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Lucina might be in SSB4?


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RFoF: :facepalm: I never said Lucina did NOTHING in the story. I said she kind of disappears after she's recruited. Meaning she IS pretty important before then.

Sooo...uh, the various things she has to say throughout Valm, warning Basilio, being around during SHOCK HORROR VALIDAR DROPPED THE NICE GUY ACT, threatening to murder the avatar, etc...

So she disappears. Totally not there.

Now if you said baby Lucina, you'd be right.

I don't care if Lucy and/or Chrom make it in, but holy shit you're grasping straws.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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Sooo...uh, the various things she has to say throughout Valm, warning Basilio, being around during SHOCK HORROR VALIDAR DROPPED THE NICE GUY ACT, threatening to murder the avatar, etc...

So she disappears. Totally not there.

Now if you said baby Lucina, you'd be right.

I don't care if Lucy and/or Chrom make it in, but holy shit you're grasping straws.

I never said she disappeared entirely. I said she KIND of disappeared and only had a few little scenes, the ones you just mentioned.

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Except Lucina didn't influence that. If Grima hadn't followed her and tried to merge with the Avatar, the Avatar wouldn't have gotten amnesia and thus forged a stronger friendship with Chrom, which resulted in their bond being strong enough to conquer Grima's control over the Avatar later.

Avatar's amnesia was the biggest game changer, and Grima caused it.

It doesn't matter that she didn't influence that. Avatar only has amnesia because future!Grima tried to merge with him/her. Future!Grima only tries to merge with him/her because he followed Lucina back in time. If Lucina didn't go back in time, Grima wouldn't go back in time. Lucina going back in time is the origin point of every single change to the timeline, including Avatar's amnesia.

Most of the events Lucina tried to prevent still happened. Emmeryn still died, Grima was still awakened, etc. She even thought she didn't prevent Chrom's death. Avatar did that all her/himself because she/he had a strong enough friendship with Chrom due to that amnesia.

In Chapter 9, as opposed to Chapter 6 in the original timeline, where Validar killed Emmeryn, wounded Chrom severely and stole the Fire Emblem. And Emmeryn's sacrifice in Chapter 9 ends the war with Plegia much earlier than in the original timeline. Plus, Grima is actively sabotaging Lucina's changes to the timeline. He saved Validar in Chapter 6. If that hadn't happened, everything after the Valm arc doesn't happen. And again, Avatar only has amnesia because Grima followed Lucina back in time.

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It doesn't matter that she didn't influence that. Avatar only has amnesia because future!Grima tried to merge with him/her. Future!Grima only tries to merge with him/her because he followed Lucina back in time. If Lucina didn't go back in time, Grima wouldn't go back in time. Lucina going back in time is the origin point of every single change to the timeline, including Avatar's amnesia.

In Chapter 9, as opposed to Chapter 6 in the original timeline, where Validar killed Emmeryn, wounded Chrom severely and stole the Fire Emblem. And Emmeryn's sacrifice in Chapter 9 ends the war with Plegia much earlier than in the original timeline. Plus, Grima is actively sabotaging Lucina's changes to the timeline. He saved Validar in Chapter 6. If that hadn't happened, everything after the Valm arc doesn't happen. And again, Avatar only has amnesia because Grima followed Lucina back in time.

But it does matter, at least in my opinion. Lucina didn't choose for Grima to follow her or merge with Avatar, Grima chose to do those things. He could've just as easily not noticed her leave their timeline or decided to keep ravaging it.

But we'll just have to agree to disagree, because neither of us are going to agree on anything else here.

Edited by Anacybele
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You don't know the power of Sugita.

I almost missed this.

I think his "power" has been said to Fox before in another thread.

I can't really say much because I'm not exactly Japanese, even if I'm a fan of the man.

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People are throwing the Peach/Daisy Lucas/Claus stuff around as proof that Lucina can be an alternate costume for Marth. There's a difference: you can make Peach look like Daisy and Lucas look like Claus just by swapping their colors around. Change the palette on Marth, and he still doesn't look like Lucina.

I'm not saying 100% for certain that Sakurai won't make an alternate costume for Marth that looks like Lucina, but it would be an incredibly lame and lazy decision. Of course, Sakurai is fully capable for taking the easy way out (if you disagree, I have three Landmasters and a Falcon-cloned Ganondorf ready to prove you wrong), but it's more likely that, if Sakurai wants to include Lucina and make her a lazy copy of Marth, he'd still put her in as a separate character.

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Wait a second.

How many people are saying that Marth cannot possibly have an alternate costume, where he's wearing a mask and slightly different attire? Chrom and Lissa thought M.Marth was a dude, so the design can't be that difficult to implement

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In terms of the palette swap and how Lucina being a different character makes it unlikely, keep in mind Claus was an alternate costume for Lucas.

Here's the thing. Claus is literally Lucas' identical twin.

