still think that's a dumb idea)

Edited by BANRYU
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It just means she'll be getting a figure, which means FE will be one of the games getting Figures.

I doubt they'd spoil something like SSB roster in a background graphic, just means FE (and animal crossing, and DK...) are gonna have figures for the games.

(Which is still exciting)

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I never said Lucina wasn't prominent at ALL in the story. I said that she's not nearly as prominent as Chrom or the Avatar. And I don't actually think it was her that caused events to change direction, I think it was more so Grima. Yes, Grima. Grima is the reason Avatar lost his/her memory. And Avatar's amnesia was the reason he/she was able to form a stronger bond with Chrom and the others and not let Grima take over his/her mind later and make him/her kill Chrom.

Lucina tried her damnedest to change things, but she really did little to influence the plot. She saved Basilio's life and prevented Chrom from being seriously injured from that assassin guy. But for the most part, most of the things she tried to change still happened.

As for the palette swap thing, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Edited by Anacybele
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Impact on the story likely doesn't mean anything; she's prominent. That's what matters. Chrom had less impact on the story than either Lucina or Avatar, so that really isn't an argument.

As for Lucina being a palette swap, consider the following: They are different characters, with different voices. Will they use Lucina's actors for her costume? If not, that's weird, because Marth never wears that mask. If they do, that's also weird unless the palette swap also comes with a name change to "Lucina," but that's basically putting two characters (cloned) in one spot.

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Who said Marth had to wear the mask? Also, Ike never had an outfit like his father's and his yellow color swap in Brawl resembles it. Peach never dresses like Daisy, yet she has a palette swap of her.

And again, I never said Lucina wasn't prominent.

Edited by Anacybele
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Who said Marth had to wear the mask? Also, Ike never had an outfit like his father's and his yellow color swap in Brawl resembles it. Peach never dresses like Daisy, yet she has a palette swap of her.

That is not Greil, and that is not Daisy. A little color swapping will not make Lucina.

And again, I never said Lucina wasn't prominent.

Then your argument is meaningless.
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Lucina literally did everything to change events. You can look at the little technicalities all you like, but in the end, Chrom's group DID defeat Grima in the timeline where Lucina came back. That is FACT. You are twisting events to suit your argument, Anacybele, and it's not working. Just drop it.

It's perfectly fine if you'd rather see the Tactician or Chrom than Lucina, Ana, but just say so and admit that it's your opinion. You don't always have to have a concrete reason for having an opinion (like at this point, my opinion that the Tactician is unlikely really has no ground to stand on, though I maintain it despite knowing and admitting that lol).

Anyway I don't think any of this matters, because Chrom is like the publicly-viewed main character of Awakening.

RFoF I agree with you that Lucina is more interesting and could be a good character and everything, and possibly deserves it more than Chrom, yes... But it's really only fans of Awakening that think that, and not even all Awakening fans at that. We who like Lucina are a very niche group, and the character decision is ultimately not based on niche groups.

But hey I was wrong about Pacman and the Miis so at this point I'm willing to believe anything. @___x

As far as this topic goes, though, there's no reason to assume anything yet.

Edited by BANRYU
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That is not Greil, and that is not Daisy. A little color swapping will not make Lucina.

Then your argument is meaningless.

I never said it had to exactly.

No it isn't. My argument is that Chrom and Avatar are way more prominent in the story. Not that Lucina isn't prominent at all.

EDIT: Banryu: It's the timeline where Grima went back to the past and try merging with the Avatar too. I'm not "twisting" anything. I'm describing events just as they happened in the damn game.

Yes, it's my opinion that Chrom and Avatar are much more likely than Lucina. I'm merely stating my reasoning as to why.

Edited by Anacybele
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You know, I was just reading the thread.

The first page really gives me the opinion of:

"Does it really matter if Lucina's in? The only thing this is making you sound like are those people who made a huge deal of the Japanese Path of Radiance anniversary for Ike's reveal."

We who like Lucina are a very niche group, and the character decision is ultimately not based on niche groups.

While you are pretty niche in comparison to the legions of Chrom x FeMU fans, Lucina fans aren't niche.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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EDIT: Banryu: It's the timeline where Grima went back to the past and try merging with the Avatar too. I'm not "twisting" anything. I'm describing events just as they happened in the damn game.

Grima followed Lucina back in time. Thus every change to the timeline only happens because Lucina (and the other children) went back in time.

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Anyway I don't think any of this matters, because Chrom is like the publicly-viewed main character of Awakening.

RFoF I agree with you that Lucina is more interesting and could be a good character and everything, and possibly deserves it more than Chrom, yes... But it's really only fans of Awakening that think that, and not even all Awakening fans at that. We who like Lucina are a very niche group, and the character decision is ultimately not based on niche groups.

But hey I was wrong about Pacman and the Miis so at this point I'm willing to believe anything. @___x

As far as this topic goes, though, there's no reason to assume anything yet.

I did preface by saying Chrom is the most likely. I only added that I don't think it's by as much as people make it out to be.

No it isn't. My argument is that Chrom and Avatar are way more prominent in the story. Not that Lucina isn't prominent at all.

You made the argument that Lucina doesn't stand a chance because she does nothing in the story and disappears later on. Sounds to me more like you're only now admitting her prominence to cover for mistakes, and your idea that she has little/no impact on the story (because Grima or whatever), whether true or not, is what is meaningless.
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Except Lucina didn't influence that. If Grima hadn't followed her and tried to merge with the Avatar, the Avatar wouldn't have gotten amnesia and thus forged a stronger friendship with Chrom, which resulted in their bond being strong enough to conquer Grima's control over the Avatar later.

Avatar's amnesia was the biggest game changer, and Grima caused it. Most of the events Lucina tried to prevent still happened. Emmeryn still died, Grima was still awakened, etc. She even thought she didn't prevent Chrom's death. Avatar did that all her/himself because she/he had a strong enough friendship with Chrom due to that amnesia.

RFoF: :facepalm: I never said Lucina did NOTHING in the story. I said she kind of disappears after she's recruited. Meaning she IS pretty important before then.

Edited by Anacybele
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While you are pretty niche in comparison to the legions of Chrom x FeMU fans, Lucina fans aren't niche.

I suppose you're right, but I was thinking more in terms of SSB's entire target audience as a whole. A big percentage of them wanted Sonic in Brawl -> Sonic was in Brawl. That also seems to be the case with Megaman and Pacman in this game.

I'm just hoping that the principle holds true for Ridley. =3=

I did preface by saying Chrom is the most likely. I only added that I don't think it's by as much as people make it out to be.

Oh whoops I must have missed that. My comment to you is totally meaningless, then. x__X Sorry

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I suppose you're right, but I was thinking more in terms of SSB's entire target audience as a whole. A big percentage of them wanted Sonic in Brawl -> Sonic was in Brawl. That also seems to be the case with Megaman and Pacman in this game.

In that regard, yes, what you say would be true.

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