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[FE11 H3] What happens when i get bored


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Pretty just don't go over board with the forges. Also I'll take Radd.

I made it before you said it was up to 3 though. I can redo the run if need be. I'm only in Ch5.

Macellan and Elice for me.

Baldrick gets: Etzel as a Hero and Ymir as a Berserker. Enjoy.

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to be honest i dont care too much whether its five or three. just dont go insane like +10 mt +30 crit killing weapons. or something else that insane. also have fun with hunter>berserker and cleric>sage. and then i guess ill take lorenz.

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TC's for my first three chapters.

Chapter !: 17/17

Marth gets as many kills as was humanly possible. Also Sheeda is the only non drafted unit who survived the rest were meat sheilds and died for gaidens.

Chapter @: 15/32

See above. Ogma did decent definitely gonna miss the extra steel sword. Recruited castor and fed him a level.

Chapter #: 9/41

All non drafted units died. So sad. But hey i got castor two more levels so #worthit.


Jagen man goes draco, reclassed ogma and castor. Also forged an iron axe with +3 mt, +20 hit, cost about 2200 gold.

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Radd will go Cav->Swordmaster, because I feel sorry for the guy.

Lorenz, well, do whatever you want with him. Go Hero if I have to decide.

I guess I'll take Linde.

Edit: First three chapters!

C1: 16(16)

Quite a lot harder without chip from Gordin, Cain and Draug. At least they took axes to the face like champs. Marth got a perfect (sans Res) level, which is good since I have the feeling I'm going to have to rely on him for combat.

C2: 14(30)

Baited pirates with Ogma and the crew, plus Darros who recruits himself. Thanks to the Wing Spear (rip), Caeda got two levels with strength in them, and Marth got another 'perfect' level without any rigging. In fact with Caeda support he was facing 38% hit from Gomer and wasn't doubled, pretty sweet.

C3: 12(42)

Caeda killed the Hunter and lured the Fighters before recruiting Navarre, Jagen helped Julian survive, and Abel + Marth dispatched most of the enemies west. Caeda and Jagen ferried the Killing Edge over to Marth, who was able to kill Reynard with it due to facing sub-40 hitrates again. The savepoint definitely helped.

In light of the forging rules I'm planning on forging a +5mt Iron Sword for Caeda/Julian

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Thanks for the good Levin Sword user PKL. Unless they're not D rank, in which case I'll cry.

As Reverend Spooner would say, I take Oah and Best. Going off Horace's list, Tomas goes Mage > Sage by default.

The first one - 15

Marth + Jagen solo is fun for the whole family

The one where Baldrick gets units - 14/29

I had to clear out the east first, otherwise I got pincered in. Then slowly advance and kill things as they come.

The one where only Darros died - 9/38

Goodnight, sweet fighter!Barst

The one where Baldrick forged a sweet Fire tome with crit - 11?/49

I forgot this turncount, but it sounds right. I recruited Merric because his bases make him a decent meatshielder to keep around.

The one where the Wolfguard distract archers to save Baldrick some turns - 5/54

It's starting to resemble actual LTC now.

Forged an Iron Lance.

The one with a good argument for more than +3 forges - 11/65

With my ranged damage output I had to rely on a Fire crit to kill the boss. Forget trying to engage him in melee.

Forged an Iron Axe.

The first one that is free training - 20/65

Wolf self-improves. Forged a Hand Axe with hit

The one where Baldrick considers killing Minerva for the exp but doesn't - 7/72

Blocking forts with my dudes and riding to victory. Forged another Fire with crit

The one where reaching the throne is dead easy - 6/78

Also, shopping for junk. Forged an Iron Sword

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actually i'm gonna take boah instead because he has an awesome stache.

you mean the guy baldrick just took. also more chapters.

chapter 4: 11/52

Not too bad. Castor was able to get a couple kills so he got two points of speed and strength. Ogma some how got a point of magic, and very usefully, strength. Rest was a mid pace so i could maximize exp.