Lucina and Marth are already the same colors, I'm not seeing what colors you can give to marth to make him look like lucina (aside from... more blue?), as Lucas-->Claus and Peach--->Daisy were recolor-y characters from the beginning, and they have different starting colors.

Serious request: Someone take Marth's brawl render and recolor it to look like Lucina (maybe If I visualize it, I'll understand better)

Edited by L95
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Wait a second.

How many people are saying that Marth cannot possibly have an alternate costume, where he's wearing a mask and slightly different attire? Chrom and Lissa thought M.Marth was a dude, so the design can't be that difficult to implement

This. Masked Marth is a perfect alternative costume for Marth.

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The thing I don't see is that people are completely being in the mindset of "palette swaps only" in Brawl.

Remember Wario? I mean sure, it's Wario from the Mario series so a complete set of "classic Wario" costumes is probably attributed to "Mario series".

But what about Jigglypuff's hat? Or the ribbon? Or the crown? Remember that?

Small model changes aren't a big deal to them.

Add a mask and change the clothes a bit.

It's not *COMPLETELY* out there for Lucina to be there as alternate Marth costume.

Whether it is or not, is up to the Smash director.

...but honestly WHO WILL GIVE A CRAP when you actually have the damn game in your hands?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Masked Marth alone is what drove Awakening's sales.


Mother of crap, you can't prove that as far as I can say MaMU x FeMU is canon.

I might be an ass to ASS-ume this, but you probably can't even read anything on that site. You're just going off the "1" on the pictures.

Please consult the popularity pages on the Knight of Iris pages, on the actual percentage comparison to Chrom.

And not the "Favorite Female, Favorite Male" percentages.

They're separate.

Please stop shitting all over my favorite game by your "knowledge" of the Japanese side of the Awakening fandom.

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Mother of crap, you can't prove that as far as I can say MaMU x FeMU is canon.

I might be an ass to ASS-ume this, but you probably can't even read anything on that site. You're just going off the "1" on the pictures.

Please consult the popularity pages on the Knight of Iris pages, on the actual percentage comparison to Chrom.

And not the "Favorite Female, Favorite Male" percentages.

They're separate.

Please stop shitting all over my favorite game by your "knowledge" of the Japanese side of the Awakening fandom.

Mess. You and I both know that Masked Marth generated most of the buzz.


Awakening is my favorite FE game too. Stay pressed. lmao.gif
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Your constant use of gifs and emotes is really annoying.

As is this topic by now. Honestly, the roster has been decided already. For all we know, Tharja could be the new FE rep (it's not like there aren't mons more important to Pokemon than Greninja). I think it would do everyone a bit of good to calm down and not think too hard about who the next FE rep, if any, will be.

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I hope to all that is good that they're trolling.

...and I thought of all the people in the Awakening fandom, I'd be one of the more annoying ones.

Apparently not.

You know I'd be fine either way if Lucina was in, but damn this makes me remember those people who kept PM'ing me for requests to record Lucina's Chapter 21 scene with MaMU.

My waifu antics are/were tame compared to yours.

...for the record, MaMU x Lucina placed 9th while Chrom x FeMU absolutely destroyed her being at number 1.

There's a hell of a lot more Awakening merchandise than you cited there.

"Masked Marth" is a nostalgia tool to FE fans/Smash Fans. That move itself does not automatically associate with Lucina to certain people.

Chrom fangirls outnumber Lucina fanboys.

There's no way I can prove that, but it's better than the crap you're spouting out.

Awakening is my favorite FE game too. Stay pressed.

People like you are some of the reasons why I wished FE had died with Awakening staying in Japan.

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I agree with you SoC, but still, I wouldn't condemn the series due to the... "less savory" types of..."fans"

Though I absolutely relate...

Edited by Soledai
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Your constant use of gifs and emotes is really annoying.

Lmao thanks for the personal attack, global moderator

Chrom fangirls outnumber Lucina fanboys.

There's no way I can prove that, but it's better than the crap you're spouting out.

People like you are some of the reasons why I wished FE had died with Awakening staying in Japan.

Simmer down. You don't have to act so pressed. 8f70c6ea.gif

He probably IS trolling, SOC, so just ignore him.

Just because you're losing the argument doesn't mean I'm trolling, babe!

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Chrom and Avatar are a lot more likely imo, Chrom and Marth are pretty much the two posterboys for Fire Emblem now, with chrom being the star of Awakening and Marth having four games (five if you include his relevance to Awakening) and Avatar could add a lot more diversity to the roster with magic. Lucina's a girl, and that's pretty much the main thing she's got going for her. She's not really as popular as Chrom, and you see a lot of people want her in just to break up the blue-haired sausage-fest.

I personally really do think it's probably Chrom, even disregarding the Gematsu leaker hitting every nail with his/her predictions.

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Personally, I feel that Ike is more of a poster boy for FE now than Chrom. He has two games where he's a main character, a Brawl appearance, and has a bunch of Awakening references. And he's the only character with a confirmed descendant other than Marth. And he's back in SSB4. xP

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