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Hypothetical perfect non-min/max Fire Emblem.

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Name the features across the entire series that, when put together, would make the optimal non-min/max FE game. (I wasted far too much of my life determining which skill I should pass down to kids etc.)

My favorites... off the top of my head.


Weapon triangle


customizable character. (just the one.)

PoR/RD style skill capacity system. Awakening's 5 OF ANY SKILL! system was bad...

PoR/RD style skill ACQUIREMENT system. Going through class after Class in Awakening wasn't nice... I prefer scrolls.

Tactician being an actual character... Think more of Mark than Robin, but if it's more Mark-esque, give him a more important role.

Captivating story involving a small love interest, and a clear rival.

Different types of matches (as you might've been able to tell... PoR was my favorite)

And those are all that are coming to me.

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Weapon triangle is always nice.

Daggers for a little more variety. Maybe have unarmed/2 range units retaliate with them.

Light and Dark magic even though both gotten some odd treatment as of late.

Skills in general but I feel they could be toned down or adjusted a bit so that one class doesn't just get a really good skill over another. Maybe even limit the number of skills a unit can have to 2 or 3. Maybe having scrolls again and having some sort of teacher person among the ranks to teach said skills to units for a fee or something like that.

A more streamlined support system. I kinda like FE9/10s since all you had to do was send the compatible units in battle for a few maps rather than hug each other or kill 100 enemies together. :L

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I would really like some sort of feature that rewards you for LTCing maps like how the Tellius games gave you more bexp for finishing a map with lower turn counts.

Even though Awakening got a lot of flak for this I think there should be marriage and children units

Even though it's unbalanced I loved how overkill the RD mastery skills were. Seriously tripling strength while also negating defense is hilariously overkill.

Gaiden chapters

Unlockable story content like the requirements you had to go through in RD to

recruit Lehran and learn of Soren's true heritage

Characters having affinities

1-2 range physical swords that you can easily buy

Return of ledges

The parts system with switching Povs from RD

A threatening final boss like Ashera

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FE4's Canto yes plz, like killing an enemy with a melee weapon, canto'ing and then equipping a ranged one for a complete EP.

So, bring back one of the most broken mechanics ever?

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My suggestions:

- shove, rescue, take, drop

- steal

- weapon triangle how it works in FE9/10

- magic weapon triangle, capturing (missions) like in FE5

- long range anima magic tomes

- staves (sleep, silence, berzerk)

- variety of different mission types (defend, escape, seize, rout missions, rout in a turn limit)

- soldier class should be back

- daggers

- one mastery skill for each class (for exmple Astra for swordmasters, how it works in FE9 and 13)

- good interesting final bosses (leveldesign of FE7 and bossdesign of 10 were pretty good)

- creating a "my unit"

- canto for mounted units

- ballisticans and catapults

- magic weapons like levin sword, flame lance, bolt axe + a magic bow like in the FE8 hack Midnight Sun

- 1-range bow or crossbows

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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I think branching classes is something that should stay. It allow you to train up units initally of the same class and let them differ later on based on their strengths. If it was expanded to a three tier system then it could get really big an expansive (I will now use this as an oppertunity to plug my designs for a three teir branching class system).

A lot of people have said knives already but I would love to see Crossbows return as an actual weapon with weapon ranks and a wide pool of classes that can use them.

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Kinda of copy pasted from another post I made some time ago in another forum regarding the series future.

Take as base Thracia 776 and steal stuff from Berwick Saga. This would include:

- Multiple objectives (escape, defense, escort maps, etc) and superb level design, with interesting map layout and enemy composition.

- Drop Pair-up and add rescue and capture again.

- Bring back mount and dismount (but gimp mounted units less when they dismount). Might as well give a chance for horses to die like Berwick Saga and add different horses with different bonuses.

- Make the stat cap level low, with low growths. Downplay as much as possible the influence of stats and the RPG elements. Make strategy a priority.

- Rework the skill system and make it like Thracia 776 / Berwick Saga. Each character should have a unique skill set and they should not be linked to a unit's class. When the unit levels up, it can acquire new skills.

- Drop reclassing. Each unit promotes to a single class that is tied to the character, not the base class. Do not reset the unit level upon promotion. Instead, use the system from Genealogy of the Holy War. All units have a max level cap of 30 and they can promote from level 15. Additionally, promotion requirements could be related to extra chapters or hidden conditions.

- Bring back status inducing weapons and staves back with 100% hit rate. Where's my sleep, berserk, silence and poison status effects? Staves should have a range limit though, like in FE 7.

- Bring back Fog of War.

- Bring back Fixed Mode from Path of Radiance. It was the best mechanic introduced by IS since Shozou Kaga left, and they dropped it.

- Bring back Canto/Re-Move for mounted units. Though, like in Berwick Saga, Canto is negated if the unit takes damage during combat.

- Add the spear / lance mechanic from Berwick Saga, where lance damage depends on how many tiles the unit has traversed before attacking.

