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So I promised my parents that I'd get an A in intro bio because I'm a second year chem major and intro bio is for babies and I already took AP bio in high school and I'm just repeating intro bio to review for mcat prep and I got a 99 on my first exam so I should be fine and I'm one of the few people who took summer classes because I wanted to and not for remedial studies and yadda yadda yadda BUT NO I GOT A 92.33/A- BECAUSE I'M A FUCK.

pwnt pwnt pwnt

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Literally if I got 1 more problem right on our 20-question final, I probably wouldve gotten a 92.5 (but then again, she probably wouldn't have rounded me up considering I was a total smartass in lecture whoops)

my school doesn't do minus and plus

i got a 91 in a course

A, 4.0/4.0


wow wtf report

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A at 70%?

That way even i would get As

What a dream

Yeah it is A's at 70%, B's at 60%, C's at 50%. That means even I can get A's!

I mean you get merits if you get over 85-90% I think but that's about it.

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SHIT WAIT BUT MY MAJOR GPA?!??!?!?!??!?!?!???

your lyf is dun

lol we just get A's at 70%, there's no plus or minuses

university is casul over here

well, are the classes all more difficult?

i'd probably slack off and end up with similar grades to what i have now

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well, are the classes all more difficult?

i'd probably slack off and end up with similar grades to what i have now

I don't know how it really compares to US grades, I imagine that the classes are more difficult since it is still rather hard to achieve A's so far.

But I don't really know.

Edited by Tryhard
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i have a three million gpas, you get at me

how will i ever aspire to be like stoly

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