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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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well UNLESS the flavour for Manix's role if it were Cult Leader were to make people straight but I can't really see that happening

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actually Psych may not be as clear as I thought if he's unsure of his shit with the cultproof

or did that get resolved during the shit with Mitsuki?

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I doubt Eury's CL if she's anti town; I don't remember Manix ever being CL on SF and for the most part flavour's being taken from past SF games

(as an aside I really hope that I'm actually flavour in this game)

town miller obvs

unless it's me

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I could see that actually if I were flavour

it's possible that the Manix flavour is part of a mafia fake (iirc, Paper and Via were fakes in NSFMM4 so it's not impossible) so I guess there's that but idk I may be thinking about it too much

once Mitsuki gets lynched/vigged (cuz we apparently have one, THANKS OBAMA) maybe then I can figure some more meaningful shit out

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Mitsuki basically claimed scum and we're probably lynching her

unless the vig shoots her then idk I just subbed in a bit ago too

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Also I just realized now that "trying to hide power roles" is probably pointless because Mitsuki presumably also got the same information as I did and gave it to her team already. So unless we are still seriously concerned about a cult (which is still a resonable option I guess), if nobody has objections I'll out that soon. Elieson visiting Psych makes absolutely no sense in that case unless he was told "there are no roles that are explicitly cultproof" or something and Psych just misinterpreted, I dunno.

I can not be recruited by cult, I know that

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did my internet just

post an empty quote I'M LAUGHING


awww I wanted to play with Boron again

also when they see this

hi Via~


probably not posting much Real Content until I come back from my morning class tomorrow. will vote Mitsuki when we're done with the day though, I think wasting a vig shot on already-confirmed scum is pointless

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probably not posting much Real Content until I come back from my morning class tomorrow. will vote Mitsuki when we're done with the day though, I think wasting a vig shot on already-confirmed scum is pointless

Hey, something I can respond to~!

Shooting someone who's confirmed scum means that the rest of the game can scumhunt, as opposed to sitting on votes and doing nothing. Especially since it's early in the phase.

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yeah that makes more sense i guess. I forget this isn't epicmafia lol

if mitsuki's gonna be dayvigged today my vote's probably gonna stay on SB

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oh also @eclipse there is a roleblocker that can block for two nights in a row with one action

I was roleblocked and can't act n1 and n2 :I

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Wha. . .ow, that sucks.

I have no idea what is going on in terms of FUN THINGS like reads and all that. I need to find my motivation and actually reread 33 pages. UGH.

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you and me both Clipsey


I wonder if the Via blocking was, like, a temporary vanillizer or some shit

if it's for two nights then I could see it

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Whoa, what the hell hit the fan this game? o.O

Can anyone give me a tl;dr of the situation? I skimmed and noted Mitsuki basically claiming scum, along with other random flavor/role claims/issues, but I'm finding this a bit hard to follow? (And mind's a bit scattered atm, [lots of IRL stress/situations] so apologies about that.)

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-I was redirected from Elieson to Blitz (so Blitz probably targeted Elieson) and from Psych to myself. Also I targeted every player in the game who's not me.

-SB was redirected from myself to Psych. He also has a vig shot (probably given to him from Blitz, who won as Santa in the nightly EpicMafia game) and a hunter shot (he shoots someone when he gets lynched; this only lasts until Night 2 IIRC).

-Bizz was roleblocked for N1 and N2.

-BBM was the one who made Bizz an insomniac.

-Mitsuki tracked bearclaw, who targeted me.

-Rein is a journalist (gets someone's flavorless results). Targeted Mitsuki last night, and she had visited bearclaw, Iris, and Blitz (also apparently he knows who visited who and who was visited by who for every player in the game idk). So Mitsuki is scum who's going to get vigged.

-Elieson lied about being a 0-shot Driver and drove me and Psych.

-Weapons and me visited BBM.

-Your role has something to do with Manix, so says FFM the friendly neighborhood Witch Hunter.

I was in the pregame but had to leave because it took too long to start and I had School Things to do

The people who were in it before I left were: Mitsuki, Blitz, SB, Refa, Elie, and Bear. I dunno who the seventh person is that joined, and I don't know if the player list actually changed before the game started (like, if any of the players left and were replace dby other people, etc.)

If two or more scum were in that game and one asked the other to gun them......... hm......................

Forgot to answer this. The 7th player was Kay (but she lost).

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