Forged ogma a +5mt, +5 crit fire tome. allows me to actually deal with armors in a decent fashion.

Chapet 5: 6/58

Simple enough. The wolfguard laid down their lives for the team.

Chapter 5.5:

Jagen went sniper with his +4 mt steel bow

Chapter 6: 10/67

Not bad. Jeigan and ogma did a lot of work while i usesd meatshields to secure my use of the gaiden.

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I might actually finish this draft before we even finish drafting it.

chapter 6.5:

forged marf a +2 silver sword

Chapter 6X: Free(18)/67



Made a +5 iron sword in preparations of radd. also sold the bullion, i think. jagen went sm for armourslayer action as well.

Chapter 7: 8/75

Rush to the bottom and cover the forts with disposables. Couldn't even kill the white wings.

Chapter 7.5:

Made a +5 Iron axe for Caesar.

Chapter 8: 7/82

Run to the boss. Also buy a couple of silver sword.

Chapter 8.5:

Reclassed casear and radd. Radd got the seraph robe.

Chapter 9: 8/90

Caesar got the treasure, radd got a couple kills but unfortunately didnt level up. Probably gonna promote ogma first so i can get staves. And so castor can maintain axe usage. Might give Radd the goddess icon. Not usre yet.

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Chapter 9.5:

radd got a custom iron lance. dont remember specifics, but i thikn it was mt and crit.

Chapter 10: 10/100

Meathshields distract the draco/pegs/minerva/reinforcements so my team could go left than jagen+castor killed the hero then jagen uses his armourslayer to murder the boss. Speedwings can wait till i get astram. also caesar unfortunately died. but whatever i dont have the energy to raise him so i don't think i'm gonna go back.

Chapter 10.5:

Promoted ogma. God he sucks right now. 6 str, 5 mag, 10 spd. uck. anyways slapped the godess icon on radd. and made castor a +3mt, +20 hit hammer for castor. reclassed jagen to pally for ridersbane and better move.

Chapter 11; 11/111

wow thats a lot of ones. anyways khozen was a pain to deal with. the rest not so bad.

Chapter 11.5:

nothing interesting

Chapter 12:

Promoted casator mid map.my forces went left through the treasure room and then radd went and spent a master key to get the boots.

Chapter 12.5: 11/122

Castor goes general. midia and dolph go sniper and hunter respectively. midia gets the energy drop from chapter 11.

Chapter 12X: Something sub 20 like 13 turns i think.

Training for midia, dolph and radd. Unfortunately dolph kinda died, but midia got strength and defense on her level up so i did not restart.

And since i fell like taking a break stats

Unit  Lvl  Exp  Class    HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Wep
Marth   18   85   Lord     31  15   0    10   15   20   10   0    A Sword
Jagen   10    17   Draco    24  9    1    13   11   5    14   3    A Lance E Axe
Horace  3   00   Warrior     30  14   0    11  12   7     7  1    D Axe D Bows
Ogma    5  50   Sorcerer  37  6   8    10   12   10   6   9    B Tomes D Staves
Radd   9    66   Cavalier  33  10   0    4   8   5    14   0    C Sword E Lances
Castor   3   99   General     42  17    1   9   10   7   18   2   D Lances C Bows
Midia   2    42   Sniper     36  10   1    15   12   8   8   3    C Bows 
Remainng Booster:

Speedwing 1

Arms Scroll 1

Master Seal 1

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you cant just go and reclass in the middle of a chapter. but i can see the point you make. but you only get one chapter before you have to switch so i dont think its too bad

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It doesn't bother me particularly.

The one where Baldrick's run depends on a thief stealing the Wyrmslayer 9/87

Jagen dealt with him, and sent it over to the convoy so Marth could use it. Barst chipped in.

