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for the most part though Anna's outclassed by several other people in everything (Gaius has three more chapters of thieving

In which there's only one chest. Gaius needs 9 level ups to catch up Anna's base defence and doesn't catch up the her resistence until he promotes and even that takes awhile.HIs 7 Strength is actually okay although his D rank in swords isn't and he can't use the Levin sword so Anna beats him in combat. Also until he gets to level 10 he's stuck with 5 move to Anna's 7

,Lon'qu's a better swordie

Lon'qu is almost always at the rear of the pair up giving speed boost so he's not getting pair up bonuses or much combat exp. In order to match base Anna's attack he needs 6 level ups from dual striking and getting strength every time

and if you want a sword user to hit Res, just use a GM Avatar).

If we are keeping the Avatar as a GM then why aren't they using tomes? The avatar doesn't care about the weapon triangle so we might as well give Anna the Levin sword.

unless you use Panne or reclass Nowi, you're not getting a better wyvern rider than Cherche.

Avatar and Sully also make great Wvyern riders plus they'll have suppports by now and actual speed unlike Cherche

yes, she kinda needs a bit to get going, but the game gives you plenty of chances to get her started with all the armour knights they toss at you in those chapters.

And my counter to that would be, why should Cherche get the armor knight kills? Tharja kills them just as well and she can also double the other enemies on the map thanks to pair up. Your other Wyvern riders can kill them while still doubling everything else on the map. Why should I pour exp into a unit who desperately needs speed when my teams is fine without her.

plus, Cherche actually has support options, whereas Anna gets nothing but an MU support and a late-game option in Tiki, who's probably not seeing use late game because of Nowi.

​Cherche's supports might as well be non-existent since she joins so late and the partners she wants are likely taken by now. And I never denied Anna has terrible supports but the various ways she's helping the team is better than Cherche dragging down the team with sub-par combat.

Cherche has easy deliverer access

And you can have two higher leveled wyvern riders before she even shows up.This is special to Cherche how?

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She doesn't demand a second seal to do so, which are still in limited quantity at this point in the game. Plus, for a speed boost, you can instaPromote her. She still wants axes all day every day for Valm, and what's Gregor doing at this point? Even if he is not promoted, he's decent pair fodder if LonQu is glued to someone else.

What's that? He is paired up elsewhere, like on Miriel or Nowi? If you've invested Gregor onto them, they should both be sufficient with other partners by this point to have a different pair up unit. Gregor doesn't really belong anywhere else.

Regardless, I still think Anna's utility and earlier arrival make her more valuable than Cherche, primarily due to investment requirements. Anna requires...nothing really. Cherche needs time and a Seal.

Edited by Sara.
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:facepalm: I completely forgot Gregor gives a lot of speed. Glad to see we're in agreement in regards to Anna vs Cherche

Anyway maybe Gregor should also move up to above Vaike since both are stuck to the back of a pair up and Gregor's speed boost is better than Vaike's strength boost.

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