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FE7 Chaos Mode [FE7CM] V1.34


Favorite characters?  

187 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are your favorite characters in the first third of the game? (Stats or class, growths, any reason.)

  2. 2. Who are your favorite characters in the second third of the game? (Stats or class, growths, any reason.)

  3. 3. Who are your favorite characters in the last third of the game? (Stats or class, growths, any reason.)

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There are actually major physiological differences between the wyvern rider and wyvern knight map sprites in FE8, including the fact the front legs disappear and the tail changes shape.

(Though... I'm not following your point comparing the pegasus to the wyvern either, the wyvern knight isn't called the pegasus.... knight when it promotes from a peg. knight either?)

I think IS just has no idea how to properly name classes.

Edited by Klokinator
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I think wyvern knight is better for t3. And have his weapons deals increased damage to all ground units regardless of their advantage. He still keep the common wyvern weakness. Just me being bullshit.

Edit: I say because the animation is far nicer on knight. Then it turns to wonky unchanged reedit of the first one? Yeah not likeable.

Edited by Fateborn
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Right, okay, you feel like making axe/sword/bow animations for the wyvern knight or do you think I should just make the third tier have only one weapon type?

I did say increased vs ground units. So one lance thwomping all mice scrambling the ground. Sniper and mages would be able to handle the class.


Split promotion via different seals. master for weapons or knight for thwompness. :v

Yes I am a madman

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Eclipse voted for Kent. And Pent.

...what's up with the -ent's?


Actually, I kind RNG'd the second part, but I still have a giant soft spot for Pent, so even if he's the biggest scrub on this side of Elibe, I'll try to make him useful. Kent's in there as a reminder to make him godly! Hell, if I can do it with the likes of Wil in regular FE7. . . :P:

That being said, would it be possible to put a change log in the opening post, or is that too much information?

EDIT: Meanwhile, I'm going to be the bastard editor from hell.

Chapter 11: Matthew should bring Hector's trusty bow, not axe!

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I don't know what you want out of a changelog, and that'd be a lot of work for very little reward. I state the current release is always the one people should be using, especially given the number of broken things in V1.0, like Leila glitches and whatnot.

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did not know this was meant for sarcastic comments

that said, looking forward to this (working on the female variant right now) and my only concern would be, where the dafuq we gonna get the cash for all these promotion items? (also farina really does need to come with an awesome item for 20k or lower her price to like 10k/5k, just a thought)

Also about kent, I still say lances are very lackluster early game until you get that sweet ass axereaver, that's the lance game changer, and as I was messing around with vanilla Fe7 I realized peg knights kind of suck compared to wyverns as fliers and what you use them for. Hence is why the player is not given one until heath's chapter which by then you would have most likely trained florina or her sister fiora. In chaos mode, kent is kind of a crappy unit compared to your trained units that late in early game especially when legault is a few chapters away.

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Currently on Chapter 14, and here's my thoughts:

- I don't need to level Hector that much, because he's a monster without it

- Matthew gained Strength, so he's going to be on the team for a while

- Gave Eliwood the early Secret Book, to keep his hit rates up

- Marcus sees a LOT of use

- Rebecca's a total glass cannon, and if her flavor's any indication, Lyn's going to be worse

- Lowen for MVP. He flies and tanks and hits decently hard and I heart that~! He made Chapter 13 and 13x a LOT easier than vanilla (got all the items no sweat).

- Since Matthew is kicking comparative ass, I'll see if there's a way to fit Dorcas in there

- Serra dies in two hits, which is probably a good thing, given her insane offense

- Bartre's. . .doing decently well, all things considering! He's on Vulnerary replenishment duty until further notice.

- Guy is amazing. He basically saved my sorry ass in 13x, thanks to his amazing tankstats.

- Oswin exists to Steel Sword units that would otherwise wreck my strategy

- Chapter 13 boss died to Steel Bow and Fire. Eliwood needs to replenish his Magic!

Due to the way units are distributed, it feels more fun than difficult! 14 will be interesting, but I think I can nab everything before the rains set it.

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So, with only Cardinals being able to use Aureola, will Dart go from "the scrub that no one uses" to "everyone use this guy or else you miss out on a legendary weapon"? Or will someone be switched around to give you another option? (Heath, maybe?)

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kent is kind of a crappy unit compared to your trained units that late in early game especially when legault is a few chapters away.

