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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Scum don't actually get mileage out of the driver if one of them is town, they have to use it like a townie and it's kind of terrible.

And you're making the same strongwilled assumption with Beli, so shrug. I don't like having to ignore the hook either but there's good reasons for everyone to be town at this point and strongwilled just seems like the most probable to me.

Maybe trying to find CL would be better? idk

I'm pretty sure Beli isn't mafia. I think he DID get roleblocked and is CL and that's why we're not in MYLO/LYLO (because he can't recruit).

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Also you brought up a good point about everyone else being townier, I suppose (if there wasn't a strongwilled scum, then either you or jalmont would be the last mafia and neither of you make sense as it).

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but sb/kirshe if you can only empower yourself once you aren''t much of a cop then are you? assuming you start with an inspect that's what two inspects? i mean with that argument we could easily say carpet monster was the real inspector

Either we're town, or the Godfather existed to screw with a nerfed 1-shot cop. That's kind of stupid.

The epicmafia (lol mafiascum) point I made on bear was how we could talk about this game in the pregame, but Mitsuki didn't try to get anything out of bear despite the fact she apparently came around to scumreading him during the night phase.

I'm pretty sure Beli isn't mafia. I think he DID get roleblocked and is CL and that's why we're not in MYLO/LYLO (because he can't recruit).

Oh. That would kind of make sense, actually.

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i just want to clarify im voting bear because i think hes cult leader. ive considered him clear as mafia for a couple of phases now (i think we all have but idk). finding the cult leader is our top priority at the moment because of the uncertainty of recruitment rates and because having a mafia kill tonight is beneficial in the way that tomorrow is a likely lylo regardless of whether or not a kill happens tonight but the kill would narrow suspects down and also a possible cult duo wouldnt be working against a lynch.

btw im hooked for this night phase so lynching me is a waste in the way that if I had any night actions (which I dont) I wouldnt be able to perform them. if you think i have a strongwilled trait thats fine but i can tell you i do not

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sb makes sense in some of his defense, but not so much sense that im willing to completely absolve him.

I can see weapons being the last mafia, but i think its overall unlikely. he could have bussed eclipse the day after she was the second largest wagon which would make sense to give him some towncred as she was a likely next day lynch anyway (and she said in topic that it was good timing). his role is pretty convenient in that its super specific but im more inclined to believe he is town at this point because that is a terrible fake claim as mafia, especially since we have refa around who can check targets. i think there was another reason we collectively dont think weapons is mafia but i cant remember it.

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Actually Beli brings up a good point about him being hooked the next night anyways. Just going to sheep the majority and lynch that Refa bastard (the only other person I can see being CL at this point is Psych).


##Vote: bearclaw

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If bearclaw isn't the last mafia, they should definitely try to NK Cult Leader. Go beyond being a town sided ITP (which is overrated anyways). Be a townsided mafia.

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Refa, are you scum? I feel like bringing back the tunnel.

I'm going to operate under the assumption Shinori was killed because RB would block a kill and that mechanic 1 applies.

##Vote: psych for now. He's crusin for a bruisin.

@kirsche, I'm not restricted to targeting BBM. That's why I asked in the beginning of the game who Prims was, cause if I target someone else, I don't get anything.

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i really am, and I have like no interest so you can totes sub me out bro

but you don't have to cause I mean i guess i can stick around we have like what one-two days left

also I still think the cat thing is max funky and 360-yolo

it is hard to keep this tone up for a whole post

wait who is my vote on

also i forget what bearclaw claimed but I feel like jalmont has also disappeared and while the hydra is starting to sound weird to me i just can't see a set up where a hydra isn't town like it just sounds weird to me so I'm more inclined to think the B buddies are scumcult so

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lol k then

would like a vote count before i vote bear willing to sheep beli and also for all the reasons i've said before

still don't really see a big difference between 2shot and 1shot cop. is empowerment even provable at this point (or any point)?

atm i'm between psych v bearclaw, thinking bearclaw right now for lynch

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"Fuck da police" said bearclaw as he cut his own throat.