The one where the Master Seal Hero proved to be tough to deal with and then Jagen took his sweet time getting to C axes 11/98

Meanwhile, Cord went inside, Javelin-lured the sniper to death, then had time to kill a couple of horseman reinforcements as well for massive exp, reaching level 15. The game reminded me I need to sac some undrafted by making Wendell die to a %2 crit.

The one where Baldrick finally gets around to saccing undrafteds 10/108

Cord promoted pre-chapter. Wolf charged ahead and managed to deal with the sniper and horseman by himself. He's good to go now.

The one where saccing undrafted is so convenient 8/116

Got everything except the chestbound Master Seal (Roger can wait) and the Silver Sword (still haven't touched the one Hardin donated to the cause).

The one where I didn't deploy Boa because PKL (more like PK Smell) hasn't reclassed him yet 20/116

Barst promoted at level 15 and burned through a Heal staff. More training of Wolf. Roger got a few freebies as well.


Unit  Class  Level HP St M Sk Sp Lk Df R
Marth Lord   12.60 26 12 0  8 14 15 11 0
Jagen Dr Knt 10.45 23  8 1 13 11  3 15 3
Barst Sorc    2.84 32  9 4 12 11 12  8 8
Cord  Generl  2.85 39 16 1 10 13 10 24 3
Wolf  Horse  12.75 38 15 0 15 16 13 14 1
Roger Merc   11.15 24  6 0 12 17  6  8 0
Jake  Balls   3.71 21  5 0  2  3  3 14 0
Boah  ?????   1.00 Bases

Used a Wing on Cord.

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man your guys logs are hard to read



but actually having Wrys was pretty cool, Jeigan could attack the boss and get healed, so he could take a counter and retaliate without dying.






Sacrificed Cord, Caeda, and Castor for the greater good. Doga walled the north enemies, Darros actually contributed quite a bit (he got two bad levels!) and Jeigan and Wrys carried the team. I'm not looking forward to chapter 4...

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The one with all the ballistae

Jagen went along the bottom to get the Hoistflamme, Roger and Jake went north to kill the moving ballista, everyone else went through the centre.

The one with a stupid thief who goes after me rather than unlocking the Silver Card chest

Treasure gathering is what those not called Wolf or Marth were doing while those two went to the throne.

The one with the not-annoying desert

Jagen got the boss kill while the others killed dragon knights or died on Gharnef.

The one with an awkward corridor where Chainey is

Jagen helped again by Hammering the boss once the bow users had been distracted. Sheeda and Athena went shopping.

The one with a Secret Shop I mucked up and couldn’t reach without losing a turn

So I didn’t go there in the end.

The one where this Etzel is making me thirsty

No comment

The one where Etzel gets the Arms Scroll and Baldrick stops crying

But he couldn’t survive enemy waves like Wolf can so he didn’t do much.

The one where Baldrick used a Master Key on a door because the item priority is silly

I got some more swag by having Xane imitate Julian. #loopholeabuse

The one where Baldrick spams Parthia

It was glorious. However, Parthia man is weak to forests so it took a while to get through.

The one where Jake gets a turn at being trained because Wolf is max level

Tbh I would have considered skipping this level if not for an extra chapter of Starsphere and recruiting Ymir.

Unit  Class  Level HP St M Sk Sp Lk Df R
Marth Lord   21.26 34 16 0 10 18 21 13 0
Jagen Dr Knt 13.58 24  8 1 13 12  4 16 4
Barst Sorc   10.44 32 9 10 16 15 16  8 9
Cord  Generl  7.22 41 17 1 12 14 13 25 3
Wolf  Horse  20.00 50 23 0 22 24 16 21 1
Roger War     1.95 35 10 0  7 16  8  8 1
Jake  Balls  21.97 30 12 0 11  5 13 18 0
Boah  Sword   3.15 23  7 2 17 19  5  8 4
Etzel Hero    7.69 31  6 9 23 17  7 10 9
Ymir Jerk    10.00 Base

This is the tankiest team I've had in quite a while.