I am considering giving Kent his own Prf lance to make him more interesting and useable.

- Rebecca's a total glass cannon, and if her flavor's any indication, Lyn's going to be worse

Wut? Rebecca has really high DEF/HP growths. Stick it out a few levels and she'll be godlike. She has shitty RES though. Lyn is definitely more glass than her though.

So, with only Cardinals being able to use Aureola, will Dart go from "the scrub that no one uses" to "everyone use this guy or else you miss out on a legendary weapon"? Or will someone be switched around to give you another option? (Heath, maybe?)

There will be Male/FEmale High Magus and Male/Female Cardinals. Dart and Heath will both be able to become Cardinals. I could honestly make Heath a male cleric but... I kinda wanna be able to show off that female animation. I could swap his class with Isadora's, but then we'd have three male Mages and that's a NOTHX.

Edit: Oh wait! There's also Vaida! Yeah, I might make Heath male in the next patch, we'll see.

Next dumb question: I assume getting Geitz's chapter means leveling the lords, not the people reclassed to lord? I'm aiming for that chapter!

It's by character, not class. Level Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn to 20, and do NOT promote them. It goes by displayed level, so level 1 promoted is the same as level 1 unpromoted.

Edited by Klokinator
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Okay, don't promote the trio until later, gotcha. I'll see if I can get to that chapter!

Heath has his old class in Chapter 15. :P:

EDIT: Rebecca's also level 4, and she dies in three hits max (currently on Chapter 15). This might be why I think she's so fragile. Not-fragile is Guy, who is still awesome.

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If you want that level check to account for promoted status, paste this hex to some region of free space (the offset must be 4- aligned/ a multiple of 4 however):

30 B5 00 25 01 24 20 1C 18 4A FF 21 01 40 89 00 89 18 08 68 02 1C 00 2A 1C D0 13 68 00 2B 19 D0 D0 68 04 21 08 40 00 28 14 D1 19 79 48 1E 00 06 00 0E 01 28 01 D9 2D 29 0C D1 53 68 9B 6A 80 20 40 00 18 40 00 28 00 D0 14 35 08 20 10 56 28 18 00 04 05 0C 01 34 3F 2C D5 DD 31 2D 01 D8 00 20 00 E0 01 20 30 BC 02 BC 08 47 00 00 B0 2E B9 08

Then in chapter 23 and 23x's ending events, replace IFAF 0x7 0x7D369 with IFAF 0x7 (offset you pasted code to)+1. This routine will add 20 the lord's calculated levels if they're promoted.

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I don't know what you want out of a changelog, and that'd be a lot of work for very little reward. I state the current release is always the one people should be using, especially given the number of broken things in V1.0, like Leila glitches and whatnot.

The purpose of a changelog is to record that you, as the develop, have addressed bugs, glitches, issues, and additions to the game. It's also something you can reference to check "did I fix that one thing already?" Memory is not infallible. You can also review the changes you've made previously and consider if they need more tweaking.

As someone who keeps and includes a changlog with releases I can tell you they are rather helpful. And it's really not that much work.

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I'm not implementing it for FE7CM because that's a lot of work but I'll try and do so for FE8CM. I also don't like the idea of changelogs because they spoil parts of the game if you read them. I'll probably make one for my own use though, in any case.

Additionally, I did post what I updated in past changelogs, so it's not like I have no record at all.

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Just finished Chapter 20. Thoughts time~!

- I had a harder time with Chapter 19x than 20, probably because of the amount of Axereaver spam. If something's in "melee" range, I can probably kill it.

- My solution to Poison weapons on Chapter 20 were to either force a switch (Cameron), rush down with Rapier/Mani Katti (knights in the corner), or ORKO with Lowen (Cavalier spawners).

- Apparently, the only thing Kent needs is to be somewhat Strength-blessed to be a terror (and the Robe, but I keep forgetting to give it to him). Mine's currently +3, is level 14ish, and can hold his own just fine. Oh, and spam Slim Lances, they are godly. I'll amend my choices once I'm closer to the final third of the game.

- I'm having problems putting everyone I want to use in my team! It's all Hector Hard Mode's fault!

- Something like four levels (and chapters) away from Geitz. Did you still want that save file?

Overall, this amuses me greatly. I need to constantly check ranges, to make sure that I don't accidentally send someone off to their doom. However, because of the different ranges, certain chapters were. . .easier (Chapter 18 I'm looking at you).

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