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FE7 LHM + HHM LTC Run COMPLETE - 179 Turns


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  1. 1. Who will have the most kills by the end of the playthrough?

  2. 2. Who will enter the most battles?

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lowen had to promote too early to be useful lategame

I'd rather have a good Fiora than a good Lowen anyhow. He still has to compete with Heath, Florina and Marcus to an extent as far as exp goes for promoted mounts, and all of them have a higher demand for it than Lowen. He might have had 18 speed, but his strength is still lower than Marcus had at base.

Also Harken costs 5 turns so he didn't get recruited lol. Not much point anyway, Kent and Heath (and probably Sain soon) have better combat than him anyway, although I guess they don't have his axe rank. Lloyd/Linus will get berserk staved anyway so I'll really only have to kill one of them. If I recruited him, he wouldn't need exp anyway, his base strength is already huge and his speed is good enough.

Edited by General Horace
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dunno yet, tbh. I want to say I think I can 4 turn, but you never know until you do the chapter. There are only about 40 enemies, half of which are unpromoted scrubs, and I can probably avoid all the reinforcement trigger zones. The only problem will be the status staves.

Also I might employ a hilarious strat where filla's might!Canas oneshots Valkyries with Luna on the EP, but I think too many of them have staves for it to work. Might do a bonus video of it though for fun.

A speed capped Filla's Might Canas with 21 magic also ORKO's Linus.

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Yeah, I'm not gonna do it, since I'll likely need Ninian for dancing without rings to clear the chapter, I think Silver Lance!Heath or something will kill him.

Luna has really high hit though, and Canas's skill is pretty good, I expect he'd still theoretically have around 70-75 hit.

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i'll definately have to rig some misses, but hopefully the hitrates won't be too bad.

My team as a whole's resistance hovers around 7-12 in general, so some rigging will be required. I only have one restore staff too.

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ya, max res hector would have been worth it

i hate chapter 28 so much, but i've finally got a way to finish it the way I want to, and it gets Canas the requisite 20 magic to do staffing in 28x, and the B staves too since he needs the berserk and rescue staves. Pent could have done it, but it'll be easier to get Canas to cap out his magic since he's a little lower level.

28x is ridiculously easy too, so i'll probably get that up afterwards too. I highly doubt you'll see Cog today though!

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Jaffar only really has a chance to die on turn 3, and ironically if he gets super lucky and never gets hit, his chance of death goes up, lol. If he elixirs on turn 3, he's pretty much guarenteed not to die though, unless you leave him to solo stuff until his weapon breaks or something stupid.

I never got it when people found it hard to protect Zephiel though, the almighty 6 move of Canas gets there in time lure the Mercs that ORKO him on time pretty easily.

I think I dislike Dennings chapter more because of poison weapons and longbows

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3 turn clear

Canas doesn't really face very high staff hitrates this chapter, its from like, 27-39 hit.

Also for some reason the berserk bishop and sleep bishop would target heath if he didn't have a talisman, but ignored him if he did.

Cog is dumb.

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Awesome stuff. I really wish you got the rescue staff before BBD, it would make way more sense design wise...

Also, what about Ninian's chance of death on this chapter to the Mages?

That's something that demotivates me a ton of FE7...too many defense chapters.

Yeah tell me about it. I can never be bothered to keep playing the game after the 3rd defence map.

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I also still have two speedwings left, dunno who should take them though. I'll post some screens of my team below and see if anyone has any suggestions.




aaand nobody else is strong enough to be deployed anymore.

I still have Vaida joining this coming chapter too.

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Yeah, I think the only way I can get anyone to double stuff in Cog is by giving either Sain or Eliwood two speedwings, which isn't happening. I think i'll just sit on them for now, and unless I actually see a use for them, I won't bother.

on the plus side...


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Haaa that heath.

I'd suggest one for Hector, if /anything/, and or Can as to bump up his speed a bit since Luna is still heavy as all hell and might help against Cog valks? What's their AS?

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Canas isn't doubling or taking damage from anything but Luna in cog anyway, speedwings would be wasted on him.

The Valks have anywhere from 23 to 16 AS, most float around 20 though. Killing them isn't really a huge problem though.

Hector will probably get one, idk about the second yet though.

Pretty much impossible to do in 4 turns, 5 it is.

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