- Drop free world map. Add a hub city system like Berwick Saga.

- Bring back multiple routes, a la Thracia 776 and FE 6.

- Bring back Gaiden chapters, with interesting, challenging requirements.

- Allow thiefs to steal any equipment with some kind of requirement.

- Drop forge system.

- All skills should have 100% activation rates and have a tangible effect on the game. No more "+5 HP" skills or stuff like that. They should either be passive or be active via a command. Command skills should be balanced with a turn limit usage (i.e. only usable every 5 turns for example). That or use an AP system of sorts.

- Use the support system from FE 9 (chapter based progression) or the one for Thracia 776 (pre-made supports).

- Drop marriage/child system. Unless it's a two part game like FE4.

- Make gameplay that rewards team work, not the opposite. Reward the usage of multiple units and punish low deployment.

- Bring back a weight / build system of some sort.

- Make equipment progression horizontal, not vertical.

- Bonus exp. Would need a system in place to avoid abuse in non-fixed mode.

- Use the turn system from Berwick Saga. Somewhat complex to explain here, look it up.

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-Some classes have class skills that fit their nature and give them a roll.

-Mounted/flying units can have [Tellius] Canto, but there needs to be an actual downside to being mounted. I'm thinking an AS penalty when countering.

-Dismounting exists and results in a weapon rank penalty instead of forcing a different weapon layout. You cannot mount or dismount in the middle of a chapter (barring the existence of, say, a stable).

-Dragons are double-weak to bows and triple-weak to wind, and vice versa for pegasi.

-Thieves can steal un-equipped enemy equipment, with level determining what ranks they can obtain.

---Speaking of thieves, increase their stealing EXP and give them EXP for opening doors and chests instead of increased combat EXP.

-Each class has a separate vision range in FoW, with a floor of 3. Bow users and thieves will have the better vision.


-Give them personal skills to make them more unique.

-Make the growth rates fixed with a little room for variance to ensure returns and prevent early stat inflation.

-Each unit has two personal promotion options, with the second requiring a Master Seal to access.

---Each T1 unit also has a second base class [set] and can freely switch between chapters. Ideally both class sets will have the same second option. No promoted reclassing.

-Base events that allow characters to support one another, gain weapons or skills, set up a chain of events, or just backstory.


-Bronze is the lowest weapon type, but has stats more in line with typical Iron than with twigs and laundry poles. Iron and Steel are pushed up in rank.

-Javelin and Hand Axe-type weapons have GBA-level power, but cannot double attack at 2 range.

-Bows have 2-3 range, but suffer a Mt and Hit penalty at 3. Longbows are 2-5 range and have a smaller penalty that builds with distance.

-Effective weapons receive a Hit bonus when used against a vulnerable class, with their average Hit dropping slightly.

-Thunder is 2-3 range to separate it from Fire.

-You cannot move and use a siege tome on the same turn. Gives Ballisticians a niche should they exist.

-Status staves are back in their all or nothing form. If [Magic - Distance] >/= [Target's Res], they will hit. Throne/Gate enemies cannot be targeted.

---Scale down staff range to Mag/3 if stats go above the 20-30 range.

-Antitoxins heal 10 HP in addition to curing poison. You know, to make them useful?

-FE5 Master Weapons for bosses on Lunatic mode.

Other Mechanics:

-Strength and Magic are separate stats.

-Weight is present, and the counterweight is a mixture of Build and Strength. And Silver is heavier than Steel.

-Awakening style forging, possibly with PoR style weapon limits.

-Pair Up is out, Rescue is in, Capture is a maybe.

-The movement system supports non-whole number terrain costs. (Think deserts with a 1.5 cost for foot units as opposed to 2)

-Avoid is percentage based as opposed to a flat bonus (i.e. 20 Avoid forests drop 80 Hit to 64 instead of 60). Low% hit rates suffer enough under 2 RNs...

-FE7 style convoy, with the unit in question relying more on durability than bullshit evasion for survival.

-No level reset upon promotion, allowing for early promoted enemies without sandbagging their stats later.

-Units can promote by reaching the T1 level cap in the base, but only to their first option (as stated previously).

-Mastery skills and rallies are activated by command and have a charge time, which is affected by stats like Skill. We'll save the random procs for Lunatic+.

-EXP for damaging and killing scales up and down faster than in normal FE.

-Fog of War is present and applies equally to the player and AI. (For aggressive enemies, a "start point" will be assigned for them to begin the search.) Using a torch (staff) increases your vision range but also reveals a smaller area to the enemy.

-Rescuing reduces a unit's Strength in addition to Skill and Speed. If stats go above the 20-30 range, the penalty will be lowered.

-Poison damage scales up with max HP. Sleep zeroes Speed and Luck and is cured by taking a critical hit. Berserked units might snap out of it if they attack an ally with a support rank.