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Doga has yet to proc strength too...

Anyway I got the devil axe, and a combination of Marth, Jeigan, and Darros killed Hyman. It was pretty bullshit.

MARTH  LORD          04.02 21 07 00 04 08 08 08 00 D SWORD
DOGA   THWOMP        06.12 23 07 00 05 07 03 15 00 C LANCE
JEIGAN DRAGON     ??/02.96 21 08 01 10 08 01 11 03 B LANCE E AXE
GORDIN MYRMIDON      04.11 19 04 00 10 12 05 04 00 E SWORD
WRYS   ARCHER        03.89 16 05 02 07 07 03 06 02 E BOW
BORD   DARK MAGE     03.80 16 03 02 04 03 01 06 03 E TOME
DARROS HUNTER        06.33 24 08 00 05 07 05 06 00 E BOW
LENA   CLERIC        03.00 16 00 02 07 08 08 03 07 C STAFF

yeahhhh i'm boned. Also I noticed that Merric should have been a cav and not a myrm but oh well.

EDIT oh he is a cav, its just wrong in the OP.


Forged Gordin a +3 MT +10 crit sword. He's kind of ok since he doubled honestly.

Got Matthis and Merric. Only one more unit to get now!

Also I didn't feel like taking a penalty so Matthis became a pegasus knight!



my team is incredibly offensively challenged and took 3 turns to kill the boss

i think this will be a common theme because i don't have any hammer users until Jeigan hits C Axes, and his level ups have sucked anyway.

MARTH   LORD          05.48 22 08 00 04 08 09 08 00 D SWORD
DOGA    THWOMP        07.91 24 07 00 06 08 03 15 00 C LANCE
JEIGAN  DRAGON     ??/03.83 21 08 01 11 08 02 11 03 B LANCE E AXE
GORDIN  MYRMIDON      05.88 20 04 00 10 13 05 05 00 E SWORD
WRYS    ARCHER        05.63 16 05 02 09 07 03 06 02 E BOW
BORD    DARK MAGE     05.17 17 03 02 06 04 01 06 03 E TOME
DARROS  HUNTER        07.28 24 08 00 06 07 06 06 00 E BOW
LENA    CLERIC        05.27 16 00 03 08 09 09 03 08 C STAFF
MATTHIS PEGASUS       04.30 20 04 02 06 08 01 05 06 D LANCE
MERRIC  CAVALIER      02.25 23 05 00 05 10 04 09 00 E LANCE E SWORD
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  • 7 months later...

I never finished my draft. Well today I'll be taking a step towards correcting that. Turncounts are nothing tor write home about but I'm having fun with this!

Chapter 4 - 12 (54)
Forged a +5 Mt Rapier for Marth so he could OHKO Bentheon. Abel gained Magic somehow and Caeda capped speed.
Recruited Merric and got the 5000G village. Marth and Jagen are pretty much my only good combat units, so an
Iron Sword forge is coming up for Caeda/Julian so they don't do 5X2 damage forever.

Chapter 5 - 6 (60)
Forged a +5Mt +15 Crt Iron Sword. Meatshields came in handy for recruiting Wendell here since my team is too
feeble to advance to the throne and hold off Wendell's group at once. As it is Caeda and Julian had to trade
around the Iron forge to kill things.

Chapter 6 - 11 (71)
Wendell takes up his new calling as a bald Sniper. He even gained Speed on his level! Also reclassed Jagen to
Swordmaster so he could use the Armorslayer. Otherwise my team has depressingly little offense, Marth and his
super Rapier was the only unit apart from Jagen that could even scratch Emereus. I had to savescum to get a
Vyland level that wasn't empty. Even with a +5 Mt Iron Lance forge he's barely better than the generics.

Chapter 6x - (71)
Vyland got a few good levels surprisingly; Abel continues to get everything but Strength or Magic, but now has
C Staves for Physic use.

