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IRL SF meetups are the most awkward...

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Be glad I'm so far away from you all.

It'd either be me calling everyone a cunt or me going into detail about my recent adventures which ended in my stoned, drunk father passing out in the kitchen covered in cheetos, my cat pissing on his friend and me with no pants on the computer photo-shopping pictures of nipples onto pictures of butts.

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Be glad I'm so far away from you all.

It'd either be me calling everyone a cunt or me going into detail about my recent adventures which ended in my stoned, drunk father passing out in the kitchen covered in cheetos, my cat pissing on his friend and me with no pants on the computer photo-shopping pictures of nipples onto pictures of butts.

sounds like melbourne

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I could never do this because I don't like people.


I don't think I could ever do it because I separate my online and real life identities quite strongly. Any time they've ever intersected in the past has been some of the most awkward.

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I don't think I could ever do it because I separate my online and real life identities quite strongly. Any time they've ever intersected in the past has been some of the most awkward.

hahaha dork

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There are some SF people I'd really like to meet even tho I keep my online and offline lives as separate as possible. Cause I'm not a one-track dork

ITT dork becomes my trigger word 。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。

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The place that I work literally provides the entire live music scene of Canberra.

We were just shut down for six months.

So, no.

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