Dear bearclaw,

/in with the caveat if I do roll mafia, expect me to suck (PLEASE DON'T ROLL ME AS MAFIA :<).

You are Refa, Town Scum Buddy.

You've been scum so much you don't even recall what a town looks like. Oh well. After your amazing play in MLP Mafia, in which SB threw you under a bus to coast to victory, the two of you have been inseparable.

You have arrived here with your drafting and mafia buddy, SB, who you know to be Elieson. You can talk to him at <link>.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Put USER on a bus. USER will be put on a bus driven by SB and driven by another players house. All actions targeting USER will target the other player and all actions targeting the other player will target USER instead.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.

Wait shit.

It is now Night 6. Night 6 ends whenever I have all actions and am awake.

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You find a little girl murdered in the streets.

Some people, jeez.

Weapons has been killed

Dear Weapons,

prims = #1 sf mafia stalker

btw the bird in your avatar is totes awesome

You are Iris, Town Fangirl.

You are a girl in love with teen pop sensation, Prims. Like all pop sensations, Prims is probably gay. But that will not deter your love. In fact, you find it kind of hot. Maybe you can get a threesome going with Justin Bieber!

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Stalking USER." If USER is Prims, you will learn everyone who targeted him that night. If not, this will do nothing, because who cares about people that aren't Prims? Certainly not you.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are eliminated.You are allied with the OC Mafia. You win if all threats are eliminated.

It looks like those guys from Conspiracy Mafia were right. Fuck little girls (mind, gutter, out).

It is now Day 7. Day 7 ends in 72 hours at 11:30PM PDT (GMT-7) on Monday, September 15th.

In addition, it is now Potential MYLO/LYLO.

With 5 players alive, it's 3 to lynch.

Edited by Paperblade
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(Making this post in advance for tomorrow)
Remember when we lynched/killed three scum in the span of two days and it looked like it was going to be a townsweep? Yeah, neither do I, especially after no efforting for the last two days and mislynching two former townreads. Fuck me. Anyways, in a last ditch effort to actually do something useful and not throw the game (apologies to town if I end up doing that anyways), I'm going to reread the entire 74 page game and give my final reads on all of the players. Also regarding night actions, I targeted everyone tonight so I can't target anyone the next night...not that it really matters, scum won't NK me anyways so who cares? If I got culted during the night phase, you will not be seeing this post and I wasted all of my time writing this for nothing fuck you cult if you do that.
So earlier Paperblade confirmed that the cat thing was a game mechanic, but then Belisarius said it did nothing? I'm confused there. Interactions with other scum (specifically, eclipse) make me think that he's definitely not mafia (also he got rolebocked too so that is a thing). Also while his play is townie, his claimed role bothers me. Like I know his claim doesn't technically contradict the no vanillas rule, but it's pretty much a vanilla claim in function and I dunno. It just seems off to me. Also the him getting blocked thing totally makes him most likely CL considering my spec earlier. Also don't see how he'd know if he got roleblocked if he only had day actions to begin with (seems like a contradiction).

