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FE7 LHM + HHM LTC Run COMPLETE - 179 Turns


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  1. 1. Who will have the most kills by the end of the playthrough?

  2. 2. Who will enter the most battles?

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Hector - He's pretty solid early on, and it's nice having a lord that doesn't die after he's dropped near a gate or something. 5 move hurts though.

Eliwood - There's a ton of early exp to go around, and it's largely wasted on Marcus, so why not give it to someone who gets a horse later and is forced? Seriously he probably saved a turn in endgame, and it was nice having another high res mount in Cog.

Marcus - Obviously super awesome early, and still made it to endgame. Didn't actually do a whole lot after Heath took off though.

Lowen - owned early then promoted kind of early and got very little exp for the rest of the game and faded into obscurity.

Kent - I think he's definately better as the earlypromoted paladin in Lyn mode. His hitrates in the midgames are a lot better than Sain. He hilariously didn't hit S Lances until 28x though, lol.

Sain - other than chapter 17, I don't think he actually did anything other than soak up exp.

Florina - didn't do as much as I thought she would, but she made a 1 turn of chapter 21 and the 2 turn of Genesis a reality.

Priscilla - thought she was just going to exist and take up exp all the way till endgame, but she saved a turn in 32!

Canas - A fantastic unit. Luna owns in Cog, has a highish base level so getting him to be an awesome warper isn't too hard.

Fiora - broke the game but really I think her only actual contributions came in 19x, the desert, chapter 25, and Cog.

Legault - had a barrier staff and guiding ring that were actually pretty nescessary.

Rath - Did some cool things like killing Lloyd in one turn, and his unique class movement really helped in Chapter 25 and Chapter 27. Didn't have the stats to keep up though.

Isadora - Made the 2 turn of Chapter 25 possible

Heath - pretty sure everyone knows how much work he did, absolutley needs to be a god unit in these runs.

Pent - I actually think he's replaceable by Erk.

Vaida - killed the dudes that spawned near her and had enough strength to OHKO Ursula in Final.

That's about it.

I don't think Erk can replace Canas combatwise since Luna was ridiculously powerful in Cog, and if Erk got dropped where Canas did, he'd be dealing out very little damage regardless of stats. He can definately still be a lategame warper instead of Pent if you want though, but really, is it worth the effort?

Canas had the most kills, outkilling units like Marcus, Kent and Heath, I definately don't think Erk could replicate that.

Edited by General Horace
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Just from watching your videos, I don't think Erk can replace Pent. He'd take far too much early EXP that was going to Eliwood and Lowen, and it'd be a total PITA training him along with Canas/Priscilla.

and if i were giving +2's to units I don't know why i'd make it so painfully obvious. Feel free to check elsewhere, its not like the odd growths there affected the outcome, Fiora never entered battle after then anyway.

I don't think you rigged it, it's just weird.

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Excellent job Horace! This was greatly performed as usual.

I agree that Erk wouldn't be as useful as Canas or Pent, but if Sain wasn't being used, who else would be a good contender for the experience he got?

Fiora is evidently an enigma beyond our comprehension.

Use Nino as your warp user next run.

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Exactly! Just imagine all the turns that Nino would save with that one extra warp range! So much potential!

I know Farina wasn't recruited due to costing turns, but would she have been a good unit to give exp to due to being a flyer? Heath would still probably be a better recipient I assume, but I'm just wondering.

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Why did you even do 32x? I don't remember you saying you were going to access all chapters (19xx aside)


Eliwood and Pent gained decent levels but i'm just wondering if those stats were crucial to your completion


Oh yea hammerne on Warp

Edited by Sara.
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Taking another look, you only used warp twice in Final (and could arguably get away with only 1, since Nils could've just Filla's Might'd Canas instead of dancing Athos (or a billion other things *chortle*. Statwise, Eliwood doesn't need the extra Str/Spd to orko the warriors either. Pent's magic is good enough too.

So yea 32x is largely unnecessary, on this run.

How fast do you think you could complete the game by simply bypassing Gaidens?

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i only did it for completions sake

if i bypassed gaidens the game could be done in 179-however many turns the gaidens took, probably, although you miss the berserk staff, a speedwing, early merlinus, Canas, and actually it might add a few turns here and there with less exp and not having Canas.

Nils had to dance Heath on both turns, dunno where you got him dancing athos from.

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You might not have to give up everything. You could maybe skip Battle Preperations by just loading up on extra door keys and stuff earlier on. My bigger concern in 13x is the additional exp from his chapter, rather than Merlinus himself. Lowen sure appreciates it, among others. between 31x and 32x that's 6 turns?

Final-2 i meant

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This run was amazing! Just watching it has made me better at FE7. Going to agree with Mekkah, good job making Eliwood useful and kick lots of ass. Of course Heath would turn out awesome like always.

Sooo... Heath, Marcus, and Canas for MVP award?

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