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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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I'd rather we just kill the phase. Why I find Refa scummy is that he's done a few noticeably scummy things and seems like he's doing things for towncred moreso than to scumhunt. Generally agree with kirsche and wish he subbed into a different slot cause SB is good too.

Would lynch Beli too, cause apparently he plays differently with info but is not delivering.

Convinced that Levity is town and if not, very well played.

Strongly leaning toward Psych being town.

Shinori is probably town, but would prefer a sub.

SB/kirsche is probtown.

Jalmont is fine.

Would lynch Iris, FFM, and the other people I forget are in the game. They're probably going to make us lose.

If I didn't remember you, do better.

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Fair enough, I guess. If anyone else who's voting eclipse doesn't want the phase to end early, they can unvote her.

##Vote: eclipse

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Eurykins- Less so bothered by her case on me (because she always tunnels me as whatever alignment lol), but more annoyed because she hasn't really done anything since Day 1 and this comes off as worse to me than FFM because FFM actually does this more often as town (granted Eurykins is busy but still).

Iris- I don't think Iris is actually mafia, but just her disappearing after D1 makes me feel like she got culted (I think she stood out too much on D1 to be CL).

kirsche/SB- Not too if this is because of bias due to me not liking their case on me (also I know I didn't reply to your last post kirsche, I'll do that when I'm less tired) but it kind of makes me feel worse about their slot overall.

Not too sure about bearclaw and FFM, everyone else I think is town though.

(I had Psych on my scumread earlier but his replies and later posts have been good and someone brought up a good point about him gambiting cultproof as scum super early on would be a big play so yeah dropping that)

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Iris- I don't think Iris is actually mafia, but just her disappearing after D1 makes me feel like she got culted (I think she stood out too much on D1 to be CL).

This. She stuck out to me a lot on Day 1, and then floats away into background.

Shinori: A lot of his actions seem really questionable to me, and he felt like he was one foot in one foot out of the elie lynch so that he could go either way. whoops so was i

also i don't think i can go two posts in his iso without seeing him mention bizz which just sticks out on me and questions why he's tunneling her so much. Admittedly a hooker has already flipped but...

Polydeuces: scorri felt scummy to me and his iso seems to just be recycling people's points without coming up with new info. low contributions and seems to fade into the background as well

bizz is cult leader calling it now

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@ psych if SOME FUCKING ASSHOLE doesn't roleblock me tonight i can prove i'm not cult so shut up god damn

i'm lazy @and tired and medicaated but i will at least list off who i think is scum

right now i still don't feel right about SB/Kirsche, especially because they like... keep tunneling refa and they're doing it in a weird way. and i still have qualms about sb from earlier.

i think eurykins is scum. everyone else has said it already

psych is idk i really don't know what he's doing

really think we should weed out the people talking less bc i have townreads on all of the most active players except sb/kirsche

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im going to bed and will be busy w/ class and Mountain Of Homework tomorrow so end the da y whenever you gusya re ready

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dont leave eclipse at L-1 because if she's really scum she can self-hammer and cut our day early and you guys apparently don't want that so

I didn't want it cause I expected people who signed up to play a mafia game to actually play a mafia game.

Everybody should in their next post state or quote their top three scum/cultreads (minus eclipse) with reasons in short form.

I said something like this 24 hours ago and only two people even bothered so I don't care at this point. Everyone who didn't share is mafia (that's a lot of mafia).

##Vote eclipse

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been busy with schoolwork but my reads are vaguely like this:

Bearclaw - I think this is one of the main reads kirsche and I need to talk over (pls fix your laptop kirsche), but I feel like he would've done more to try and read Eli if he was town and he hasn't really done anything here to show that? He's just kind of lurking away at this point and I don't like it.

FFM - I don't like FFM because he hasn't done anything but coast on his claim since day 2 started and I still don't see why his role is actually useful for town? His interactions with scum are also pretty weak imo, he defends Mitsuki and Elieson and only really cased Boron when she wasn't under threat of being a wagon?

Refa - This is kind of mixed now because I think he looks better from pressing eclipse all game but his other scum interactions look worse? I agree with what kirsche said on him but I'm kind of conscious that I've been too focused on this slot and would also prefer to look more heavily into the inactives atm.

Via - This is for cult and not scum and is entirely rolespec tier but the reason we're seeing no activity that suggests a cult could be because the CL got hooked forever? Wouldn't lynch over this but it's something to keep in mind.

FFM > Refa > bear I guess?

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eurykins, bearclaw, ffm

really i've already gone over these guys but i'll recap real fast

eurykins - bad last post, hasn't really been here but still wants to lynch refa because ??? seems to be throwing support for a refa lynch without actually offering anything (by lynch i mean is mafia etc etc etc)

bearclaw - no real content from him, no opinions on sara., goes from saying that both of them are "town" to asking someone how they know that they together are of the same alignment. it seems like he pops in every now and then but otherwise i think he's trying to fly under the radar

ffm - lame claim, no content, wishwashy decision making, overall confused play which makes me feel like he's cracking under the pressure of being scum

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Via - This is for cult and not scum and is entirely rolespec tier but the reason we're seeing no activity that suggests a cult could be because the CL got hooked forever? Wouldn't lynch over this but it's something to keep in mind.


bizz i know u love cult but why u gotta do this to me

especially when i can't be recruited :*(

that asterisk was a typo but imma leave it

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