His associative reads with scum are actually kind of awful. None of the other scum mention him early on sans a really bad vote on him by Mitsuki (wherein she calls him ITP instead of scum), which noone in their right mind would sheep so it doesn't actually make me feel better about him. Also the rhetoric in SB's reply to Mitsuki ("Hunting third parties right out the gate is really weird and it's setting off alarms for me.") bothers me. His switch from BBM to me on D1 just reads as unnatural (IDK how to explain it). Also I don't get this post; how does reading Shinori as town qualify as RPing as Vhaltz/Kaoz in any way? Later Elieson kind of cases him but he has SB right above Mitsuki who was also his scumbuddy so I don't know what to make of that. Also SB did a chainsaw defense on Mitsuki by attacking Marth's vote on her even though he himself said it bothered him. He also calls out Elieson on his bad cases and votes on him but never actually tries to analyze whether or not Elieson is scum. Also this makes his later Elieson vote (around the time when Elieson was about to be lynched D1 but before the extension) seem like a bus because he actually had a scumread on BBM but then votes Elieson over him because ???. Also he did another chainsaw defense with my Boron vote. Also Elie's responses to him are super shallow for someone that Elie was supposedly scumreading. Also SB asking Mitsuki to fullclaim and the unvote after reads as unnatural to me. Also don't like how after reading ISO's and stuff, he still thought bearclaw was scum even though Mitsuki tracked him (granted, I did the same thing but I also didn't read the thread)? This is definitely something I feel like Town!SB would pick up, and I feel like the only reason he didn't vote jalmont was because he'd get PoE'd as scum the next day. Him gunning Mitsuki was townie I guess blah (moreso him outting that he had a gun when he had no reason to before than him actually shooting her). I dunno, in retrospect it feels like Prims in Conspiracy and I don't like how he's bringing it up so much. Also him pushing me over Elieson on D2 makes sense if he was scum (especially considering he was OK with voting Elieson over me at the end of D1 so lol). Also I don't get why Elieson didn't push SB over Shinori on D2 considering he was scumreading SB for the majority of D1. Bad associations there. Also on D3 kirsche said bearclaw was town but then was cool with him getting voted yesterday so lol. Also SB had FFM above me on his scumreads for D3 so him checking me over FFM doesn't make any sense FHPOV. I think he's probably the only one here who'd actually catch Poly's doc crumb too, so that's a thing. Also on D4 SB was all about flavorclaims clearing people but then he voted bearclaw anyways even though bearclaw was obviously Refa?

This is just a gut read, but I don't see mafia saying that they'd prefer to be scum over town (or CL, really; however jalmont's claim seems like it's obviously not CL so yeah). Also he was one of the first people to vote for Mitsuki, so townie points for that. Additionally Rein confirmed that he targeted Blitz and I don't see why he'd do that as mafiascum if they were planning on killing him off anyways. Also pretty sure he wouldn't vote Iris as mafia on D2 right after they roleblocked her lol.

He's confirmed not scum by SB and actually I'm going to go with my gut reaction to his roleclaim (which would have served me well had I not been ignoring it). Considering the various limitations of cult, there's no way it benefits him to claim cultproof early on (if he was CL), since it didn't make him look townier and made everyone else aware that there was in fact a cult (which I'd assume cult would want to hide). Also just the way he claimed it seemed like he didn't really think things through which is more likely to come from town.

Just the way Weapons handled his role makes me inclined to believe he's not CL. He asked Prims to claim early on, and additionally his role would be pretty shitty for cult (being able to watch one person woot).

Also Beli is confirmed not CL BTW so toss out that thought. I'm confirmed not cult because Weapons got culted yesterday. 2/3 of SB, Psych, and jalmont are scum. We just need to lynch one today and one tommorow.

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If pressed, I'd say that jalmont is more likely to be scum than Psych but I don't know. Bah. Would definitely prefer to lynch SB/kirsche over both of them.

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Actually it might be better to lynch cult, I dunno. Don't want to make any rash decisions and regret them so for now.


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We need to hit CL today or we lose because they can recruit tonight, right?

I'm... pretty sure it's Jalmont or Beli at this point. So cult has been able to recruit a total of twice this game? And we have a fulltime cult checker for that? Nope. Jalmont is probably some kind of scum, and he could just bs whatever report he wanted to even if someone he cleared did flip cult. Beli also fits because of the hook timing, but I'm not super sure there.

Will reply to Refa in a minute.

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It would have to be beli. The cat stuff doesn't make sense. Town not having a cult inspect doesn't make sense. I'm clear in my eyes.

##Vote Beli

i think i had a few other points but it's 4 am

am cool with sb lynch but would pref beli

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