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Repeating some bits from old posts:

-Same lack of limits on the number of supports that can be built as in FE13

(5 supports a playthrough may make some kind of sense with regards to balance, but I think it makes none with regards to practical considerations, meaning it's a pain in the ass to limit the amount of content the player can view, and I don't think it makes much sense at all to limit the number of friendships a character can make. in my first playthrough of FE7, I didn't even know there was a limit, so I didn't get a paired ending for any of the lords. little me was pissed. if your game has those limits then it at least out to spell them out thoroughly gorram it)

-At least an option for fixed growths would be nice, and preferably a projection for how each unit will grow. If random growths must remain the sole incarnation available, at the very least I think the game ought to tell the player in no uncertain terms that stat growths are random, and really I'd prefer to not have to come to a place like SF or gamefaqs to look up the growth percents, given how elements of random chance are laid bare by so many of the game's other mechanics. If my strapping wide-shouldered axeman should ever not hit any harder after 5 levelups, and all the information has given me is a class description for them that has "hits hard" in it, while my archer's strength as grown twofold in the same time period, I'm going to wonder if the developers are 'avin a larf.

(or I would, if playing series like FE hadn't fostered a sense of paranoia in me regarding games and their stated mechanics VS their actual mechanics and obscure optional content that's easy to miss at a young age, such that I tend to look this shit up now)

-If it has children mechanics (and pairing for children is one of my favorite mechanics in the series), I'd prefer the game be just as upfront about it as everything else. That means, optimally, a stat projection for every potential pairing, and of course being told about all potential pairing. At the least some plot hints for what the consequences of each pairing could be would be peachy.

(Personally, I'd like to have the pairing decisions integrate story with gameplay: for example, the setting could have the characters fighting in a war which, grim reality being what it is for them, they know their children may have to keep fighting in after them, leading there to be somebody whose job it is to advise the soldiers on what pairings will make their kids most prepared. either the player-created character if applicable, acting as both commander and eugenics marriage advisor, or just some marriage advisor character could fit the bill.)

-I'd be fine with a fixed story if, as in most of the series, the characters are all fixed as well. But if the game tries to get me involved in creating a character, and especially if the game refers to the character as "you," then I think they ought to have some more meaty chances to differentiate themselves from the character that every other player makes than we available in FE13, in terms of both their personality and actions/effect on the story.

The extent of class customization for player-created characters was fucking great in FE13, though. I'd be happy to see that come back.

-Options to grind for those who're more comfortable to have the assurance they'll be able to progress, without there being obligations for veterans (or the adventurous) to do the same. The first times I played the series, I remember the chapter setup making me worried wondering whether my party would be strong enough to take the next chapter. By now I've realized the series tends to want me to succeed and doesn't jack up enemy power levels on short notice much, but as a new player I wasn't so sure.

-Capturing would be great to see back almost regardless of how it's implemented, yeah.

-While personal skills as in FE9/10 are nice for differentiating the characters on individual bases, I also enjoy the idea of class-specific skills, but moreso having them to differentiate the classes' roles, beyond their movement/"type" weaknesses (like arrows for peg knights etc)/place in the weapon triangle. Like, giving an archer overwatch against 1range attackers, or give soldiers (bring back soldiers) a defensive stance that makes them resistant to horse attacks. Dredging up some examples from here

-More varied map/chapter design would be nice too, yeah. Something as simple as more pressure put on the player in defense maps such that it's physically impossible to steamroll them would be an easy addition. Terrain features like height would also be nice to see back.

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  • FE9-10's weapon and class system (different levels for elemental magics, armor sword/lance/axe sword/lance/axe/bow knight/paladin, etc.)
  • Three-tiers
  • BEXP
  • Laguz
  • Marriage system (perhaps children)
  • magical weapons (flame lance, bolt axe, shockstick, etc. give it a magic trinity)
  • tiers of weapons (sword/blade, lance/greatlance, axe/poleaxe, bow/longbow)
  • Battle saves (cuz I'm still a n00b)
  • Unlimited supports (save for S rank)
  • World map with skirmishes, merchants, mutiplayer...
  • Outrealms
  • Voice acting over text (like awakening)
  • Pre rendered cutscenes
  • Second seals
  • Playable Anna
  • Tactician with actual plot relevance
  • Badass swords that can attack from a distance and never wear out
  • Ability to choose holy weapons like in RD
  • Maturity of previous FE games (Awakening was great but felt too cartoony and kid-friendly and silly)
  • "Tower of Valni" places to train
  • Base preparations
  • Info conversations
  • Skills like Nihil and cancel
  • Shove
  • Canto after attacking (like in PoR/RD, not just after trading or talking, etc like in FE6-8)

That's all I can think of for now...lol

Immediate edit:

  • Soldier-Halberdier(-Sentinel) class
  • Crossbows/short range bows (I'd preefer them be actual bows not just an item because that made them rather weak; control the Mt and have it work like a normal weapon)
  • Magic items use magic stat
Edited by Ewan101
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