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I knew she was going to be in, I was just hoping she was a weapon change instead, especially as my Midna's already lvl 99

The only other weapons I can think of from TP is the spinner (amiibo), the dominion rod and puppet Zelda. Maybe one of those boars at a push.

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Granted, you are right, but this is still funny because of this guy.

"Purlo was made to resemble Tingle, as his green clothes, his blue clock, and parts of his personality suggest."

Yeah, but he's still not the actual Tingle. And Purlo isn't as annoying and stupid, imo.

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He's just Tingle in a more realistic setting ~o3o~

And Tingle is amazing, I'd love to see him in as DLC as long as I still get Skull Kid of course

Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!

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Is it the one were the cuccos are batting each other for territory? The one where you have to reunite the mother and child cuccos? Or just a random Golden one that gets stronger over time?

it's actually just a random cucco that follows you everywhere you go. but if you hit it too many times, then it summons 3 different waves of cuccos on you, with the last one having a golden cucco that you can defeat.

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Right so if anyone has developed a strategy for the level to get Ghirahim's level 2 sword i would appreciate it if you told me. Because those fucking cuccos are gonna be the death of me.

Just ignore the stupid cucco as best you can. ._.; Actually no, don't ignore it; KEEP AN EYE ON WHERE IT'S STANDING AND AVOID IT.

Get the fairy then use it on the South Keep. Other than that...

Edited by Tsamimi
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One strategy my brother has been using when he's playing without me and has to deal with those damn chickens is to have Player 1 just stand there harmlessly (since the cuccoo only locks on to them) for the rest of the fight and just complete it with Player 2. Annoying to be sure, but has worked every time I've seen him do it. Either that or just be very careful where you're aiming attacks and try to keep the cuccoo within eye sight so you don't do an AoE attack at the wrong time.

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I don't know. I never bothered to go out of my way to avoid triggering the Golden Chicken and I managed to get all the weapons just fine. I had my fair share of problems to be sure but none of them were related to Cuccos. As far as I am concerned, as long as you keep roll-canceling your attacks and keep moving, those chicken aren't too dangerous. They can actually be quite handy since they help building up the KO count. And the reinforcements stop once the golden one gets killed. Thankfully Cuccos can't block, so killing them isn't that hard.

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From Nintendo's Facebook page:

The second DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors will be available on 11/27! In this pack, you’ll get Twili Midna as a playable character, a new weapon for Zelda, a Twilight Princess themed Adventure Mode map, and two additional costumes including the Postman costume for Link!

I wonder if Zelda gets the phantom as a weapon. That'd be really cool imo.

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From Nintendo's Facebook page:

The second DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors will be available on 11/27! In this pack, you’ll get Twili Midna as a playable character, a new weapon for Zelda, a Twilight Princess themed Adventure Mode map, and two additional costumes including the Postman costume for Link!

I wonder if Zelda gets the phantom as a weapon. That'd be really cool imo.

[spoiler=Zelda's new weapon is]

The Dominion rod




Also the new costumes for those interested



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I would guess the 27th with the rest of it.

I hear there's also meant to be new medals, mixtures and a higher level cap which should make the kill 1,000 in 10 minutes with Agitha a lot easier. or A-ranking it as I was 10 seconds off with Cia earlier.

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Um, that character in the picture clearly has Zelda's face...

But it's a costume for Link.

EDIT: @Below Post: o.O

First time I've seen an article say it's for Zelda. I've seen several that have told me it's for Link.

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