Forged a +3 Mt +15 Hit Javelin for Vyland.

Chapter 7 - 11(82)
Easy chapter, managed to block most of the forts before they spawned with Jagen and generic peg knights. Vyland got
some surprisingly good levels on this chapter, though he's still reliant on his forges to kill things for now.

Chapter 8 - 8(90)
Rushed through, didn't bother trying to farm the reinforcements. Generic 16 Def Knight was the MVP.

Chapter 9 - 11(101)
Recruited Jeorge for his bows. I hung around for a couple of turns after Mannu died to kill some generics, since my
sacrificial units had scattered the enemies to the corners of the map.

Chapter 10 - 14 (115)
Fun chapter, generics were useful for redirecting the fliers and then delaying the reinforcement horde. I had to take the long
way through to recruit Maria and then recruit Minerva unfortunately.

Minerva as a Paladin is underwhelming sadly - 8 Strength, 12 Speed and default weapon ranks.

Chapter 11 - 14 (129)
Played cautiously here, since nobody on my team can take a ballista+Khozen hit. Managed to recruit Jake's Arrowspate,
and took the time to recruit Linde which is probably a mistake: her stats are abysmal even as a Mage and Archer is sure to be even worse.

Chapter 12 - 12 (141)
Linde died, but she is so utterly awful as an Archer it's not a big loss.

Chapter 12x - (141)

Killed things, visited villages, etc.

Chapter 13 - 6 (148)
Astram died, but I have enough Silver Swords as it is. This chapter was a bit luck-based for my terrible team, but nothing too bad.
On the plus side a generic General joined with 21 Defence so my meatshielding worries are practically over for now.

The team:

Character   Class   Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth       Lord     14    30  10   0    10   16   17   11   1   B Sword
Caeda    Swordmaster 1     31  10   0    22   23   20   9    3   A Sword
Abel        Sage     6     35  7    9    22   21   9    4    10  D Tome B Staff
Jagen    Dracoknight 6     24  8    1    11   9    4    12   3   A Lance E Axe
Julian     Thief     12    33  10   0    11   19   14   6    0   C Sword
Vyland    Cavalier   15    28  17   0    6    14   10   11   0   E Sword B Lance
Wendell    Sniper    7     27  7    1    9    20   6    10   0   B Bow
Minerva    Paladin   4     28  11   0    9    15   8    11   6   E Sword D Lance
Beck    Ballistician 2                         base

Basically Vyland and Caeda are carrying the team right now. Abel is also pretty sweet since nobody has any resistance in this game and he doubles everything.

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The legend continues!

Chapter 14 - 10 (158)
Another easy chapter. I skipped the Thoron village but had to wait up a bit for Catria to talk to Marth.

Chapter 15 - 7 (165)
Forged a +5 Thunder tome for Catria. This was a fun chapter; generics lured Gharnef away so Jagen could fly in and loot the treasure chest with a Master Key.
Genrics were also useful for splitting up the Mage/Bishop group in the northwest so Marth didn't have to take so many hits on the way to the throne.

Chapter 16 - 8 (173)
Why is this chapter so empty? Why do the reinforcements only start on Turn 11? Neither of these questions were answered, but Vyland promoted to Dracoknight.
Now he has 20 Strength and ORKOs almost anything he doubles!

Chapter 17 - 11 (184)
Could have finished in 4 turns, but I wanted all the treasure. Beck was pretty handy for random Stonehoist hits on Mages and Bishops.

Chapter 17x - (184)
Actually came close to 20 turns here from collecting all the treasure. My units are starting to pull ahead of the curve so it wasn't too difficult otherwise.

Chapter 18 - 10 (194)
Forged a +3 Ridersbane for Minerva, and just rolled on south. Jagen chipped in here and there to build his Axe rank.
Waited around a couple of turns to let Est catch up, but I never saw any more reinforcements. I guess killing Sternlin
stops them?

