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Doomsday Clock Mafia - Town/ITP Win


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btw the theory wasn't the sole reason why I think Poly is scum (that's mainly PoE and his repeated content-dodging); it was just a thought I had about the no-kill

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I thought the same than BBM for a while before I relaised it wasn't possible because of the early update so don't suspect him because of that.

I think Marth is scum and if he's not then Poly, I changed my mind on him because he promised posting twice or so already and it's D4 and he hasn't done anything. Poly should be modkilled or something instead of being lynched though.

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Last two posts read as very defensive and said that he thinks Poly is scum but hasn't voted him for it. He's been coasting through these past two phases just following along with easy suspects (wrt Mitsuki and now Poly) and I know he can do better, he didn't even have a vote down at the end of last phase. Combine this with bad Darros interactions and the only redeeming features to him is how he reacted to my stuff ED1 and his overall Elie interactions.

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I don't really see the point of voting Poly; he's got two votes on him already and I don't think a third will make him produce content faster, or at all really. I'll vote him when I have to.

I suspected Mitsuki for literally the span of a few posts before I realized I'd misread her ED2 posts and then retracted my suspicion. This is the second time you've talked about this; I don't really understand why when even Manix hasn't brought that up as a reason for why I'm scum (this is my standard for how outlandish a case is). I did in fact have a vote down at the end of the phase (voting Elie) so you didn't read correctly. The only thing "bad" with my Darros interactions is that I was wrong about his alignment, but that's not alignment-indicative. Manix said something about subtle RVS buddying- let's be real; scum don't defend their buddies from accusations that will disappear after a one-line response. That's just unnecessary effort spent on something that makes the other person look worse when one of them flip.

I probably am coasting; that's because I have nothing to post atm other than defence. Poly might be an easy case but he's probably also scum.

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Votecount 4.1

Polydeuces (2):Prims, Refa

BBM (1): kirsche

Not Voting: bluedoom BBM Curly Brace Polydeuces Shin Mitsuki

5 to Hammer

62 Hours remain (I will probably extend this later to a not 2-AM deadline)

Tomorrow I should have my comp back!

Edited by NekoRex
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Oh yeah, before I forget; Shin (and Mitsuki I guess, if you feel like it I dunno) who do you think is scum?

Sure thing, I was out all afternoon but an answer I shall provide! It's getting a little tough to draw reads.

So far, I'm a little warey of your play, especially your reaction to Mitsuki's change in her read on you. Like I said before, it's not a super scum read, but the consistency isn't quite there. I'm not convinced that the reasons given would suggest Poly were scum, but in all honesty, I have no reason to believe he's town. I was townreading BBM earlier, but I'm a little baffled by his lack of a vote. I can't imagine there are many scum left, so an extra vote on Poly isn't likely to cause much of a fuss.

The only people who didn't vote Eli were Mitsuki, Marth and Refa. I'll have to look into them later when I've recovered from drinking all afternoon.

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refa raises a good point in his last post though. another nail in the BBM coffin imo

Are you actually this dense????? Do you even know what scum intent is???? Holy shit Manix.

I am honestly turned off from lynching BBM just because of how UTTERLY BAD the pressure against him has been all game. We should definitely get rid of lurkers before going for more readable people too imo, we have a shitton of mislynches.

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in fact I'd go as far as to argue that BBM is less likely to come up with that theory as scum, because as scum he would know he sent in a kill and allowed the update to happen early and therefore would have a harder time making that leap in perspective. This isn't really anything strong but it's stronger than "BBM was wrong making him scum".

I feel like Manix has to be some kind of non-town even if he's not scum; I've never seen him be this ridiculous before. What the hell.

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actually looking at the post it's possible he was joking and I just assumed he was serious because other people were treating it like a serious point :X

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worth noting: I take back my positive opinion of Marth since I realized his vote on Darros was the third, not the second, as Manix and Refa had already voted. This means he wasn't actually responsible for turning the case into a wagon which makes the vote less telling.

At this point I would go Poly -> Shin -> Marth since it looks like Mitsuki will be wasting one of our mislynches. If we got a fourth I'd go BBM over Refa. Could be convinced to give Shin a pass on scorri/Elie interactions, depends.

In any case, Poly needs to go so that we don't have a gigantic question mark there during our future days. It's far too late for a sub to fix anything. BBM can be pushed tomorrow for those who really want that.

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Oh, and @BBM I think: I stopped suspecting Kirsche because I think he defended well against my points, I went back to check my case on him and it didn't seem strong. I didn't check super well but yeah.

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it's called I'm on my phone and am not good at content posting on my phone

besides, Mitsuki claiming harmless 3p threw my reads for a loop

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I think Poly is just not allowed to claim, look at the first post of the thread.

Which makes him not scum in my opinion, scum wouldn't want to claim truthfully and I don't think they'd come up with this to look townier or avoid claiming or something. Town definitely needs to lynch Marth.

##Vote: Marth

I really don't care about who is lynched but I kind of want to see if he flips scum. Also if I'm defending another mafia I'll rage so hard.

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i can harp on about bbm's interactions with flipped scum all day. here are the promised sources

Last part about Elie; no, that's not a scum tactic for exactly the reasons I explain in that quote. Scum want to push mislynches or get others to mislynch people; pointing out some bad stuff but then refusing to push it hard doesn't convince people to change a townread to a scumread. Like right now, Manix convinced kirsche to lessen his townread because he went after it hard. Did Elie do that? No.

Elie's vanilla claim feels weird to me bc of the way he brings up Volcanic, which was a mountainous game where he went into it knowing he'd roll vanilla. He's been vanilla in other games as well (Draft, Strip) and he definitely tried in both those games (and this one too, when he was around) and somehow this just feels like WIFOM to me, since he didn't do shit in Volcanic. And like... what was the point in bringing up Volcanic? Nobody was really pushing you seriously for being inactive like you were in Volcanic.

Elie's Mitsuki vote still reads like being paranoid for the sake of being paranoid because he's still talking about CMV and Fakeclaim even though he was pressured to claim in both those games by a big wagon and a cop report respectively, whereas Mitsuki claimed without any substantial pressure and had been crumbing it for a long time.

then go read elie's exchange with him on d2. it reads immensely like distancing.

##Vote: BBM

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prims: regardless of alignment, that's not the sort of shit i want to wake up to see. it's completely unnecessary, and doesn't make anyone feel good. hell, your attitude toward me in general this game has started to make this game not fun to play.

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