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Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn HD Wii U Bundle: Good idea?


PoR/RD Bundle?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you go for a PoR/RD HD Wii U Bundle?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe/Depends

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Now I'm not saying this should happen like RIGHT NOW or anything even though it would be nice given Ike is remaining in the Smash Bros. roster. After all, we all want localizations of FE games like FE4 and FE5 and stuff too, right?

But anyway, this came up in the Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS thread. I think IS could make good money if they at least ported PoR and RD to the Wii U as a bundle. It doesn't need to be a remake or anything (even though I'm sure we'd all love for RD to have a better support system, more paired endings, and better character availability in some areas and stuff), just something like Zelda: A Link to the Past where it was rereleased for GBA as a bundle with Four Swords.

There could even be a new screen that allows you to select which game to play or to do a data transfer from PoR to start an RD file with said data. ALttP/Four Swords had a similar screen. And this time, we shouldn't get transfer errors when we try to use PoR easy mode data. >_>

IS should market it the way they marketed Awakening, if you ask me. With Ike still being in Smash, many players that use him might be interested in trying his games. But right now, they're hard to find and even when you do find them, they're almost always really expensive. Same with fans that Awakening brought into the series. They probably want to play these games, but aren't able to for the reasons I stated above.

Now you might ask, why not just release PoR on the VC when/if GC games are going to be available for it? Well, for one thing, we don't know if a GC VC is even happening yet, and for another, that still leaves RD high and dry. People that play PoR for the first time will surely be interested in its sequel.

And as a treat, you get an Ike Amiibo figure (that's compatible with either this bundle, Smash, or any other title Ike shows up in) and poster depicting art from both games if you preorder! ^^ (or is a poster a bit much? lol)

Wouldn't this be an awesome idea?

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd prefer IS release games that never came over to the US than rerelease games we already got (albeit somewhat gimped versions; I'm referring to FE9 not having Maniac Mode and FE10 not featuring the expanded script).

Edited by Refa
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I'd take some HD revamps. With the manic mode and readded script. If that were possible.

After all Tales of Symphonia HD is based on the Japanese only re-release among other HD revamp examples I could use.

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Yup, I suggested this multiple times ages ago so naturally I'm a candidate. It should have happened like, last year, shortly after Awakening, because people who played FE13 might've picked up a Wii U to check out HD remakes of some of the older, really-hard-to-find-for-cheap FE games they never played, and it'd add to the list of RPGs the Wii U has (even if they were just ports). Sadly that timeframe is over but they could certainly still do it and have it be somewhat successful (if only to bide us until SMTxFE). It'd have to come out like, real soon though, and I don't see that happening unless they like, outsourced the HD port or something... >_>;

Edited by Trails in the Blaze
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it's a neat idea i guess but i already own both games and a wii u help me decide what to vote

EDIT: i'm going to vote 'maybe'. i think it would be a great thing if they were updated rereleases with niceties from future games tossed in (enemy phase skip, animation skip for fe9, a hard more for fe10 that isn't total ass, etc).

Edited by Integrity
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Well, at least the US got the expanded script. Japan got shafted with the lack of said script, widescreen, and battle save functions as well.

What? Really? I recall finding some Japanese RD script that wasn't in the US version awhile back. It was a conversation between Ike and some of his mercenaries about cleaning their fort and Ike was like "it won't kill us if we don't clean." I found it kinda funny. lol

And I also got shown a conversation between Ike and Elincia that wasn't in the US version.

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it's a neat idea i guess but i already own both games and a wii u help me decide what to vote

EDIT: i'm going to vote 'maybe'. i think it would be a great thing if they were updated rereleases with niceties from future games tossed in (enemy phase skip, animation skip for fe9, a hard more for fe10 that isn't total ass, etc).

Basically this, barring the owning of a Wii U

And as far as extras go, I'd like to see some trial maps in RD, more in PoR, more trial characters, so on and so forth... and the skill management from RD be in PoR, instead of remove skill and poof, it's gone... not that I had a problem with it, it was just funny when I went from RD back to PoR.

And I guess some of the removed supports in PoR.

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I agree on the trial maps thing, I don't get why RD removed them. :(

I was only ever able to do one map in PoR, but yeah. It was still fun! Skills also need to be more available in PoR, that much is true. I liked how RD made it to where third tiers got their mastery skills automatically.

Just, get rid of god damn Shove. It was just fine as a menu option in PoR. It does NOT need to take up skill space. :/

Edited by Anacybele
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Yes please. This would be a great boon for the people who's consoles stopped working but own both games. I would love to relive the experience of playing my first and favorite FE game again legally without having to blow money on another Wii and gamecube controller just to do so.