Chapter 19 - 15 (209)
Got all the treasure, otherwise I could have taken much less time here. This was also perhaps the first chapter wherein Julian's thieveing abilities
were really essential. Between the two sets of Master Keys, the Unlock staff, and cheap buyable Door Keys thieves have it rough in this game.

Chapter 20 - 9 (218)
The forged Ridersbane came in handy here for OHKO'ing those pesky Paladins. Camus was handled by a Hoistlfamme shot from Beck followed by Vyland
skewering him with his Ridersbane. Nothing to it.

Chapter 20x - (218)
Enemies here are weaker than in C20! Larissa is especially depressing. Forged a +5 Mt +10 Hit +10 Crit Javelin so that Minerva and Vyland could both have super 1-2 range weapons.

Minerva's become surprisingly powerful - certainly a far cry from when I thought she'd be only good for chip.

Character   Class   Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth       Lord     20    35  14   0    14   18   20   12   1  A Sword
Caeda    Swordmaster 8     36  13   0    26   30   27   10   3  A Sword
Abel        Sage     14    40  7    13   28   24   10   4    11 B Tome A Staff
Jagen    Dracoknight 9     25  8    1    12   9    5    12   3  A Lance D Axe
Julian     Thief     16    35  13   0    14   21   18   9    0  C Sword
Vyland   Dracoknight 10    36  23   1    11   19   12   16   3  A Lance D Axe
Wendell    Sniper    10    30  9    1    9    20   6    10   3  B Bow
Minerva    Paladin   13    31  17   0    17   19   12   17   8  E Sword A Lance
Beck    Ballistician 14    30  11   0    9    10   8    17   0
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And here comes the finish!

Chapter 21 - 6 (224)
Easy peasy. Could have done it in 4 turns but I forgot about the secret shop and sent Vyland there too late. Finally Wendell will have double-digit strength!

Chapter 22 - 10 (234)
I decided against getting Starlight - it's honestly only good for killing Gharnef, the Starsphere is much too fun to give up, and this way I can get to C24x. I took the time to let Minerva duel Michalis,
otherwise could have finished in 8-9 turns. Beck with a +5 Arrowspate was pretty hilarious here, but otherwise this was pretty ho-hum.

Chapter 23 - 11 (245)
With Pure Water/Barrier applied, the Swarm Bishops ignored my useful units in favor of generic meatshields. Beck had fun sniping Bishops and Mages with his forged Arrowspate, and
thanks to the Starsphere he didn't wear it out one bit!

Finally, forged a +8 Wyrmslayer for Caeda. Honestly I probably could have gotten away with +5, but I wanted it as high as possible.

Chapter 24 - 4 (249)
Marth and Caeda walked across the mountains, and on turn 2 Caeda counterkilled three Manaketes with her Wyrmslayer forge. Meanwhile Jagen made a pitstop at the Secret Shop and
bought a bunch of Arms Scrolls and Seraph Robes - since Vyland was busy taking on Bishops with Gradivus, Jagen was in fact my only party member capable of doing this. Go Jagen!

Chapter 24x - (249)
Once again a sharp downgrade in difficulty from the previous chapter - these gaidens really weren't meant for great players with strong units. As it is I cruised through
in just nine turns. I also used two of my Arms Scrolls to bring Vyland up to A Axes - might as well use that Hautclere for something, right?
A nice breather chapter before we get into the last one.

Forged a +5 Bolganone for Abel for kicks, couldn't think of much else to throw my remaining money at.

Endgame - 14 (263)
This one was tricky indeed. The Pachyderm ballisticians could quickly overwhelm my team if left to spawn; Wendell, Julian, Beck and Minerva took the northwest to handle them.
Abel and Vyland took the southwest spot, and Marth/Caeda/Catria/Nagi brought up the south. The northeast corner I filled up with generics and Elice, to bait the Dracoknight and General away
and trap them there once the doors closed.

