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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Only one body this morning, a nice change of pace. You wake up to find Shinori has been slaughtered

Dear Shinori,

Obligatory wtf post

You are bearclaw, Town Escort.

I'm not saying you're the best hooker ever, because you're not. But you're the best hooker ever. With a 50% killblock rate in CYOR (yes this is a real stat), including a wolf hook that scared Elieson so much that he idled for the next three nights, who can argue with that? You allegedly played in other games, but the jury is still out on that one.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Shove my L-Block up USER's ass." You will show USER a good time, which will cause all actions he performs that night to fail. In addition, USER will be so scared that the feds are onto him that he will also perform no actions the following night, even if he has nothing to hide.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

It is now Day 6. Day 6 ends in 72 hours on Friday, September 12th at 4:30PM PDT (GMT-7).

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ugh i've lost motivation for this game how am i alive on day 6 i never make it this far

idk i think beli is scum but i also am thinking refa is just pulling a really good game as cult so if he tricks me then gg but idk he's still town for me right now i guess

##vote beli

we can talk about stuff but ugh i am just 0% about this game right now basically

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So the setup can't be 4/2/1 or 4/1/2 because either of those situations would be MYLO to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong). This means that the situation is 5/1/1 which means that cult must have gotten hooked or a recruitment failure somewhere. I haven't been hooked for the whole game and jalmont is going to clear me anyways so yeah.

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I was hooked and like I said it's not going to prevent anything since I only have a day action. I'm not comfortable with 2 votes on me and a cult that could potentially have 2 members coming in and hammering so would prefer if someone unvoted. I agree it's fairly likely that there is only one but we shouldn't assume that.

I also think it's worth noting that was the second time a previously inactive Bear came in near at end of a day phase and was a deciding vote in a citizen lynch (he was part of the marth turbo d1). I don't know what to make of it but he certainly hasn't been playing pro town. He faked inactivity in reclass and tyne wear as well to maybe give himself cover for future games but that's a really shitty way to play and I hope that's not true.

I'm kinda stuck with thinking SB/k is the last mafia member but I'm befuddled on the cult leader. Is it Bear? He was hooked and if we can assume there aren't 3 cultists, a timeline of him being hooked and there being only 2 cultists (total, with 1 currently remaining) make sense with Iris's cult flip. Is it Jalmont or Psych? Their role claims would make it easy for them to fake being town if CL. Is it Refa? His role makes sense as a secondary for the CL.

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Belisarius is definitely not mafia lol. Sorry about my lack of a presence, but I'm having trouble thinking straight ATM. Give me until tomorrow to hash out a better post. Also why hasn't jalmont cleared me yet...

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sorry i don't pay attention to this forum at all so i forget that this game is happening (and i'm quite ambivalent towards NOC anyways)

refa isn't cult

i too am not feeling too good about the sb/kirshe combo and i need to reread to see exactly how their claim stacks up

why is belisarius definitely not mafia (although like i said i'm more inclined to feel the hydra is mafia over beli)

i don't like psych's recent posts and seemingly lack of effort (i'm fucking trying here alright), i don't like anything bear's done in this game, i don't really like the hydra claim, and there's something about weapons bothering me

gone most of the day tomorrow but ill see how this develops and be back prolly sometime around now

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It's because he got hooked yesterday (so he couldn't have performed the kill, unless you think scum had two hitman kills).

Would like you to clarify your issues whenever you get back because honestly you're probably my strongest townread ATM (I played around with the idea of you being cult leader WIFOMing and you being mafia with such a role but tone wise your last few posts have read as pretty townie to me so yeah).

I'm inclined to believe that CL is between Belisarius and bearclaw just because of roleblocker spec, but that seems a bit too...easy (especially considering I thought neither of them were likely to be cult before). Also not sure that mafia!kirsche/SB would spend so much effort trying to make me obvious town considering they spent so much time scumreading me? I guess they could still be CL, IDK. Psych's claim still feels a little too ballsy to be CL and I don't think he'd be nearly as apathetic as ITP (and his claim so early on still makes me feel good about him). Probably should look into Weapons though.

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Fuck you're right.

##Unvote, ##Vote: SB/kirsche

PoE throws out bear, Beli, Refa, and psych. Between Jalmont and SB/kirsche, I think cult cop is more needed for balance than whatever the hell the hydra really is. I've barely been reading this game, but regardless, we seem to have an ml anyway. There goes my perfect EoD voting record.

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