Edited by Xandere
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Is the bundle with the WiiU system?

No, I mean a disc that has two games on it. A two games in one deal. An actual Wii U bundle would be neat too though. But it might not sell enough to meet the cost that it would take to make the bundles. And people that already own a Wii U don't need another console.

Edited by Anacybele
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This won't happen because 1. FE9 and 10 sold poorly, and 2. Fire Emblem is somewhat niche anyway(OMJ IZ DAT MARHT FROM SMASHS BROS). But I'd like to play it.

Yes please. This would be a great boon for the people who's consoles stopped working but own both games. I would love to relive the experience of playing my first and favorite FE game again legally without having to blow money on another Wii and gamecube controller just to do so.

So long as you own the game you can emulate it legally.
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This won't happen because 1. FE9 and 10 sold poorly, and 2. Fire Emblem is somewhat niche anyway(OMJ IZ DAT MARHT FROM SMASHS BROS). But I'd like to play it.

You don't know for sure that it won't happen. You're not Nintendo or IS.

And I would say that the Tellius games sold poorly only because of poor marketing and availability to begin with. PoR was also released at a rather odd time in the Gamecube's lifespan. And IS sure wants to advertise Ike lately, what with him still being in Smash, getting so many references in Awakening, etc.

And I haven't even mentioned that both Tellius games got pretty good reviews and are well-loved by the FE fandom in general (at least outside of Japan).

I wouldn't be surprised if fans start screaming for Tellius rereleases after Smash Wii U/3DS comes out.

Edited by Anacybele
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This won't happen because 1. FE9 and 10 sold poorly, and 2. Fire Emblem is somewhat niche anyway(OMJ IZ DAT MARHT FROM SMASHS BROS). But I'd like to play it.

So long as you own the game you can emulate it legally.

Are you sure? I've heard mixed things about emulating and legality even if you do own the game.

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While I think the idea is cool to give the Tellius games a second chance, I think FE deserves to be most known not only due to Marth, Ike and Awakening but also due to its different titles. Imo, their next step should be giving another chance to games like Gaiden, Genealogy and Thracia.

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While I think the idea is cool to give the Tellius games a second chance, I think FE deserves to be most known not only due to Marth, Ike and Awakening but also due to its different titles. Imo, their next step should be giving another chance to games like Gaiden, Genealogy and Thracia.

I don't care about new Tellius, considering I own both already and they sold worse than anything I've ever seen, so this is the only part of the topic that amazes me.

I'd shut up and given Nintendo my money if this happened. I want to play them SOOOO much, but my computer can barely run SNES games. GBA is about the best it can do without quality drops. Not even N64.

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For those that love Tellius... The thing is, Radiant Dawn already has widescreen mode.

Just use Dolphin and upscale the models.

Fire Emblem Tellius competes with other places in the fandom, not to mention having one of the most horrendous sales records in the history of the series.

I know there are people that love the two games to death, but the reason is not "enough", in my humble opinion, compared to say... the Final Fantasy X HD Remake.

If an HD remake were to be made, this would involve marketing to the worldwide audience. And Japan isn't particularly fond enough of Tellius to warrant an attempt at an HD remake.

Remember, a majority of their market starts IN Japan.

Use that time waiting for an HD remake of the two games to wait for a better computer to run Dolphin.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Again with the sales. >_>

I think a lot of people here would tell you that the games' initial sales don't do them justice. Like I said, despite the horrible sales, they still got good reviews. And if the Japanese' reactions to Ike being in Smash Wii U/3DS is an indicator, half the country didn't even know RD existed (maybe PoR too). Some of them didn't recognize Ike at all.

I bet you the games would have had better sales if they'd been marketed like Awakening was. Maybe they wouldn't have equaled or surpassed Awakening's sales, but they'd have sold better than they did. Hell, you also can't deny that with all the fans Awakening brought in, more people are going to buy future FE games now.

And just because Japan doesn't like Ike doesn't mean this can't happen. Nintendo has been known to cater more to the west before (Little Mac in Smash, anyone?).

Edited by Anacybele
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While I'd rather have a new FE game, I'd be happy with an HD remake of PoR/RD, especially since the effort to make one would be considerably less than a brand new game on Wii U.

This is something that I don't like people assuming.

HD remakes, sometimes, because of models that look like PoR in older systems... WILL require "from scratch" models.

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