Minerva with Gradivus and Wendell managed to take out the Hero and Manakete on the first turn, while Beck sniped the dead north group; from then on Julian and Wendell sat on the stairs to
prevent Ballistician spawns. The south groups cleaned up the nearby enemies easily enough, and then it was time to fight the Dracos/Paladins/General from the north entrance. The constant
reinforcements in Medeus's rooms proved to be a challenge to deal with, but more distressingly, Medeus doubled and ORKO'd everybody on my team except for Caeda, who only dealt 10 damage with Mercurius.
I probably could have rigged a 29% crit + Nagi hit on the following turn to speed things up though.

As it was, Catria got the final blow with Aura after a few turns chipping away, and that was that - draft completed! Eat it, all my competitors that never finished!

I didn't play for minimum turns, in fact I often hung around to grab treasure, but I did try to avoid wasting time, and overall I'm pretty happy with my final turncount.

Character   Class   Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth       Lord     25    40  17   0    17   23   25   12   1  A Sword
Caeda    Swordmaster 18    48  16   0    29   30   30   10   3  A Sword
Abel        Bishop   20    41  8    16   28   25   13   6    17 B Tome A Staff
Jagen    Dracoknight 10    25  8    1    12   9    5    12   4  A Lance D Axe
Julian     Thief     18    37  15   0    15   22   18   11   0  B Sword
Vyland   Dracoknight 16    45  26   1    13   23   15   17   5  A Lance A Axe
Wendell    Sniper    14    32  13   1    12   21   10   12   3  A Bow
Minerva    Paladin   20    41  21   0    19   24   17   20   8  D Sword A Lance
Beck    Ballistician 27    37  17   0    13   16   13   20   0

Marth: His early perfect levels and +5 Mt Rapier made him essential early on for fighting bosses and doubling, but he gradually became less and less important as my other units gained in power, while Marth stagnated a little. He really missed having the real Falchion versus Medeus too.

Caeda: Ridiculously fragile early on, but thanks to her Iron Sword forge and Marth support she had some decent offence. She really came into her own after promotion, where she doubled everything, had Silver Swords to throw around, and dodged most attacks. Hilariously she was the only unit not to be ORKO'd by Medeus at the end.

Abel: Healbot early on, but healing was handy and he never stopped getting Speed. After promotion being able to double with magic made his combat very potent, but he had to juggle his combat and healing duties. Abel turned out far better than I had been expecting when Horace gave him the Cleric class.

Jagen: Not much to say here, Jagen was clutch early on, great in the midgame for Ridersbane fun, and helpful later on for shopping and such. Jagen found a use all the way until the Macedon chapters, where he mostly hung up his spurs and visited shops.

Julian: In combat he was Caeda Lite; after she promoted Julian kind of got left behind, but he was still good for ORKOing slower enemy types. His Thief utility was handy on some chapters, but swordlock and lack of promo gains did hurt him in the end when Paladins, Heroes and Manaketes took center stage. He didn't see much action in the lategame.

Vyland: He looked hopeless early on - even with forges he struggled to do damage and not die. Luckily though, he started to pick up steam and became surprisingly powerful; after promotion he was my best combat unit and took hardly any stat boosters.

Wendell: Having great speed and exclusive bow access made Wendell very useful early on, especially when fliers showed their faces. Later, he was able to patch up his bad Strength with Energy Drops and Parthia use, letting him do serious damage all the way 'til the end.

Minerva: Having to start practically from scratch as a Paladin was a great blow to her usefulness, but with help from a Speedwings and Energy Drop she recovered and managed to become a fine Gradivus wielder. She ended up being Speed blessed by my reckoning, which was good because being able to double helped cover for her iffy strength and weapon ranks early on. I gave her a little favoritism in boosters and forges, but I say it was worth it for how well she turned out

Beck: As always, a great boon from the moment he joined; whether shooting Dracoknights out of the sky, erasing those pesky clerics, or just chipping down Medeus, Beck was always doing work.

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