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All two of them...

Apotheosis has every enemy with Dragonskin, which means Lethality doesn't help there...

Lethality doesn't have a great activation rate on its own, but you forget that Rightful King exists.

Which only three characters at most can get. And even then, there's the part where Rightful King just doesn't hold a candle to Aether, to say nothing of the fact that Lethality will have a low activation rate no matter what you do.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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So? It still gives a better activation rate for Lethality for them.

Yeah, because a 10% extra chance of activating a useless skill is totally worth a skill slot :rolleyes:

Anyways, Rightful King suffers from diminishing returns - ergo, it has the best relative effect when skill activation rates are low. It doesn't help that outside of Chrom, anyone who has access to it has a wide enough pool of skills that outdo it.

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In no particular order

1. Armsthirft- I can spam legendary weapons and forges and not have to go through the trouble of getting them again.

2. Movement +1/Deliverer- extra movement is always nice

3. Galeforce- an extra turn is nice.

4. Acrobat- no movement hindrance is convenient especially for maps with a lot mountain and forest/tree tiles

5. Discipline- saves time on weapon level grinding

6. Luna/Aether/Ignis- nice damage output

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Apotheosis has every enemy with Dragonskin, which means Lethality doesn't help there...

Yea, most of my skills are based around what would work on Apotheosis.

Also note this: Up to my knowlege the highest possible skill stat is 60. This is with limit breaker on an assasin. With Rightful King, Lethality's Activation goes up to 25%. However, not many units can pull this off. The unit has to be second generation and it has to be a male or Lucina. Also Miracle and Counter.

I...never mentioned anything about my love for him in that post. But anyway.

Sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I've seen your work before. Not to mention the fact that he's your profile picture and your banner.

Also suprised no one has mentioned Counter yet. Although I do know why...

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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Yea, most of my skills are based around what would work on Apotheosis.

Also note this: Up to my knowlege the highest possible skill stat is 60. This is with limit breaker on an assasin. With Rightful King, Lethality's Activation goes up to 25%. However, not many units can pull this off. The unit has to be second generation and it has to be a male or Lucina. Also Miracle and Counter.

Sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I've seen your work before. Not to mention the fact that he's your profile picture and your banner.

Also suprised no one has mentioned Counter yet. Although I do know why...

Well, first off Assassins are base 48 so an LB Assassin would only have 58 Skl. That said,

Chrom!Inigo!Morgan (+Skl/-Def)@Assassin (LB/Lethality/RK/All+2/Skl+2) x a Sniper

48(base) +7(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +8(pairup) +2(All+2) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) +4(Barracks) +5(Mystletainn) =98 Skl =24% Lethality, +RK =34%. Over two swings, the chance rises to 56.44%. Swap Mystletainn for a Brave and get -5 Skl (23%/33%) and four hits, and you have 79.848879% Lethality.

Now, is that reliable? It's a lot better than ~30%, but it's still less than the infamous Stone Edge. More than 1 out of 5 battles will end in failure. And consider that you could easily have a Luna that's over that activation rate on a single hit without RK...

The bigger problem, though, is that in order to not be instantly annihilated by four swings from something that's LB capped, rallied and with a (quite likely 100% DS and also LB capped) support, Dragonskin is required. Even the Nightmare Sniper with 70 Def and Pavise+ might not be able to pull the job. Even if Lethality does activate, it won't matter because the target will already be a little puddle of nothing, have Dragonskin, or both. With that Skl you're also looking at 49 base crit, so they might also meet their end that way.

Oh, and Counter was mentioned here:

I'd probably pick in ascending order w/o DLC skills: counter, vengeance, lifetaker, aether, galeforce.

By the way, I don't mean to give the impression that I dislike Lethality, it's actually a really good skill and the only thing that kept me afloat in my no DLC Lunatic playthrough where I beat all the Risen. Having an OHKO move, even an unreliable one, is a pretty great thing when your strongest unit does less than 10 damage to the enemy GKs. It's just not good for any situation involving Apo, grinding or a desire to avoid hundreds of resets.

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Well, first off Assassins are base 48 so an LB Assassin would only have 58 Skl.

Odd. My Noire had a skill stat of 60 as an Assassin. Maybe it's because of her parents?

I don't dislike Lethality either. It's just not reliable as you said. That and I don't really play with rally skills.

By the way, nice job with the math.

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Also suprised no one has mentioned Counter yet. Although I do know why...

Yeah, its because it sucks. Pretty pointless unless you are going for Streetpass trolling shenanigans. Lethality is kinda bleh too.

Im pretty into the following:

Dual Support + (fuck yes)



Breakers (in general. Bow Breaker is pretty nice for fliers)




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Odd. My Noire had a skill stat of 60 as an Assassin. Maybe it's because of her parents?

Yes, a Noire fathered by Fred, Virion, Gaius, Gregor, Henry or an Avatar with a Str/Spd asset and not a Skl/Str/Spd flaw will have 50/60 listed (because your listed Skl combined class cap, mods and LB). See here for more detail: http://serenesforest.net/fe13/char_max.html

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It doesn't help that outside of Chrom, anyone who has access to it has a wide enough pool of skills that outdo it.

If we are including DLC, even Chrom has no room for it.

Hit +20





Without DLC?





Hit +20

Nvm, he isn't using it at all. Due to its ease of acquisition it has some clutch use during the campaign though.

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I just get the skills that I think that are over powered *CoughMorganwithRightfulKingIgnisandLeathality*.I'm kinda new to the skill thing,and,like Pokemon,I don't try for good teams(thus,the reason behind my Ricken!Inigo with Inigo a swordmaster).I just try to be over powered.And stop getting freaking game overs by getting better skills.

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Nvm, he isn't using it at all. Due to its ease of acquisition it has some clutch use during the campaign though.

Well, it was pretty useful during my Base Chrom N.Apo solo... And in my current layout for a two-unit access of S.Apo, it raises the success rate from ~1.5% to ~4.5%, though it prevents me from bringing Res+10 for the Griffons.

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Listing the obvious: Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Galeforce, in no particular order.

Deliverer is pretty nice. Boots + Flier + possible Galeforce? Throw in Pass as well and you're going places.

For non-combat: strangely enough, Acrobat. My one Paladin Avatar will not be slowed by Desert or Forest terrain.

For combat: Sol. Some units never get Relief or Renewal and this is a good enough substitute.

I would have liked to say the Rallies but I would rather have them all deployed than just a single one.

Special shout out to Veteran/Aptitude to a certain point (until hitting the end of needing levels) and Pass for all the times I just went through a crowd of enemy units to get to the Commander in a Defeat Commander mission.

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In terms of visuals, I'd have to say that

1. Lethality

2. Ignis

3. Vengeance

4. Astra

In terms of actual usefulness, I'd say that

1. Love it or Hate it, it's Galeforce!

2. Armsthrift

3. Luna/Sol (tied 'cause I never have one without the other if I can)

4. Locktouch

Exclusive skills would have to be:

1. Aptitude (jesus christ donnel)

2. Ignis

3. Aether

4. Veteran

Edited by OTheFool
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  • 1 month later...

I've always been annoyed about why people love Sol so much. IMO, that is a waste of a skill slot. Staves are for healing. Nitpicking aside, this is my top 5:

1. Galeforce (apparently overrated, but still very convenient.)

2. Armsthrift (because I don't want to go to Infinite Regalia every time my rare weapons break)

3. Limit Breaker (it's practically all stats + 10)

4. Paragon and Veteran (saved me sooooo much time grinding)

5. Luna/Ignis (higher activation rates than Astra, and they help deal loads of damage)

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